INTRODUCTION Definition of JOY: ‘The prospect of possessing what one wants.’ In Hebrews 12 Jesus’ life is described as a joy-inspired race. His joy was us! We have also been called to a joy-inspired race.
HOW TO BECOME JOY-FILLED Having a relationship with God. (Psalm 16:11) Being filled with God’s HOPE. (Romans 15:13) Staying FOCUSED on our purpose. Thinking on what God has already done for us.
JOY fueled to go… THIS JOY-INSPIRED RACE DESCRIBED IN PSALM 84 The Psalmist has the right motivation. (Verse 2) The Psalmist then has a major setback, but overcomes because of focus and joy. (Verses 6-7) The Psalmist reaches his goal.
JOY fueled to go… CONCLUSION Let’s determine to make our lives count, no matter the setbacks we may encounter in the process. In Christ, we are more than conquerors. ‘No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.’ ̶ Romans 8:37 (NIV)