1 Strategic Plan Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Communications 20 August 2003
2 Vision “ Our vision in the Department of Communications is to improve the quality of life of all our people, make South Africa’s future generations a knowledge based society and help create an information economy. This will be achieved by establishing a networked information community to empower the way people work, live and play, and to make South Africa globally competitive”
3 Mission “ is to strive towards universal service to enable ordinary people to have access not only to traditional media but also the convenience of information technology”
4 Core Values Value South African citizens Value Democracy Put South African citizens first in terms of “ Batho Pele” Principles: Consultation Service Standards Access Courtesy Information Openness and transparency Redress Value for money
5 Mandate of DoC The DoC’s main objective is to develop, formulate and implement policies for the Telecommunications, Postal and Broadcasting Services sectors The Department also acts as a Shareholder and administers fiscal transfers to public entities (South African Post Office, SABC, Sentech, ICASA, Nemisa, USA)
6 Enabling Legislation Independent Broadcasting Act (No. 153 of 1976) to provide for the regulation of broadcasting activities in the public interest Broadcasting Act (No. 4 of 1999) to provide for classes for broadcasting activities in the public interest and for that purpose to provide a Charter for the SABC, establish Frequency Spectrum Directorate in DoC and to establish the South African Broadcasting Production Advisory Body
7 Enabling Legislation cont’ Telecommunications Act (No. 103 of 1996) to make new provision for the regulation of telecommunications activities other than broadcasting, and for the control of the radio frequency spectrum Establish SATRA To repeal the Radio Act of 1952 and the Radio Amendment Acts of 1957, 1962, 1963, 1969 and 1974
8 Enabling Legislation cont’ Telecommunications Act (No. 64 of 2001) to amend Act No. 103 and to make provisions for radio frequency access in the 1800 MHz frequency band to make provision for new kinds of licenses and the applications thereof to provide for public switched telecommunications services and public switched telecommunication networks to regulate mobile cellular telecommunications services and private telecommunication networks
9 Enabling Legislation cont’ Postal Services Act (No. 124 of 1998) to provide for the regulation of postal services for the operational functions of SAPO including its universal service obligations to provide for the operation of the Postbank to establish the Postal Regulator
10 Enabling Legislation cont’ Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (No 25 of 2002) to provide for the facilitation and regulation of electronic communications and transactions to provide for the development of a national e- strategy for the Republic to promote universal access to electronic communications and transactions and the use of electronic transactions by SMME’s
11 Other mandates DoC derives other mandates from Cabinet directives and National Priorities Public Finance Management Act (No. 1 of 1999)
12 Development of ICT in past Ten years 1992 –1995 Independent Media Commission Vodacom and MTN established Independent Broadcasting authority Act Post, Broadcasting Telecommunications integrated into one Department Community Radio licenses issued
13 Development of ICT in SA 1996 – 1998 Establishment of SATRA and USA Broadcasting White Paper Licensing of Greenfields Private Radio Licensing of Free to Air television Four years Community Radio licensed Former TBVC States Radio stations into the SABC Sentech Act and Privatisation of Capital Radio
14 Development of ICT in SA 1999 – 2001 Broadcasting Act Telecommunications Act revision IBA and SATRA merged Postal Regulator established Third Cellular licensed Establishment of the SA Production Advisory and SA Digital Broadcasting Bodies Reintroduction of the SAPO Subsidy
15 Development of ICT in SA 2002 – 2003 SNO and Under Serviced Area licenses Postbank Corporatisation Positioning SAPO to deliver social services Electronic Communications and Transactions Act Community Electronic Media Policy Broadcasting Amendment Act Convergence Process Corporatisation of the SABC
16 Strategy: CONVERGENCE
18 Convergence Convergence in the ICT industry means the migration from separate service sectors with separate infrastructure to a spectrum of services provided on a multi-service general-purpose network infrastructures
19 Why Convergence? Economic benefits Achievement of economies of scales to enable operators to reduce cost structure and lower consumer prices Greater choice, range and quality of service for consumers Broadband access to historically disadvantaged communities Achieve efficient and effective utilisation of existing infrastructure
20 Why Convergence? Social benefits Universal access to broadband and all its inherent information and communication benefits Improvement of government service delivery Greater opportunity for entrepreneurship and economic development Development of skills through the use of knowledge systems that will improve lives of learners
21 Why Convergence? Key growth drivers Growth of internet 14 million mobile subscribers 5 million fixed subscribers High data growth Demand for high speed internet Increasing broadcasting footprint
22 Why Convergence? Other drivers Globalisation Growth of diverse technology Digitisation Regulatory reform is imperative Addressing the development gap and addressing universal service Stimulate investment in the sector
23 Convergence Policy Programme Stakeholder briefing held by the Director-General Convergence Colloquium Presentation of Colloquium Report to the Minister Establishment of a Drafting Committee Draft Bill to Cabinet Convergence Bill to be tabled in Parliament
24 Issues to be Considered when developing convergence strategy Legal framework for providing and using ICT infrastructure that is stable and predictable Objectives for infrastructure policy that allows for fair competition Transitional mechanisms that are transparent Definition of a Role of the Regulator How to attract additional job creating investment
25 Issues con’t Resale of infrastructure capacity Spectrum management Government’s role in facilitating and building new infrastructure Universal Service Obligations
26 Infrastructure Provision of ICT infrastructure over any appropriate infrastructure should be permitted (including existing water, sewerage and electricity infrastructure) Strategy should ensure that infrastructure provision/licensing is technology neutral
27 Regulator Well resourced and independent Regulator The policy should separate the roles and jurisdiction of government, the regulator and other authorities with regard to licensing and regulatory functions
28 Universal Service Obligations Convergence strategy should review present approach to Universal Access and Service Universal Access and Service not just to basic telephony and broadcasting, but should also include access to advanced services such as broadband infrastructure
29 Black Economic Empowerment Strategy to Support SMMEs Development of an Industry led Charter Annual review of empowerment key indicators Skills developmen through SETAS Development of a Staregy for Incubation Clear BEE framework for Procurement
30 South African Languages and Content Promoting language, cultural and social issues Development of a networked content strategy for South Africa Digital migration Supporting the expansion of the broadcasting system for content services
31 Promoting Languages and Culture Regional Broadcasting to focus on all South African languages Developemnt of Internet in South African languages Educational Content in all South African languages Government content in all South African languages
32 Development of Strategy for Networked content Deal with the Globalisaion of Networks and Services Promote Local Production Position South Africa as a production hub Market South African production in South African and other markets
33 Digital Migration Develop a Strategy for Migration from analogue to Digita Outline a Regulatory Regime for Digital Future within the converged environment Determine the cut-off date Develop an industrial staregy to support Digitisation
34 Gov’t National Priorities Expanded services to the people BEE, including gender equity and people living with disabilities Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Accelerating the process of formulation and implementation of first NEPAD projects Development of SMME’s
35 SWOT Analysis Strengths Clarity of mandate Extensive infrastructure resident in portfolio organisations Regulatory and legislative frameworks in place Strategic plan aligned with national priorities
36 SWOT Analysis Weaknesses High turnover Poor compensation relative to private sector Limited presence in provinces Need for further harmonisation with portfolio rganisaions
37 SWOT Analysis Opportunities Key role in effecting economic growth initiatives Bridging the digital divide Technological advancement and convergence Positioned to play a meaningful role in e- government Advance BEE/SMME in the sector
38 SWOT Analysis Threats Negative effects of competition may lead to poor service delivery to HDI’s Loss of ICT experts to the private sector Consolidation of ICT players Depressed state of global economy in the ICT sector
39 Approved funding 2003/04 R’ million 2004/05 R’ million 2005/06 R’ million MTEF842,515866,843907,129
40 Funding per program Program2002/03 R’ m 2003/04 R’ m Administration85,77683,607 Telecoms Policy134,064135,900 Postal Services330,501353,082 Multi-Media Services331,970263,244 Auxiliary Services5,3796,682 TOTAL887,690842,515
41 Transfer Payments Transfers2003/04 R’ m 2004/05 R’ m 2005/06 R’ m Infrastructure (MPCC’s, PITs ) 10,00010,48015,200 Training (SETA) 2,1042,3503,500 Emergency Call Centres20,000 21,200
42 Transfer cont’ Transfers2003/04 R’ m 2004/05 R’ m 2005/06 R’ m USA11,21111,88414,500 USF24,74526,23029,400 SAPO300,000 Broadcasting (Program content Children, youth, aids, women, disability) 31,50033,39034,440
43 Transfers cont’ 2003/04 R’ m 2004/05 R’ m 2005/06 R’ m SABC – PBS44,71747,40050,455 SABC – TBVC--- Channel Africa26,28827,86529,616 Community Radio9,0009,54010,255
44 Transfers cont 2003/04 R’ m 2004/05 R’ m 2005/06 R’ m ICASA128,646134,947137,489 NEMISA13,75314,57817,263
45 Additional approved funding R5m, R7m and R8m provided over MTEF for the PNC R20m, R13m and R7m for the Advanced Institute for ICT In collaboration with DOE and DTI
46 Additional approved funding R10m, R9m and R4m to ICASA for: R1m (2003/04) and R2m (2004/05) to monitor elections R4m, R6m and R4m over the MTEF to acquire spectrum monitoring equipment R5m (2003/04) and R1m (2004/05) to develop, manage and maintain a numbering database
47 END Thank You