doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 1 IEEE p Draft Review Wayne Fisher Broady Cash ARINC, Inc Annapolis, MD
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 2 DSRC and WAVE Terminology DSRC – Dedicated Short-range Communications is the name of the 5.9 GHz Band allocated for the ITS communications WAVE – Wireless Access in Vehicular Communications is the mode of operation used by IEEE devices to operate in the DSRC band
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 3 DSRC Devices DSRC Devices are IEEE systems using the WAVE mode of operation in the DSRC band
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 4 Implementing WAVE Mode WAVE Mode –The WAVE mode is used to allow IEEE units in the DSRC band to both broadcast messages and establish almost instantaneous links for data transfer with fast moving vehicles –The WAVE mode provides two basic types of communication services: Broadcast – Listener Provider – User
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 5 Implementing WAVE Mode, 2 Settings on power-up to operate in the WAVE Mode –a. Channel scan shall be disabled. –b. The channel shall be set to 178. –c. The data rate shall be set to 6 Mbps. –d. The unit shall be able to receive at any mandatory data rate.
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 6 Implementing WAVE Mode, 3 Roadside Units (RSUs) meet the FCC Safety Message priority requirement by broadcasting Safety messages in Message Elements in Beacon or Action Frames primarily on the Control Channel Onboard Units (OBUs) meet the FCC Safety Message priority requirement by broadcasting Safety messages in Message Elements in Action Frames primarily on the Control Channel
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 7 Implementing WAVE Mode, 4 Non-Safety Messages are sent in Message Elements in Action Frames For RSUs the message duration is limited to 750 us and a minimum interval of 100 ms. For OBUs the message duration shall be limited to 580 us at a minimum interval of 750 ms
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 8 Implementing WAVE Mode, 5 Roadside Units initiate a link by sending a Provider Service Table (PST) in Beacon Frames on the Control Channel Onboard Units initiate a link by sending a PST in Action Frames on the Control Channel
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 9 Implementing WAVE Mode, 6 In establishing the link for data transfer the operating channel is switched from the Control Channel to a Service Channel Continued WAVE Mode operation may be implemented on this Service Channel or routine BSS or IBSS operations may be implemented
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 10 WAVE Mode Performance Requirements WAVE Communications DSRC devices operating in the WAVE Mode are capable of transferring messages to and from vehicles each traveling at speeds up to 140 km/h with a Packet Error Rate (PER) of less than 10% for PSDU lengths of 1000 bytes and to and from vehicles at speeds up to a minimum of 200 km/h with a PER of less than 10 % for PSDU lengths of 64 bytes. For vehicle-to-vehicle communications DSRC devices are capable of transferring messages at closing speeds of up to a minimum of 283 km/h with a PER of less than 10 % for PSDU lengths of 64 bytes.
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 11 Multiple DSRC Devices Single device One device operating on one channel at a time or Multiple Devices Multiple devices each implementing a separate function or application on a different frequency –Multi-device configurations have the advantage of being able to listen for safety messages on the Control Channel and simultaneously conduct an application transaction on one of the two Service Channels at the edge of the DSRC band or in the U-NII band.
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 12 RSSI for WAVE RXVECTOR RSSI For the WAVE mode, subsequent to a period of no less than 2 ms after an alert signal, the minimum RSSI resolution should be less than or equal to 0.2 dB and shall be accurate to ± 1 dB across the entire operating temperature range within -60 to -30 dBm of the receiving signal range
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 13 WAVE Spectrum Mask Offset(MHz) Class ± 4.5± 5.0± 5.5± 10± 15 Reduction in Power Spectral Density, dBr Class A Class B Class C Class D
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 14 Back-up Info:
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 15 IEEE e Reference General frame format Insert the following text at the end of subclause 7.1.2: For WAVE implementation the QoS Control field shall be used as defined in IEEE e, Clause
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 16 Correlate with j WAVE Channel Implementation –Seven 10 MHz channels Data Rates for WAVE (Mbits/s) –3, 4.5, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 27 Modulations –BPSK OFDM, QPSK OFDM, –16-QAM OFDM, 64-QAM OFDM
doc.: IEEE /1074r0 Submission September 2004 WKFisher/ARINCSlide 17 Correlate with j, 2 OFDM PHY characteristics Characteristics802.11a ValueWAVE Values –aSlotTime9 s16 s –aSIFSTime16 s32 s –aCCATime< 4 s< 8 s –aCHSwitchTimeN/A< 2 ms –aAirPropagationTime<< 1 s< 4 s –aMACProcessing Delay< 2 s< 2 s –aPreambleLength20 s40 s –aPLCPHeaderLength4 s8 s