By: Megan Cordell
There is a lack of respect for females in the sports world Women sports reporters don’t get the same opportunities as men because it has always been a field dominated by men Mission Statement: To allow women and men to have equality in the sports reporting field
Allow women to be equal in the field of sports broadcasting For women to be allowed to report whatever they chose Avoid them getting harassed for the job they are trying to do
Primary Audience : US legislation Key Message to US legislation: Pass a law to allow women and men to be on an even playing field Secondary Audience : Citizens of the US, especially women Women know as much sports facts as men Bringing equality to the field will make for better broadcasts
Increase the number of female sports reporters by 20% in the next ten years Increase the number of female play-by-play announcers by 5% in the next ten years
Raise awareness to the legislature about the inequality and ask for their help to correct this Increase the amount of women sports broadcasters enrolled in colleges Increase the knowledge of the common public about the unfair working conditions that women have to work in
Hold more sports broadcasting classes at universities all over the US Make all sportscasters take a sports knowledge quiz before they are hired Newsletter Op-Ed in the Sports Section of the New York Times Hold seminars for women to relay the issues and bring more positive attention to the job
Because of my campaign, congress passed a law making it illegal for reporters to interview players and coaches in the locker room Press Release- news conference about the new law Players and coaches can be interviewed before and after they enter the locker room After the playoffs and championship games, there will be a designated room to celebrate that will allow the media