Name, TUID (9 digit #), Cell Phone, TU address Session leader (Presenter’s name) & Today’s Date Indicate if you are transferring in AP or IB Scores or have any College level transfer credit Majors you are considering - General: Science, Education, Business OR Specific: Psychology, Biology, Journalism OR Pre-Heath Information Management (HIM) On the Upper Right Hand corner of your form – Please indicate if you are Honors, RCC, or a Student Athlete
Today’s session: Group presentation with an advisor – get your questions answered! Meet with a peer advisor to discuss placement test results and possible course options for fall Tomorrow’s session (Today for Transfer Students): Small group session with peer advisors ▪ Review course options ▪ Select courses and register with the assistance of a peer advisor Review your selections with a professional advisor – If you do not complete this step, your courses will be dropped
Academic Advising Syllabus Temple Majors Sheet General Education Worksheet MEA Worksheet Resources Worksheet Time Grid Important Dates
The academic home for students who are deciding on colleges/majors Resource for Temple students who are declared, but exploring other options (“major changers”)
I have multiple interests or abilities I chose Temple because of its diverse academic options I like to explore lots of options before making decisions I’m not ready to close any academic doors I'm a curious individual by nature I’m interested in several majors I haven’t had much time to think about specific academic majors I have another reason: ___________________
Academic Advisors Schedule individual appointments to discuss your academic plans, check in, or use as a resource/referral source Peer Advisors Current Temple students Talk to them about their experience Office Staff Able to refer you to appropriate services
No assigned advisors Call to schedule an Appointment or come in for Express (walk-in) Advising (limited) through your Temple address – the official means of communication Review your Advising Session Notes
Take exploratory courses Talk to other students, faculty, alumni, and professionals in the field Meet with academic advisors Research the Bulletin ( Take time to transition to college, possibly take a seminar course University Seminar 1001 (for First Year Students) University Seminar 2001 (for Transfer Students) Visit the Career Center Participate in the Major Exploration Academy (MEA) Participate in Workshops
Declaration of Major Policy – Must Declare by 60 Credits (including Transfer, AP Credits, and IB Credits) Attend a Change of Program (also known as an Intra-University Transfer – IUT) session with the School/College you have chosen and submit a completed an Application At this session, requirements for your selected major will be reviewed by an advisor from that School/College
General Education Requirements School/College Requirements Major Requirements
General Education Requirements: Foundational Courses English Placement Math Placement Eng 0701 Eng 0802 IH 0851 IH 0852 Math 0701 or 0702 Quantitative Literacy (GQ) Math 1021 Stat 1001 Math 1022Stat 1102 Math 1041 Math 1031
General Education Requirements: Breadth Courses Arts (GA) Art History, Theater, Music Studies Human Behavior (GB) Education, Therapeutic Recreation, HR Mgmt U.S. Society (GU) Urban Ed, Comm & Reg Pln Race & Diversity (GD) History, Law World Society (GG) Advertising, Film, Broadcasting Science & Technology (GS) Earth/Env Science, Landscape Architecture
credits each semester is considered full- time For Financial Aid, you are required to successfully complete 80% of your attempted credits (semester and cumulative) To complete a degree in 4 years: A typical semester includes 15/16 credits A typical year includes 30/31 credits This might change depending on what program you choose and when you declare
Be sure to tell your peer advisor and advisor about any Transfer credits or AP credits you have If you have more than 45+ credits, you’ll be following abbreviated Gen Ed requirements Submit your final transcript and official AP scores before you begin the fall semester
Get involved through organizations Become a peer advisor or peer teacher Become a Diamond Research Scholar or Diamond Peer Teacher Study Abroad Starting thinking about Graduate School Visit the Library Understand Financial Aid Participate in Opportunities, like TUTeach
“I spent too much time socializing and not enough time studying/completing assignments” 43.6% Strongly Agreed or Agreed “My classes were harder than I expected them to be” 55.4% Strongly Agreed or Agreed Time Management, Study Skills, & Note Taking Workshops at the Russell Conwell Center
“I got nervous during exams” 54.5% Strongly Agreed or Agreed Tuttleman Counseling Center and Russell Conwell Center Workshops “I struggled because I do not have clear academic and/or career goals” 35.2% Strongly Agreed or Agreed Academic Resource Center and The Career Center
Meet with a peer advisor Review Placement test results Tell your peer and professional advisor if you have AP scores or Transfer credits Develop a schedule Register – IMPORTANT: you will need your accessnet username and password Mandatory meeting tomorrow (today for Transfer Students) with an academic advisor