UNDERSTANDING QUESTIONS “Finding meaning in what I am reading ….”
Questions requiring you to show your understanding of what you are reading.. Explain what the writer means by … Explain the significance of the word … Show how you are helped towards the meaning of … How does the context help you to understand the meaning of … Explain this expression in your own words …. => THESE QUESTIONS ARE EASIER IF YOUR UNDERSTAND THE BIGGER WORDS IN THE PASSAGES!
Do Together: READ EXAMPLE 1 (PAGE 4 OF BOOKLET) Explain clearly in your own words what the writer means by “the more articulate layers of the working classes” This questions requires you to show that you understand the meaning of the words: Articulate: Layers: Working Classes:
How to answer? Translate key words in the phrase “the more articulate layers of the working classes”into your OWN WORDS Articulate Layers Working classes If you don’t know the meaning of words – use your context clues (i.e. what words/phrases around the key word help you to understand its meaning?) What clues are there to help you understand the meaning of “articulate”? (been to university, students …. Suggest education, able to express their thoughts, knowledge and opinions)
Answer: (Answer in points NOT long sentences) 1) Articulate means educated, able to express their ideas well 2) Layers means levels 3) Working class means people in unskilled or semi skilled employment of lower income. = Those more educated, well-spoken levels of people who are in the lower income brackets in society.
Read Example 2: - How many parts of there to the question? (Two) 1.Give the meaning of the Expression “Alternative Society” 2.Explain how the context helps the reader to arrive at the meaning. THIS IS A CONTEXT QUESTION! Step 1: The expression “Alternative Society” means …… Step 2: The words “……..” and “……..” help me to understand this.
Read Example 3 “What does the phrase “mixture of apprehension and incredulity” imply about how the Inuit feel about western technology and its effect on their land? How do they feel? Why do they feel this way? Answer: They feel Nervous and confused/surprised Cannot understand why they would want to change nature/the land.
Showing you understanding meaning by LISTING POINTS Questions for listing are written as follows: What are three reasons What four things, in their view, do they expect … What three main reasons does the writer give for What other ways of xxxxx are suggested by the writer Look for main ideas/key concerns etc List them out (in bullet points) in your own words. (You may need to use your context skills to help you understand ideas) DO EXAMPLE 1 (P5) TOGETHER
Answers: Example 1 p 5 Example 1 The BBC is powerful, wealthy and protects media information to people. What words helped you to understand this? ….. “independent, control, guardian of public service broadcasting” It is becoming too worried about its popularity and own interests. “self-serving, ratings” It is experiencing monetary concerns from careless overspending. “unwisely over-extended financially”
To be continued !!!