Flag Football The Cowboys By Justin, Craig, JayShawn, Kristen, Marcus, and Melissa
Flag Football History Flag football is a version of American football that is played around the world Touch football is as old as tackle football. Tackle football started in the late 1800s. The first flag football was played on military bases in the 1940s. The first flag football organization was founded in st. louis.
Rules The field should be at least 40 yards long and have 10 yard endzones Pants and shorts should not have strings or pockets Hats with bills and bandanas are not allowed A game lasts 40 minutes with a 2 minute halftime No metal cleats are allowed
Equipment Football Cones Belts with flags Cleats
Flag Football video dht0 dht0
Organizations in the U.S. American Flag & Touch League National touch football league Professional flag football league