Our school-Ulyanovskaya
Poem about our school School is something, we must all embrace. Knowledge we need, to seek out and chase. Subjects and teaching styles, are plentiful and vary. Just like the backpacks, we all need to carry. Sports, clubs, and activities, at every single turn. So much to do, study and learn. To get the most from school, we should consistently attend. Around each corner, there's always a friend. Our favorite teachers, are friendly and kind. Their passion and job, to expand every mind. School is something, we must all embrace. Just remember to learn, at your own pace.
History about our school The Ulyanovskaya School was officially registered on September 1, 1930 in Putilkovo . It was named in honor of the national leader Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin. In 1941 all graduates of the school together with their Head teacher went to the front. During the war the school was damaged. Lessons were conducted in households of farmers.
History about our school The school building was restored in 1943. In 1964 the school established the Museum of fighting glory. In the museum mane subjects of military year are collected In 1965 the school opened the Obelisk of Glory.
Facts about our school Number of teachers: 34 (16 with the highest qualification, 1 honored teacher of Russian Federation) Number of pupils: 493
Facts about our school The graduate of the Ulyanovskaya school is the President of Corporation "URALSIB" Nikolay Tsvetkov. He finished our school in1977. The graduate of the Ulyanovskaya school is a Member of the presidential Council on science, technologies and education Demin Viktor Mikhailovich.
Facts about our school A graduate of the Ulyanovskaya school is Olympic champion in rowing Alexander Rogov. Ulyanovskaya school was awarded a diploma for the best school garden. This year the school celebrated its 83 years
School rules 1. Do not be late for lessons. 2. You should wear business suit: jacket, classic pants, classic shoes, sweater, skirt, shirt. 3. You should not wear sports clothes, t-shirts, shorts, sneakers
School rules 4. You should not smoke cigarettes 5. You should not use profanity 6. You should not have a body piercing and tattoos 7. You are not allowed to wear a lot of jewellery and cosmetics 8. You may not dress in bright colors
Comment about school I love my school. Because I have many friends. The school helped me to understand many unclear situations. It is my second house I love my school. Because I have many friends. There work good teachers who are always ready to help with any problem There I acquired a lot of useful knowledge. This school helped me to become independent
School life School competitions Scenes from school life School competitions A rally dedicated to the anniversary of victory in Great Patriotic War Normal school day Taking part in a school subbotnik
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