Welcome back and welcome to vocabulary (just like the other seniors) Grab a Vocabulary Chapter 1 packet from the Outbox (the black wire mesh one) Today’s assignment is the “Ten Words in Context” section When finished you can turn them in to the Inbox if you want me to hang on to them (I would prefer you show responsibility and keep up with your work) We’ll be using these all week- Keep track of them!
Vocab Day 2 Let’s go over your vocabulary words for the week to make sure we’re on the same page On your own, complete the second set of vocabulary activities (Matching Definitions)
Vocab Day 3 Get out your Vocabulary Packet and complete the third installment of work Today, you’re practicing using the vocabulary words in sentences
Anticipation Guide Pick up an Anticipation Guide from the Outbox You can write on this Once you’re finished, hang on to it and we’ll discuss points 3, 4, 6, & 7
Delving into “Macbeth” Split into groups of 5 Each of you will receive a segment of the play, BUT the names of the characters, any stage directions, and any entrances or exits have been removed. Your group’s job is to determine who is speaking and when, what the stage directions are, and when anybody arrives to or leaves the scene. You will be expected to present these when you’re finished
Presentation Analysis What were some similarities or differences in how the lines were broken up? Why do you think these groups chose to break the lines up in this way? Who staged the scene the best? Why? How did their staging of the scene add to the dialogue? How do you think this has improved your understanding of Shakespeare?
Who’s in the play?
Reading “Macbeth” The play begins on pg. 327 We’ll be reading in a circle and you read for participation points (so everyone has to read multiple times over the course of the play) Today’s Parts: Witch 1, 2, and 3 Duncan Malcom Captain Ross Lennox Macbeth x2 Banquo Angus
During Reading Scene 1 What is the weather like at the opening of Act I? What atmosphere and tone are created in the opening scene? What characters open the play? What do the witches plan? Scene 2 How is Macbeth described in this scene? What does Macbeth do to the rebellious Macdonwald? What news does Ross bring about the Thane of Cawdor? Why does King Duncan give Macbeth the new title?
Reading Questions Scene 3 What words does Macbeth say that are said earlier? What makes the day “foul and fair?” What do the witches tell Macbeth? What do they tell Banquo? Where is there an example of dramatic irony? Which character seems skeptical of the witches and which seems to believe them immediately? If “behind” means “to follow,” what is Macbeth thinking when he says, “Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor; The greatest is behind?” What does Macbeth mean when he says, “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir?” How would you say lines in your own words? Nothing yet has been said about how Macbeth will become king. What is method is suggested?