Art in Your Wallet Instructional Focus: How would the world be if there was no money to trade for the things we want and need? Write a full paragraph or more.
What did humans of the world do before money was invented? Bartering Trading for goods or services. Decide what something is worth. I need bread, but all I have to give are my shoes.
The Invention of Coins ~People were tired of trading goods and looked to what really had Value. Metals have worth. Weight of the metal was how much it was worth.
Early Coins
Paper Money Invented by the Chinese. China didn’t have a lot of metals to make coins. They did have the printing press and lots of paper. Each bill was guaranteed by the Chinese government for a certain amount.
How could paper be valuable? Marco Polo Returned to Italy from China in 1295 Gave the idea of paper money to Europe but the people didn’t trust it. Didn’t use paper money for another 400 years during the middle ages. Too dangerous to carry all that heavy metal around.
Money from Around the World
Money in the USA Before 1861 Banks and companies allowed to issue notes that could be traded for gold or silver. Sometimes the Gold and Silver ran out The notes were from all over 3 cent dollar bills
1913 US Government bought all of the paper money in the country. Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington D.C Printed by engraving Paper is 25% cotton and 75% linen 1, 2,5,10,20,50,and 100 dollar bills still printed 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 100,000 dollar bills used to be printed.
Getting the Money to the People Federal Reserve Banks 12 Districts were the Fresh made money is sent. Replace worn and damaged notes 1 dollar bill lasts about 18 months 50 dollar bill lasts 9 years BostonA1 New YorkB2 PhiladelphiaC3 ClevelandD4 RichmondE5 AtlantaF6 ChicagoG7 St. LouisH8 MinneapolisI9 Kansas CityJ10 DallasK11 San Francisco L12
The 1 Dollar Bill Federal Reserve Bank markings Which bank is this bill from?
The 1 Dollar Bill Serial Numbers Each bill has a different number Star Notes- the 100 millionth note that is printed has stars instead of letters for the serial number Used when bills have to be replaced
The 1 Dollar Bill Signatures of the Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury Series of that the bill. Letters mean that a change was made in the note during printing time.
The New Green Back The Great Seal of the United States Came to the 1 dollar bill in 1935 “In God We Trust”- added in 1955
The Great Seal Unfinished Pyramid Material strength and endurance Strive for growth Watchful eye of God Annuit Coeptis He has favored our undertakings MDCCLXXVI-1776 Novus Ordo Seclorum New Order of the Ages
Of The United States Burst of Light with 13 Stars 13 original states 13 Leaf Olive Branch- Peace 13 Arrows- War Eagle Head turned to Peace Flag Shield- Congress Eagle Head- President 9 Tail Feathers- Supreme Court E Pluribus Unum Out of Many One
Drawing the Dollar Bill Cut out a section of the dollar bill that is the most interesting to you. Glue that piece to the graph paper worksheet. Use your ruler to redraw the lines over the dollar. Go square by square to reproduce the piece onto the 1 inch grid.