September 2 nd Today you need… One sheet of loose leaf paper Pen/pencil Highlighter After you have gathered your supplies, please turn off your cell phone, put it in your book bag and place your book bag on the back table.
Today We Will… Correct grammar usage and mechanics in sentences. Identify knowledge of parts of speech. Study reading drill data Learn and use one strategy Complete Reading Drill #2
Copy and correct the sentences. Skip lines. the book return of the native is considered among the better of hardys many novels we would of froze during the storm but we seen a shelter that protected us from the high winds coming off of the rocky mountains
Identify the part of speech of the underlined words: The book Return of the Native is considered among the best of Hardy’s many novels. We would have frozen during the storm, but we saw a shelter that protected us from the high winds coming off the Rocky Mountains.
Lang Arts 3 rd Period
Lang Arts 4 th Period
King Tut—Class Comparison
Strategy #1--For Reading Comprehension Read the questions first and highlight key word(s). From “King Tut…” 7. Why was King Tut’s tomb left untouched by grave robbers? From “A Day’s Wait” 4. What was Schatz’s illness?