LED Street Lighting Project City of Poughkeepsie LED Street Lighting Project
Attributes Evaluated For Each Manufacturer. Cost L70/L90 or lumen deprecation (how fast the light loses its ability to produce light) Warranty Efficiency and Versatility of light and ability to distribute light. Ease of Install and operation Color Temperature and CRI (The lights ability to produce aesthetic light while maintaining efficiency and the ability to recognize colors under the light) Availability of parts for lights Dark sky compliant (no light directed at the sky. Wind resistance of new fixture and ability to remain on existing pole Weight of new equipment Fixture Style - Look of each light. (Does the light need to match existing, public input, etc.)
Current Status Run Energy Analysis based on billing and assumptions Survey of Street Lights (see map) Take information from survey and enter into lighting simulation program Perform before and after analysis of lighting levels Compare proposed lighting simulation to before (correct deficiencies in light levels) Share results with the City City to review Take input from police department Take input from Public Wendel to show pilot of decorative fixtures Perform simulation based on input from city and decorative fixtures selected. Perform final energy savings and cost analysis Construction to begin Current Status
Phasing of Project Phase 1 To include all of the dark gray areas Cobraheads and traffic lights will commence first. Decorative lights located in downtown and in neighbor hoods will be piloted first.
Phasing of Project Phase 2 The remaining Cobraheads on the utility poles will be retrofitted.
Decorative Light Comparison City of Poughkeepsie LED project
Goals of the city Cost Effective Safety Initial Cost Vs. Lifetime Cost Mitigate FERC Rate Increases To The Hudson Valley Efficiency Streamline Fleet Of Lights Minimize Number Of Different Lights GIS Integration Maintenance Increase Life From LED Pick Options That Have The Least Maintenance. Safety Increased Light Better Quality Light Reduce Glare Can Meet Or Exceed Current Light Output
Existing Decorative Lights Post top -Lantern High Hat
Decorative Lights – Without Glass Detas -Quincy Philips -Metroscape
Decorative Lights –With Glass Philips - City Post Spring City Central Park
Decorative Light Comparison Manufacturer Model Cost Color Temp Lumens/ Watt (Efficiency) DLC Listed (Needed for NYSERDA Rebate) Glass Sheild Rated Lifetime (hours) Up light Detas Quincy $ 4000K 85 No Optional** 90,000+ 0% Philips Metroscape 4000K * 86.5 Yes 100,000 + City Post 68.4 90,000 + 3% Spring City Central Park $$$ 3000K 32 ??? 50,000 * Can be built in 3000K ** All other inputs are not valid when the glass is added *** All Lights are dimmable with Control System.
Results of Public Poling Fixtures with out vertical glass shields were voted down. Glass shields with frosted or ribbed glass were voted in. A majority of citizens approve of the city post by Philips as a suitable retrofit. Wendel will move forward with piloting this fixture in different color temperatures.