Spring Coaches Meeting 2011 President of Mass Youth Soccer Ted Ritchie
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 Bill Chaplin – Top Soccer Levon Akoghlanian – Mentor Program Coach/ town, information - Arbiter Sports Check your contact information Your home field information Communications and rules and rosters information MAYS web site
Spring Rep /Coaches Meeting 2011 GAME DAY ROSTERS 2 For every game Player shirt numbers already listed Pass cards for all players in D1 and D2 All coaches need pass cards
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 Steps for adding a new player Must be registered with MYSA Must be typed on a new roster in SportsManager Registrar to speed up the process Pass card of new player must be in SM Pass card of player no longer on roster must be mailed to registrar Until you print a new rosters you can only use the old one and the new player can’t play D3 teams – Player don’t have pass cards
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 Remember When sending in rosters and pass cards You must have A return envelope with the proper Amount of postage Also, believe it or not There is a turn around time!!!!!!! NO LONGER USING THIS PROCESS
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 Review AGM Nov 2010 –Sutton GU14 won the MTOC sportsmanship for Girls U12-1 –11 red cards/115 yellow cards during Spring 2010 –8 red/ 34 yellow in the Fall 2010 AR’s for U14-1 and U14-2 –Worked very well
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 Playoff fields –Asking all towns to seek permission now to play at fields for use during the playoffs D3 Playoff Day w/ medals – Marty Gaffney Fun Day of Soccer –Will be part of the regular schedule It will be the weekend of June 11th and 12 th - Rain date June 18th and 19th –Schedule has only 8 games including Gaffney Fun Day of Soccer –June 11 th and 12 th will be in Oxford Waivers –On line
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 We will reschedule any games where a town has closed down it school system because of sickness. –We are encouraging town clubs to notify us as soon as possible so we can notify the opposing teams. –No fines for rescheduling the games. –This does not apply to single isolated teams – the set of sick kids must be wider than a single team.
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 POSTPONEMENTS 2 hours before game town rep makes the call After that the ref makes the call at the field
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 What to do because of POSTPONEMENTS –Please go to click on our bylaws –M. A. Y. S. LEAGUE By-Laws –XIII. MAKE UP GAMES
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 The acceptable reasons for requesting a reschedule is for school event, religious event which prevents a team from fielding the minimum number of required players XIII. MAKE UP GAMES The agreement on a mutually acceptable time and date for the replay of a game that was a valid postponement must be reached by the teams involved within two (2) weeks of the date when the game was postponed and the date of the rescheduled game must be within four (4) weeks of postponed game
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 COACHES GOOD TIPS TO BE GAME READY –Call other team on Wednesday –Verify field and time of game –Find out what color shirt they have –Scrimmage Vests –home team is responsible –Game ball and corner flags
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 May 23 nd Roster Freeze Date All U18 and U19 teams that have more than 18 players must submit a new roster for play-offs. New roster will be used for play-offs and MTOC Play-offs start on June 11 th MTOC date is floating - June 24th-26 th
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 Marty Gaffney Memorial Fun Day of Soccer –Free no charge to enter –U12 and U14 D3 only –2 games –June 11 th and 12 th –June 18 th and 19 th
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 Remember Be fair Be tolerate It’s a game – Have fun And when talking to the ref just think that the ref could be your daughter or son and in some cases your mother or father, be respectful
Spring Rep/ Coaches Meeting 2011 Questions Have a great season Remember to have fun it is a game