Spring Semester 2011 M/W/Corec Soccer M/W Basketball Trinity University Intramurals
Online Registration M/W/Corec Soccer, M/W Basketball –Thursday, January AM – Thursday, January 5 PM Instant scheduling 3-5 teams per division 4 weeks of regular season A 1-2 week playoff schedule
Divisions Offered M/W/CR Soccer –Women’s 8pm –Men’s A 8pm 9:40pm –Men’s B 8:00pm 8:00pm
Divisions Offered M/W Basketball –Women’s 9:00pm –Men’s A 8:00pm 9:00pm –Men’s B 8:00pm 8:00pm
Handbook urals/IM%20handbook% pdf
FORFEIT FEES We have had to raise the forfeit fee from 15 dollars to 30 dollars –We still have to pay our workers for showing up –Teams have the option to default by 12pm that day or by
Regular Season Captains should check their frequently M/W/ Corec Soccer –7 players is a full team for M/W, 8 is a full team for CoRec (sex of goalie doesn’t matter) –Game time is forfeit time –It is 6 minimum to start in M/W, 7 minimum to start in CoRec, including the goalie. –CoRec Modifications: you must have no more than an n-1 ratio of men to women on the field, not including the goalie. –INSERT LINK TO SOCCER RULES M/W Basketball: –5 players is a full team You can start the game with 4 players, but you also start with 3 team fouls. – As team captain – it is YOUR responsibility to make sure team knows the rules
Reschedules The Intramural Office will be the judge of postponements. If necessary, intramural contests may be postponed, but such requests must be made at least 48 hours before game time. – If a Captain would like to reschedule a game they need to the Coordinator at least 48 hours before game time with the following: 1. Name and Team Name 2. Original Game Time/Date 3. Opponent 4. Reason for the Reschedule This does not guarantee a reschedule
Playoffs All Teams Will Make Playoffs if: They have a Sportsmanship Rating of 8 or above AND they have less then 2 forfeits
Protests All protests must be made in writing (an will suffice) and presented within 12-hours after the contest in question. No protest will be accepted for consideration unless it is registered with the responsible official in charge of the contest at the time the question occurs. Do not wait until the contest is completed to register a protest, as that protest will not be honored. The captain or team manager of the protesting team is required to make the protest to the official in charge of the contest at the time the question is raised. a. The official is responsible for noting the game situation so that the protest is sustained. Matters involving an official’s judgment are not a basis for protest. Please restrict protests to matters of rules interpretation or eligibility. Contestants and the officials in charge shall both be permitted to present their version of the case before a decision is made. The Coordinator of Recreational Sports will make final decisions. Games in which a protest is upheld will be replayed from the beginning of the nearest preceding division of the game, unless specific details of the prompting incident are not available. A protest involving eligibility should be made during the game. If your team has questions regarding the eligibility of a player on the other team, PLEASE PROTEST BEFORE THE PERSON IN QUESTION PARTICIPATES! In the event of a disagreement between individuals in matches without an official, a rematch will be scheduled and an official assigned by the Coordinator of Intramurals.
Ranking System Does NOT determine who makes playoffs Only determines where playoff teams are placed in the brackets (however every effort is made to keep first and second place teams in the same league from meeting until the final ) The higher the rating score, the higher the team’s ranking Determining factors: * Record * Points Against * Opponents’ records * Sportsmanship Rating * Points For
Sportsmanship Rating Determined by the officials and supervisors of the game Scale is 0 – 10.0 Must average 8.0 to be considered for playoffs Forfeits and No Shows do not count toward the average
Rosters No varsity athlete may play on a men’s or women’s team in that sport, unless they are AT LEAST one full year removed from the roster; CoRec teams may have one varsity athlete. Do not have to be submitted prior to your first game Can add players until playoffs begin, BUT NOT AFTER –Maximum of 20 players on roster –Must be on regular season roster to play in playoffs Must show up sign in and play in a regular season game in order to be put on roster All participants must sign the waiver and be on the roster legally to be eligible for regular season AND playoffs
Eligibility All current Trinity students and faculty/staff are eligible Any student who has played in a varsity level game or match will be ineligible to participate in the related intramural sport for a calendar year from the last date s/he is listed on the team’s roster. Exceptions to this rule include: former varsity players who have exhausted all NCAA eligibility in their respective sport(s). Varsity team members may play Co-Rec as detailed in the IM Handbook. A player is bound to the FIRST team for which she/he plays; players may not switch teams during the season or play for another team during playoffs. Any participant with questions may contact: Caroline Keener— Or may call the Intramural Office at (210)
One-Team Rule An eligible player may only play for one team per sport. In cases where players participate for multiple teams, BOTH teams may be eliminated from further competition and may be assessed forfeit points.
Forfeits A Forfeit (F) is defined as not having enough members signed in to start the game at the declared forfeit time –Each team is allowed one forfeit for the regular season –Two Forfeits = removal from league /playoff play Game Time = Forfeit Time Forfeit fee is now 30 dollars/game –teams must be signed in & ready to play
Ejections All ejected players must leave the playing area immediately Must director to arrange a meeting Meetings must occur prior to the player’s next game Ejected players are deemed ineligible for all sports until meeting with director
Captain’s Responsibilities Sign up team(s) Understand and enforce eligibility rules Keep in contact with Intramural Office Notify team members of rules and schedules Represent team at all meetings Check the accuracy of the standings and/or scores Maintain high standards of sportsmanship Keep informed of the rules of conduct Ensure team attends all scheduled games
Online Registration Accessed through Intramural Home Page Choose a unique user name and password I’m distributing a sheet of paper, print: –Name –Cell Phone –TU ID
Online Registration – Step by Step Click Sign up and enter information – all fields required –
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Intramural Information Correspondence information LocationBell Center 214 IM Office Website Office Phone Office For Basketball Questions: Rick Selling at For Soccer questions: Barton Davis at