1 What’s New in Leadership Development? Updates Feb 24 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New in Leadership Development? Updates Feb

VISION  We envision BSA as the provider of the highest quality leadership development courses for our nation’s youth and adult leaders.  Our courses draw from the best of the best leadership programs and material and will use a common lexicon.  ALL youth and adults in all programs will have access to age-appropriate Nationally sanctioned leadership courses.

Team Makeup is Diverse  Main Leadership Development Task Force (LDTF) team drawn from all 4 regions and all program divisions  Each sub team also diverse – NO past development members  Fosters new thinking ACROSS program lines

We will use Common Language  Total alignment of Leadership terms, skills, models and toolboxes  Youth and adult speak the same language  All Programs speak the same language!

Courses Open to ALL – no “silos”  Other than the specifics of “how to do your job” unit leadership training, ALL of our leadership courses will be open to all Programs and will be “program-neutral”  This means Coed  Proper age specific program – 18 year old youth may choose NYLT or Wood Badge (but Wood Badge is probably better)

Progression for Youth  Unit to Council to National level  Progressively adds more detail and models  Experiential component increases Unit Leadership Development = TLT, CLT (program specific: how to do your job) Council Leadership Development = NYLT (for all Programs; coed) National Leadership Development = NAYLE (for all Programs; coed) Kodiak “optional”; suggest after NYLT

Why is Kodiak different?  Kodiak falls between “Unit” and “Council” level Leadership Development  Each “trek” different; no single standard  Experiential course related to Unit Leadership Development Training skill set but better understood after NYLT  Unit Leadership Development Training required. May require NYLT but not for several years

Progression for Adults  Unit Leadership Development –(not under LDTF purview)  Council Leadership Development –Wood Badge –Open to Youth members age 18 and over  National Leadership Development –Philmont Leadership Challenge –Sea Base Leadership Challenge

Unit Leadership Development  Three goals – to understand: –What is the unit leadership structure? –What is my job? (details/job description card) –What leadership skills do I need to do that job? Troop Leadership Training (TLT) Soon to be Crew Leadership Training (CLT)

TLT and “CLT”  TLT has been updated and expanded with more optional activities – need test courses  New Crew Leadership Training will combine the old Crew Officer Orientation and Venturing Leadership Skills Course (VLSC) – need test courses  Both TLT and CLT have the same “backbone” structure and will use the same terms!

Kodiak  Skills and Models aligned with other Leadership courses– uses same basic 7 skills as in TLT and CLT  Open to all programs – age 14 minimum or 13 with completion of 8 th grade  “Trek” need not be high adventure  Better tie between “Leadership skills” and “Trek” written into syllabus  No more “read the syllabus” verbatim

NYLT  Open to all Programs (coed) on optional basis in 2010; all councils coed in 2011  New syllabus out to 55 users – “program neutral” yet underscores Unit structure  More 2010 courses may try our draft syllabus if they wish – us at

Coed Logistics  All Youth Protection guidelines must be followed  Mix of Programs and genders on teams preferred (use buddy or “Truddy” [3-deep] system)  Attendees can SLEEP in different places with no proven impact on patrol method  As with “boy only” small age spread within teams preferred (ie don’t mix 13 yr old boys with 17 year old boys or girls)

Coed NYLT  Many councils have been doing this for years with NO issues  Philmont treks and Sea Base also coed  Common outcome is raised performance for both males and females

NAYLE  All sessions (weeks) will be open to all programs in 2010 (coed)  Must take NYLT or a new “Bridge course” to attend  Bridge course will bring current Venturers who have not had NYLT up to speed  Bridge course will level the field for Venturers who have not attended NYLT  Sign up SOON as space will fill early!

Wood Badge  Syllabus changes –New Presentations on Diversity/Inclusiveness (Day 2) Communications Patrol Generations (Day 4, replaces original Diversity session) We are testing a new Patrol Project idea in January – if successful, you may have the option to use this in 2010

Philmont Leadership Challenge  Updated in 2009 to Program Neutral format  PLC will be the model for NAYLE – they will be nearly identical  “Beyond Wood Badge” concept of presenting new material should also work for “Beyond NYLT”  SIGN UP NOW is there is only ONE PLC for 2010!

The Beads….  Wood Badge, NYLT, NAYLE and PLC staff are all eligible to earn 3 and 4 beads  Guidelines in the new NYLT syllabus  Quartermaster can earn 3 beads  Course Director may earn 3 beads if they do not qualify for 4 (ie NYLT CD may not have been WB Troop Guide and so not eligible 4 beads)  Course Director Conference attendance REQUIRED of Course Director for ANY staff to get beads  New Certificate in production

Above all, remember It’s not about the beads…. It’s about Servant Leadership

Powder Horn  Syllabus changes underway  Will be Program Neutral  Focus is “Resources for Units” not Ranger Award (all appropriate advancement and recognition will be mentioned – ie Hornaday, Merit Badges etc)  Will be open to youth and unit “crews”  Powder Horn is NOT a “leadership course” but a “resource course” but requires a Course Director Conference

What do we teach now?  Until the new training course roll out or you are involved in a Pilot, use the current syllabus as you have in the past.  Wood Badge, NYLT, NAYLE and PLC changes are out NOW and in effect as per the 2010 syllabus.  TLT, CLT, Kodiak, and Powder Horn syllabus changes expected by spring

Trainer’s EDGE  Revisions are done!  Retested at PTC in July  Find at: Scouting.org/training

Mentoring  A new course on Mentoring is under development  This Mentoring course is required for the new Leadership Society Award, which is open to Boy Scouts and Venturers

Summary  The ties between youth and adult Leadership Development will continue to strengthen  Program Silos will disappear  Until a new training course rolls out, use current syllabus  Promote PTC, PLC and NAYLE to your councils!