1 What’s New in Leadership Development? Updates Feb
VISION We envision BSA as the provider of the highest quality leadership development courses for our nation’s youth and adult leaders. Our courses draw from the best of the best leadership programs and material and will use a common lexicon. ALL youth and adults in all programs will have access to age-appropriate Nationally sanctioned leadership courses.
Team Makeup is Diverse Main Leadership Development Task Force (LDTF) team drawn from all 4 regions and all program divisions Each sub team also diverse – NO past development members Fosters new thinking ACROSS program lines
We will use Common Language Total alignment of Leadership terms, skills, models and toolboxes Youth and adult speak the same language All Programs speak the same language!
Courses Open to ALL – no “silos” Other than the specifics of “how to do your job” unit leadership training, ALL of our leadership courses will be open to all Programs and will be “program-neutral” This means Coed Proper age specific program – 18 year old youth may choose NYLT or Wood Badge (but Wood Badge is probably better)
Progression for Youth Unit to Council to National level Progressively adds more detail and models Experiential component increases Unit Leadership Development = TLT, CLT (program specific: how to do your job) Council Leadership Development = NYLT (for all Programs; coed) National Leadership Development = NAYLE (for all Programs; coed) Kodiak “optional”; suggest after NYLT
Why is Kodiak different? Kodiak falls between “Unit” and “Council” level Leadership Development Each “trek” different; no single standard Experiential course related to Unit Leadership Development Training skill set but better understood after NYLT Unit Leadership Development Training required. May require NYLT but not for several years
Progression for Adults Unit Leadership Development –(not under LDTF purview) Council Leadership Development –Wood Badge –Open to Youth members age 18 and over National Leadership Development –Philmont Leadership Challenge –Sea Base Leadership Challenge
Unit Leadership Development Three goals – to understand: –What is the unit leadership structure? –What is my job? (details/job description card) –What leadership skills do I need to do that job? Troop Leadership Training (TLT) Soon to be Crew Leadership Training (CLT)
TLT and “CLT” TLT has been updated and expanded with more optional activities – need test courses New Crew Leadership Training will combine the old Crew Officer Orientation and Venturing Leadership Skills Course (VLSC) – need test courses Both TLT and CLT have the same “backbone” structure and will use the same terms!
Kodiak Skills and Models aligned with other Leadership courses– uses same basic 7 skills as in TLT and CLT Open to all programs – age 14 minimum or 13 with completion of 8 th grade “Trek” need not be high adventure Better tie between “Leadership skills” and “Trek” written into syllabus No more “read the syllabus” verbatim
NYLT Open to all Programs (coed) on optional basis in 2010; all councils coed in 2011 New syllabus out to 55 users – “program neutral” yet underscores Unit structure More 2010 courses may try our draft syllabus if they wish – us at
Coed Logistics All Youth Protection guidelines must be followed Mix of Programs and genders on teams preferred (use buddy or “Truddy” [3-deep] system) Attendees can SLEEP in different places with no proven impact on patrol method As with “boy only” small age spread within teams preferred (ie don’t mix 13 yr old boys with 17 year old boys or girls)
Coed NYLT Many councils have been doing this for years with NO issues Philmont treks and Sea Base also coed Common outcome is raised performance for both males and females
NAYLE All sessions (weeks) will be open to all programs in 2010 (coed) Must take NYLT or a new “Bridge course” to attend Bridge course will bring current Venturers who have not had NYLT up to speed Bridge course will level the field for Venturers who have not attended NYLT Sign up SOON as space will fill early!
Wood Badge Syllabus changes –New Presentations on Diversity/Inclusiveness (Day 2) Communications Patrol Generations (Day 4, replaces original Diversity session) We are testing a new Patrol Project idea in January – if successful, you may have the option to use this in 2010
Philmont Leadership Challenge Updated in 2009 to Program Neutral format PLC will be the model for NAYLE – they will be nearly identical “Beyond Wood Badge” concept of presenting new material should also work for “Beyond NYLT” SIGN UP NOW is there is only ONE PLC for 2010!
The Beads…. Wood Badge, NYLT, NAYLE and PLC staff are all eligible to earn 3 and 4 beads Guidelines in the new NYLT syllabus Quartermaster can earn 3 beads Course Director may earn 3 beads if they do not qualify for 4 (ie NYLT CD may not have been WB Troop Guide and so not eligible 4 beads) Course Director Conference attendance REQUIRED of Course Director for ANY staff to get beads New Certificate in production
Above all, remember It’s not about the beads…. It’s about Servant Leadership
Powder Horn Syllabus changes underway Will be Program Neutral Focus is “Resources for Units” not Ranger Award (all appropriate advancement and recognition will be mentioned – ie Hornaday, Merit Badges etc) Will be open to youth and unit “crews” Powder Horn is NOT a “leadership course” but a “resource course” but requires a Course Director Conference
What do we teach now? Until the new training course roll out or you are involved in a Pilot, use the current syllabus as you have in the past. Wood Badge, NYLT, NAYLE and PLC changes are out NOW and in effect as per the 2010 syllabus. TLT, CLT, Kodiak, and Powder Horn syllabus changes expected by spring
Trainer’s EDGE Revisions are done! Retested at PTC in July Find at: Scouting.org/training
Mentoring A new course on Mentoring is under development This Mentoring course is required for the new Leadership Society Award, which is open to Boy Scouts and Venturers
Summary The ties between youth and adult Leadership Development will continue to strengthen Program Silos will disappear Until a new training course rolls out, use current syllabus Promote PTC, PLC and NAYLE to your councils!