My daughter Violet does not sleep through the night. This is a problem because I am not getting enough sleep. I design an experiment that will test whether playing soft music in her room will reduce the amount of times she wakes during the night. Identify in independent variable in this experiment. a)Violet b) Playing music c) The number of times she wakes d) The room temperature
My son Gavin will not stop putting his hands in his mouth. This is a problem because his hands are covered with bacteria that can make him sick. I am curious to see if putting lotion on his hands every morning will work to decrease the number of times he puts his hands in his mouth. My hypothesis is “IF I put lotion on Gavin’s hands once a day THEN he will decrease the number times he puts his hands in his mouth by 50% BECAUSE the lotion does not taste good.” Identify the dependent variable in this experiment. a)Amount of lotion b) No lotion c) Number of times he eats a meal/day d) Number of times he puts his hands in his mouth
My son Ethan wants to improve the number of goals he makes during his soccer season. Ethan usually plays soccer in sneakers. We decide to test if wearing cleats will increase the number of goals he makes. Ethan plays 10 games this season. For 5 games he wears sneakers and for 5 games he wears cleats. For each game we record the number of goals Ethan makes. What is the control in this experiment? a)Wearing sneakers b)Wearing cleats c)Number of goals made d)Time Ethan is on the field
As a teacher I want to find a way to help my students score higher on tests. I develop a plan to stay after school twice a week instead of once a week to see whether that will raise the average test grade. Half of my students can only come once a week for extra help and the other half can come twice a week. After a month I give them the same test and find the average test grade for each group. What would be a constant in this experiment? a)Staying after school twice a week b)Average test grade c)The type of lessons used to teach the material d) Staying after school once a week