Seven wonders of Russia. Kungurskaya ice cave One of the most popular attractions in the Urals, is a monument of the nature of nationwide significance.


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Presentation transcript:

Seven wonders of Russia

Kungurskaya ice cave One of the most popular attractions in the Urals, is a monument of the nature of nationwide significance. The cave is located in the Perm region, on the right bank of the Sylva on the outskirts of the village Kungur Filippovka. The length of the cave is about 5700 m, of which 1,5 km is equipped for tourists. The average temperature in the center of the cave +5 ° C, relative humidity in the center of the cave - 100%.Kungurskaya cave contains some 50 caves, 70 lakes, 146 Sc. "Organ pipes" (the highest - in the grotto of ether, 22 m) - High mines, reaching almost to the surface. The first written mention of the cave relate to the beginning of XVIII century.

Kimberlite pipe "Mir" The quarry, located in the town of Mirny, Yakutia. The quarry has a depth of 525 m and a diameter of 1.2 km, is one of the world's largest open-cast mines. Diamondiferous kimberlite ore mining ceased in June Currently, the pit is being built underground mine with the same name, to work out the remaining podkarernyh stocks, which cut open unprofitable. Kimberlite pipe was discovered June 13, 1955 by geologists Amakinskoy expedition YI Habardinym, EN Elagina and VP Audzeyenka. The famous radio message, transmitted by their leadership of the expedition of discovery of kimberlite was coded.

Tobolsk Kremlin Is the only stone Kremlin in Siberia, a unique example of Siberian architecture. The green dome of the bell tower, a huge white pillar which has stood near the cliff. This Tobolsk Kremlin - the crown of the city. From downtown to the Kremlin is Sophia vzvoz. It is one hundred ninety-eight steps wooden stairs, and higher after a massive arch Demetrius gate - cobblestone road, sandwiched between the brick retaining walls. Sukhoi Log, cleaving in two, Cape Trinity, always, from the very founding of the city, was used for entry into the mountain. Each wall stretches for 110 meters, the height of them in the highest part of the amounted to 14.6 meters.

Peterhof The palace and park complex on the southern shore of the Gulf, 29 km from Saint-Petersburg. Peterhof includes several palaces and park ensembles, formed over two centuries.Lower Park and Upper Gardens English Garden - ensembles that were developed in the XVIII century, Alexandria, Kolonistsky Park, Meadow Park, Alexander Park, Sergievka, own cottage Alexander II - ensembles of the XIX century. Peterhof was first mentioned in 1705 as a "track yard and a marina moving to the island Kotlin. In 1710 construction began on the suburban royal residence for Peter I.In 1714 was founded the Grand Palace. During the XVIII - early XX century Peterhof was formed as a palace and park ensemble. In 1941, during the war, was occupied by German troops.

Kalashnikov assault rifle A machine designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1947 and adopted by the Soviet Army in Served as the basis for creating a family of military and civilian firearms of various calibers. AK and its variants are the most common small arms in the world. It is estimated that this type (including licensed and unlicensed copies, as well as third-party development on the basis of the Kalashnikov assault rifle) belongs to 1 / 5 of all available in the world of small firearms. According to many experts, the Kalashnikov is the standard of reliability and ease of maintenance.

North Caucasian dolmens Are located in the Krasnodar Territory and in the west of the North Caucasus. North Caucasian dolmens are considered to be the end of April - beginning of 2 thousand BC. er. Inside the room size was obtained about a half to two meters and a height of about two feet, sometimes more, sometimes less. Plates were placed at a slight angle inward. Sometimes, these chambers carved out of monolithic stone, sometimes hidden under the ground, sediment mounds. In one of the walls of the chamber in the stove was made cone-shaped hole, about thirty centimeters in diameter. It was covered with a stone cap.

St. Isaac's Cathedral The largest Orthodox church in St. Petersburg. Located on St. Isaac's Square. Has the status of the museum, incorporated in June 1991, the congregation has the opportunity to officiate with the authorization of the museum. Consecrated in the name of St. Isaac of Dalmatia. Built in the years by the architect Auguste Montferrand, oversaw the construction of the Emperor Nicholas I. The celebration of June 11, 1858 a new cathedral made Metropolitan of Novgorod, St. Petersburg, the Estonian and Finnish Gregory. Height m, inner area - more than 4000 m ².