Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen! Bom Dia! 28-Mar-17 Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen! Bom Dia! My name is Ali El Hicheri and I am the Director of the Technical Co-operation Bureau of ICAO. As such, I am the Secretary of Agenda Item 4 of this Conference. I am accompanied by my colleagues, the Chief of the ICAO Procurement Section, Mr Arnold Schwatschko who will give a presentation after I will have finished. Also with us is the officer of the Asia/Pacific Section of my bureaux, Mr Wolfgang Sander-Fischer and the Regional Affairs Officer Mr H. V. Sudarshan who will speak to you later this morning.
Technical Co-operation Challenges OVERVIEW 28-Mar-17 Technical Co-operation Challenges OVERVIEW SESSION 1: Assistance requirements of States CNS/ATM and ICAO Technical Co-operation Presentations by States SESSION 2: ICAO Objectives Implementation Mechanism Presentations by partner Conclusion and recommendation Agenda Item 4 of this Conference is dedicated to technical cooperation challenges in the planning and implementation of CNS/ATM. We have 2 sessions this morning to discuss these challenges. As you will see from the Order of Business for today, there are 8 working papers that were submitted to ICAO for this agenda item of the Conference. 5 of these are Action Papers, 3 are Information Papers: - Working Paper 33 - Working Paper 47 - this paper was already presented during Agenda Item 2 - Working Paper 49 - Working Paper 61 - Working Paper 68 - Working Paper 73 - this paper will be referred to in a later presentation - Working Paper 77 - this paper will be presented later this morning - Working Paper 78 In addition, the ICAO Secretariat prepared 3 Working Papers for this Agenda Item, namely: - Working Paper 9 - Working Paper 27 - Working Paper 28 PgDn Ladies and Gentlemen, we propose to start this morning of the Conference by briefly presenting to you, during the first session, the assistance requirements of developing States as these were reported to ICAO during two surveys. Details are to be found in Working Paper 27. PgDn Thereafter, we will acquaint those of you who are not quite familiar with ICAO’s implementation instruments, practices and procedures, with the technical cooperation services ICAO has to offer. In particular, we will explain these practices and procedures as these relate to CNS/ATM planning and implementation. We will also briefly cite examples of certain CNS/ATM related projects which ICAO has carried out. Broadly along the lines of the Conference, we propose to speak less about technical aspects of these new technologies. We will speak more about assistance needs to be addressed and funding and financing arrangements to be met. We will also consider the role ICAO and others are playing and should continue to play in CNS/ATM planning and implementation. PgDn Before the Coffee Break scheduled for 1045, recipients of technical cooperation will present their experience and their views of challenges ahead in their respective countries, on the road to full utilization of CNS/ATM. PgDn PgDn The second session of this agenda item is expected to commence at 1115 and will continue to familiarize you with the ICAO Objectives Implementation Mechanism, to be found in Working Paper 28. PgDn We will discuss coordination and financing arrangements for CNS/ATM implementation, as presented in Working Paper 9. PgDn We also scheduled a presentation from a major Contracting State of ICAO, PgDn followed by a discussion and preparation of the recommendation. I should point out that we allowed some time before the end of the first session for questions and in order to clarify the contents of the presentations. For a more detailed discussion we have allowed for more time during the second session this morning.
ICAO Technical Co-operation 28-Mar-17 Complements ICAO standardization & guidance Since 1952 Assistance to more than 100 States Program volume US$ 1 Billion, 100 projects per year Across civil aviation sector Complete project cycle Non-profit, neutral, objective, participatory Accountable, audited, transparent I will describe ICAO technical co-operation , in the briefest possible way. I will focus on general features that set it apart from technical assistance provided by other development partners. PgDn What is perhaps most important, particularly in relation to a fast developing technology such as CNS/ATM, is expertise. As the organization which produces the Standards and Recommended Practices or SARPs and guidance material of the civil aviation world, we can provide technical expertise that is up-to-date on SARPs including their amendments and ensures compliance. PgDn In that, ICAO technical co-operation complements the traditional roles of ICAO since 1952 and has provided its technical co-operation to almost all of its more than 100 developing Contracting States. PgDn In the implementation of technical cooperation projects we routinely consult or even involve staff of the whole Organization in order to ensure the technical and economic soundness of our advice. PgDn This, in our view, is a good way to ensure that the right decisions are taken for investments that will be with us for a long time to come. To give you an idea of the scope and volume of ICAO’s technical co-operation: PgDn we have implemented a total program volume of over 1 Billion US Dollars. We execute an average of 100 development projects per year across the whole spectrum of civil aviation. PgDn We are being regularly entrusted by States and their financing institutions to cover entire project cycles from identification through development, management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. PgDn Being a non-profit organization, PgDn ICAO offers its services under favorable and cost-effective conditions. We guarantee strict compliance with ICAO’s SARPs and safety related guidelines, as well as neutrality, objectivity, transparency and accountability. PgDn The activities of the Technical Cooperation Bureau are financed from the support costs received for the provision of services and not by the annual contributions of its Contracting States. ICAO will take responsibility for legally acceptable, technically satisfactory and cost-effective project implementation through comprehensive project monitoring, support, evaluation and reporting. ICAO is accountable for the results of any project under its responsibility and States and donors continue to have access to ICAO services even after completion of a project. In other words, ICAO as the UN institution for civil aviation, is guaranteeing for its work. ICAO does not represent any particular national or commercial interest, nor the interest of any particular donor. We do, however, work closely with recipients and donors to ensure that their specific requirements are addressed, to the extent possible. ICAO’s advice is governed solely by objective technical and financial considerations.
ICAO Technical Co-operation Mandate for CNS/ATM 28-Mar-17 “… ICAO shall co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the CNS/ATM systems on a global basis… Towards this end, ICAO shall play its central role in co-ordinating technical co-operation arrangements for CNS/ATM systems implementation. … ICAO shall facilitate the provision of assistance to States with regard to the technical, financial, managerial, legal and co-operative aspects of implementation.” (Council Decision 141/13 of 1994) PgDn Before we discuss further the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of ICAO technical cooperation for CNS/ATM implementation in particular, though, let me first of all get to the basis of the work of ICAO in CNS/ATM related technical cooperation and our ‘raison d’etre’. A fundamental policy statement of the ICAO Council, as you can see it on the screen, mandates ICAO to perform a central monitoring, coordination and facilitation role in the implementation of CNS/ATM world-wide. This policy was established in particular to meeting the needs of developing countries regarding CNS/ATM. It is with this role in mind, assigned by the representatives of ICAO’s 185 Contracting States, that our technical cooperation endeavours to assist the more than 100 developing States that are members of the world civil aviation community. It does so also because in ICAO, and outside, it was realized early-on that substantial and early benefits of CNS/ATM could only be realized if its implementation was to proceed in a planned, coordinated and harmonious manner.
Assistance Requirements of States 28-Mar-17 Needs assessment and project development Donor mobilization and financing arrangements Familiarization and specialized training Transition planning, cost-benefit and recovery analyses Systems planning and specification Equipment procurement Human resource planning and development Having been assigned this challenging task, within ICAO is was felt that one of the first steps would be to establish the assistance requirements for its many developing Contracting States. Therefore, ICAO conducted surveys in 1994 and 1997 on States’ requirements for assistance in CNS/ATM planning and implementation. PgDn The result showed that developing States mainly required assistance with: - Needs assessment and project development PgDn - Donor mobilization and financing arrangements PgDn - Familiarization and specialized training PgDn - Transition planning, cost-benefit and recovery analyses PgDn - Systems planning and specification PgDn - Equipment procurement PgDn . - Human resource planning and development PgDn You will find more details on the results of ICAO’s surveys in Working Paper 27. Suffice it to say here that 80% of the replies from the responses indicated that States need substantial assistance across the whole spectrum of CNS/ATM planning and implementation. And most of these developing countries prefer that this assistance comes from, or through, ICAO. For a better understanding of ICAO’s technical cooperation role and experience gained so far in CNS/ATM, let me now provide you with some more detailed information on ICAO’s activities carried out to this end so far.
ICAO Technical Co-operation CNS/ATM 28-Mar-17 ICAO Technical Co-operation CNS/ATM Global needs assessment surveys Global Plan Transition planning Familiarization and training Equipment procurement Financing arrangements Besides the Global Needs Assessment Surveys I just mentioned, PgDn the Technical Cooperation Bureau is presently involved with the finalization of the CNS/ATM Global Plan. PgDn Copies of this Global Plan are available at this Conference and you will find in that Global Plan descriptions of major parts of this presentation, in case you want to learn more about it. We have also been active in transition planning, PgDn on country-specific basis, as part of ICAO’s on-going assistance with civil aviation master planning for States. Another important area of ICAO involvement is human resource planning and development. PgDn In fact, ever since our technical cooperation services were established almost 50 years ago, training has been the backbone of ICAO technical cooperation. Particularly in CNS/ATM, ICAO’s initial development focus was on familiarization seminars and workshops. Another main area of CNS/ATM where ICAO is assisting the developing countries is the specification, evaluation and procurement of equipment. PgDn I will leave this field, though, to my colleague Mr Schwatschko who will be providing you with more details right after my presentation. PgDn We are also devoting at present a lot of activities and resources towards the raising of funds for CNS/ATM implementation, on behalf of our developing Contracting States, particularly the Least Developed among them. This topic will be further discussed in our second session later this morning.
ICAO Technical Co-operation Experts 28-Mar-17 ICAO Technical Co-operation Experts A service offered by ICAO in all the areas I just mentioned and which is of great importance to CNS/ATM is the provision of expertise. PgDn ICAO maintains an active roster of over 2,600 individual experts and more than 100 registered consultant companies in virtually all fields of civil aviation. PgDn The services of these experts, based on a world-wide selection process, are offered to States as short-term consultants, intermediate and long-term advisers or operational assistance experts. PgDn ICAO=s technical cooperation experts assist States in a variety of tasks. These tasks can be the development of feasibility studies and Civil Aviation Master Plans, executive roles from providing air traffic control services, leading a Department of Civil Aviation and all procurement related activities. In ICAO projects, ICAO experts typically work together with national specialists to transfer their knowledge and, at the same time, provide on-the-job training. PgDn To give you a few examples, in CNS/ATM implementation projects experts have been recruited as advisers and consultants for conducting seminars and workshops, to assist in the development and implementation of CNS/ATM related TRAINAIR Standardized Training Packages. We also assisted in the preparation of CNS/ATM transition plans for particular countries. PgDn Other ICAO project activities include workshops and, with the assistance of a team of experts, the development of CNS/ATM transition plans for States. There are also other approaches, like the important project recently proposed by ICAO for the Caribbean and South America Region. This project foresees some 35 countries to be assisted in developing harmonized CNS/ATM transition plans on the basis of cost-benefit and cost recovery analyses, including extensive training activities and implementation of WGS-84. Over 2600 individual experts from around the world More than 100 registered consulting companies Advisers/consultants, Operational Assistance Virtually all aviation aspects covered OJT for national counterparts
ICAO Technical Co-operation Training 28-Mar-17 Basic, advanced, refresher: classroom, OJT, factory Workshops, seminars, international fellowship training Establishment of over 70 training institutes TRAINAIR standardized training development methodology, ensuring compatibility of training courses with SARPs training resource sharing system for cost-effective utilization of training material international, co-operative network of CATIs As I just mentioned, ICAO considers training a fundamental and integral requirement for the proper development of any civil aviation infrastructure and for adapting to new technologies and procedures. PgDn Therefore, as the major activity of ICAO technical cooperation, virtually all ICAO projects and most major equipment supply contracts contain a training component. PgDn Such training may be arranged in-country or abroad, and ICAO provides the recipient State with the management of their training programs. Fellowship programs have been implemented for CNS/ATM related training of staff from civil aviation administrations in individual courses and for participation in seminars and workshops. Furthermore, mainly in order to assist in the global harmonization of the ICAO SARPs and to provide a cost-effective training infrastructure for the developing world, ICAO has assisted in the establishment and development of over seventy national civil aviation training institutes. PgDn Related activities have included architectural planning of school buildings, procurement of classroom and training equipment including simulators, course development, validation and implementation. These activities also extended to the provision of international instructors and the training of national instructors and students. To this end, a very important part of ICAO's technical cooperation activities is the development and implementation of the ICAO TRAINAIR Program. PgDn This program was established to enhance the quality and the cost-efficiency of civil aviation training for the participating, mostly developing States. The TRAINAIR Programme uses three basic and inter-related strategies to achieve these goals: PgDn - a standardized training development methodology, which ensures full compatibility of training courses with ICAO SARPs and procedures; PgDn - an international training resource sharing system allowing for cost-effective utilization of training material, and PgDn - an international, co-operative network of civil aviation training institutions. You will hear more details on the ICAO TRAINAIR Program from my colleagues lateron, during a subsequent Agenda Item and further details are contained in Working Paper 34 and perhaps some of you had a chance to attend the TRAINAIR briefing at the ICAO booth.
ICAO Technical Co-operation CNS/ATM Training 28-Mar-17 Asia/Pacific: 27 in-country and 3 Inter-country familiarization seminars for 40 States/1000 participants Latin America: 4 seminars for 23 States/300 participants Europe/Middle East: 3 seminars on WGS-84 Africa: involvement in 1 sub-regional economics seminar specialized training courses, such as on GPS Procedures Design, GNSS Implementation etc. We have implemented many familiarization seminars and workshops and developed and conducted specialized training courses on various CNS/ATM related subjects, whether on a country-specific or regional basis, as part of ICAO’s assistance to States. PgDn For example, 27 in-country and 3 inter-country CNS/ATM familiarization workshops were held by ICAO in 1994 in the Asia/Pacific Region, under a UNDP funded project. 40 countries participated in the in-country and 31 countries in the regional cost-benefit analysis and cost recovery workshops, with a total number of over 1000 participants. Also as part of a UNDP funded regional project, 4 CNS/ATM implementation seminars were held in Latin America for 23 States and more than 300 participants. PgDn Other related seminars were held in Europe and the Middle East and in Africa. PgDn PgDn Further workshops on national CNS/ATM implementation planning are being carried out by ICAO in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East this year. You will hear a little more about these seminars and workshops from our colleague Mr Sudarshan in a moment. Workshops were, however, not the only form of training provided on CNS/ATM subjects to States through ICAO. PgDn Some training on particular aspects of CNS/ATM was imparted, or is planned to be imparted, through more specialized training courses.
ICAO Technical Co-operation Procurement 28-Mar-17 ICAO Technical Co-operation Procurement With your permission, Mr Chairman, PgDn I am now turning the microphone over to my colleague Mr Arnold Schwatschko who will introduce himself. PgDn Mr Schwatschko will be presenting, an equally brief or even briefer description of technical cooperation services of ICAO, as they relate to the third, equally important part of ICAO’s activities, the procurement of equipment and services, in particular for CNS/ATM application. Chief, ICAO Procurement Services Mr Arnold Schwatschko
ICAO Technical Co-operation CNS/ATM Equipment 28-Mar-17 ICAO Technical Co-operation CNS/ATM Equipment ICAO can effect procurement of ground systems, such as ATC consoles and terminals for CNS applications, such as: Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) equipment Controller/Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) systems Local Area Augmentation GNSS SSR with/without Mode-S and associated Data Link systems VHF Digital Data Link PgDn Thank you, Mr El Hicheri and Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I will certainly try to acquaint you with ICAO’s procurement capabilities in the shortest possible time. Of course, I shall be available afterwards here, or later in ICAO’s booth in the exhibition area for further questions. So far as the ideas and developments in CNS/ATM have affected ICAO procurement activities, I am pleased to say that of the various equipment items and systems in this field such as those shown on the screen, we have todate been involved in the procurement of an ADS system and the tendering of a GNS system. On the face of it, this would appear to be a rather limited range of experience in the realm of CNS/ATM related procurements. However, I am sure that with the expertise that ICAO has gained in the procurement of conventional communication, navigation and other civil aviation related equipment and services, we are ready to assist Member States in all aspects of CNS/ATM equipment purchases as soon as the relevant ICAO SARPS are finalized. Naturally, this procurement assistance is already available to any State which may wish to proceed now with the procurement of any CNS/ATM related items either in anticipation of the finalization of SARPS or, possibly, as a partner in ICAO’s efforts to develop SARPS by, in effect, providing ICAO with feedback on their operational experience with the equipment or systems purchased for them.
ICAO Technical Co-operation Procurement 28-Mar-17 ICAO Technical Co-operation Procurement In our ongoing efforts to meet any State=s procurement needs, ICAO offers services which take into account not only the specific needs and degree of internal procurement capabilities of a State, but also any special requirement which may be imposed by financing Authorities where governments avail themselves of external funding. PgDn Thus, a State may chose either a complete procurement service, namely from the determination of needs through the development of technical procurement specifications, PgDn tender documentation, award of contract and its management up to and including final site acceptance and commissioning. Alternatively, a State may avail itself of ICAO’s assistance with any main procurement element(s) required in the establishment and the subsequent administrative and technical management of major contracts. PgDn PgDn And this procurement assistance can be rendered over the complete range of procurement needs, from very simple Aoff-the-shelf@ equipment and services, to complex multi-disciplinary and multi-phase turn-key contracts. PgDn PgDn PgDn Over the years, ICAO has developed procurement rules and regulations which maintain all necessary controls and provide the transparency of the process expected of institutional procurement entities, and especially those of the UN system. But these rules also enable ICAO to readily accommodate any special requirements of Government and/or Financial Institutions. For example, Governments may wish to use, to the extent possible, local contractors and resources. On the other hand, financial institutions may require the limiting of procurement activities to a particular region or to the member States of the Institution, the use of particular currencies or the provision of special management reports. ICAO=s knowledge of the market will ensure that equipment and services are procured in the most economical manner through national or international competition. Normally, the savings generated more than accommodate the modest overhead charges levied by ICAO. For procurements under our Civil Aviation Purchasing Services (CAPS), ICAO charges are calculated on a sliding scale for each individual procurement. For major procurements, the costs for technical services and procurement fees are initially estimated by TCB and negotiated and agreed with the State in advance of procurement action. As a percentage of the total cost they actually decrease for major procurements. For example, the cost of technical and procurement services rendered by ICAO in relation to a recent radar and navigation aids installation which required contracts totaling US $22 million, amounted to just under 4% of the contract price, compared with the standard ICAO overhead rate of 10% applicable to UNDP funded projects. All major procurements are managed from ICAO Headquarters , but Civil Aviation Authorities who request procurement services are encouraged by ICAO to participate to the fullest extent possible in major procurements activities such as: specification preparation, tender evaluation, contract negotiation/ preparation. After contract award, national staff are also encouraged to participate in factory acceptance, installation and finally site acceptance procedures. Naturally, ICAO retains full technical and commercial responsibility for the proper completion of a contract. Finally, as most of you already know, ICAO does not have the resources to fund any procurements itself. However, if a State wishes, we can arrange the tendering of requirements in a manner where potential suppliers are invited to not only provide pricing on the basis of an outright sale, but also on the basis of the provision of financing. Such financing can be either by way of term payments or under the more complex arrangement of Government to Government funding arrangements. ICAO provides procurement services, including identification/definition of equipment needs development of specifications and tender documents call for international, regional or national tenders evaluation of bids contract award and management factory and site acceptance commissioning of systems
CNS/ATM Technical Co-operation 28-Mar-17 India Mr H. V. Sudarshan DGCA Chile Mr Luis A. Rossi IPV Brazil Mr Eno Siewerdt Thank you Mr Schwatschko. I think by now you are sufficiently familiar with ICAO’s technical cooperation services offered. As well, you should have a basic understanding of some of the assistance roles ICAO has played so far and can continue to play in CNS/ATM planning and implementation. May I then, again with your permission Mr Chairman, turn over the microphone to three representatives of States which were recipients of CNS/ATM related technical cooperation as well as developed their own capabilities to provide assistance in this field. PgDn PgDn The first person is Mr H. V. Sudarshan who will be presenting India’s experience with ICAO’s technical cooperation in a national CNS/ATM planning project, as he was actively involved when such a project was implemented in his home country in 1996/1997 and has since joined ICAO. Mr Sudarshan will also be speaking about the model CNS/ATM National Plan developed by ICAO. PgDn PgDn After Mr Sudarshan, we will be hearing short presentations from Mr Luis Rossi of the Civil Aviation Administration of the Government of Chile. Thereafter, another short presentation from Mr Eno Siewerdt from Brazil’s Flight Protection Institute or IPV in short, PgDn PgDn before we go into our well deserved coffee break.