7 Wonders of Belarus by Karina Matsukevich and Vera Pyzhik, form 6”V”
Storks Belarus is a famous for white storks. People say they are a symbol of good luck. In Pripyatsky National Park you can see a wonderful black stork. It is a very rare bird!
National library The National library in Belarus is a very interesting and delightful place. You`ll find all the interesting books in it. Every winter holidays you see a set of lights in the library! This is a very beautiful sight.
A wonderful pine-tree in Belovezhskaya Pyshcha In Belovezhskaya Pyshcha, you can see an amazing spruce 42 m high! Tourists usually play around it in a circle and sing cheerful songs.
Sunset on Lake Naroch Visiting Belarus you should see the sunset on the Naroch. It is very beautiful!
European bison The European bison is one of the symbols of Belarus.
Castles The castles in Mir lies in a Grodno region. It dates from the 15 th century. There is no other castle in the world like this one. The builders used red bricks for this castle. Nesvizh lies in a Minsk region. From the 16 th century it was the residence of a rich family-the Radzivils.
National Costume The blouses and the shirts in the Belarusian national costume are white with beautiful red ornaments- crosses and stripes.
Welcome to Belarus! In our opinion, Belarus is a very interesting place to visit with wonderful and hospitable people.