Drug oriented, topic specific reference. Published by AHFS services. It display a summary of all of the primary published literature on drug stability & compatibility.
The monographs are arranged alphabetically by nonproprietary name. The names of the drugs follow the style of USAN & the USP Dictionary of Drug Names. Each monograph contain the following information:
Products: –Lists many of the sizes, strengths, volumes, and forms in which the drug is supplied. –Instructions for constitution (when applicable). – pH of the drug products. –osmotic value of the drug. – other miscellaneous product information.
Administration: –Routes. –Rates of infusion (when applicable), and other related administration details.
Stability: –Describes the drug’s stability and storage requirements according to USP. –In addition, pH effects, the effects of freezing and exposure to light, and the sorption and filtration characteristics of the drug are presented.
Compatibility Information: –Tabulates the results of published reports from primary reference sources of compatibility testing of the subject drug with infusion solutions and other drugs. –The various citations are listed alphabetically by solution or drug name; the information is completely cross-referenced among the monographs. –Four types of tables are utilized to present the available information, depending on the kind of test being reported.
Compatible, if the results of original article indicate one or more of the following criteria were met: 1.Physical or visual compatibility of the combination was reported (no detection of particulate formation, ppt., color change or gas evolution). 2.Stability of the components for at least 24 hrs in an admixture under the specified conditions was reported (decomposition of 10% or less) 3.Stability of the components for the entire test period.
Incompatible, if the results of original article indicate either or both of the following criteria were met: 1.A physical or visual compatibility was reported (detection of particulate formation, ppt., color change or gas evolution) 2.Greater than 10% decomposition of one or more components in 24 hrs or less under the specified condition was reported.
The compatibility of Injectable solution will be discussed in case of: 1.Dilution of drug (or reconstitution) with infusion solution e.g. NS, D5W.(Solution Compatibility). 2.Mixing of 2 or more drugs in the Same IV solution.(additive compatbility). 3.Withdrawing of 2 or more drugs by the same syringe.(syringe compatbility). 4.Administration of 2 drug solution by Y-site injection.
Solution in which the test was conducted C: compatible I: incompatible Description of the Results of the test Manufacturer of the drug(m) Manufacturer of the solution Conc. of the drug(m) Primary reference
Manufacturer of the T. drug Test drug Manufacturer of the drug(m) Conc. of the T. drug Conc. of the Drug(m) Infusion solution of the test
Test drug Manufacturer of the T. drug Actual Amount of the T. drug Manufacturer of the drug(m) Actual Amount of the drug(m)
Test drug Conc. of the T. Drug prior to mixing at Y-site Conc. of the Drug(m) prior to mixing at Y-site