Tips and Tricks to Effectively Use PowerPoint Jessica DeVaal
Today’s To-Do List When should I use a visual aid? Types of media Designing visual aids Perks of presentation software Guidelines for slide shows Group Slides
When should I use a visual aid? When it will make the message clearer. When it will be simple enough to be understood on its own. When it will be worth the time needed to develop it. When it will enhance the message. When it will supplement retention.
Types of Media Handouts Models Films, Videotapes, or DVDs Slide shows Flip charts Whiteboards Transparencies
Designing Visual Aids Use one idea per visual. Use one overall style for all visuals. Use color for emphasis. Only use computer graphics if they enhance!! Proofread!
Slide Shows Computer software makes professional quality presentations easy to prepare. Can incorporate other software, presentation graphics and techniques, video and/or audio clips. Many textbooks have computerized slide shows available for teachers.
Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Layouts –Provides over two dozen layouts for text and other content Slide Design –Variety of designs and color schemes for background and text colors These tools can assist you with layout and color combinations! These tools can assist you with layout and color combinations!
Basics of Design Readability Content Consistency
Guidelines for Slide Shows Organize slides around topic. TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH!! –Too many slides –Too much material on one slide –Too many “bells and whistles” Rule of 49
Guidelines for Slide Shows Check equipment and set up in advance. Determine appropriate lighting. Determine appropriate distance between projector and screen.
Guidelines for Slide Shows Provide adequate contrast. –consider lighting Slides should supplement not replace! Plan B for equipment failure!!
Font Sizes 72 pt 60 pt 44 pt 36 pt 32 pt 28 pt 24 pt
Font Use sans serif fonts –Arial –Helvetica Avoid “fancy fonts” Avoid italics, shadow & underlines Keep running text to a minimum
Group Slide #1 I have relatives that live in many different states, including: Minnesota South Dakota Hawaii Iowa Alaska Nebraska North Dakota Wisconsin
Group Slide #2 Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Group Slide #3
Group Slide #4 Advantages for using transparencies: Useful for: outlining objectives or key points providing illustrations or even graphical representations summarizing material Often available as a supplement to textbooks -3 hole punch and store in a binder for future use Guidelines for Transparencies: Face the audience Use a Pointer Use a “mask” to cover what is NOT being discussed Use overlays to “build” a model or illustrate steps or parts of a whole
Review of Key Points Font Size –Titles – 44 pt –Body – no smaller than 28 pt Font Style –Arial or Helvetica Rule of 49, 36, 25 … Color –Light on Dark/Dark on Light
Resources Dr. Sandy Braathen, UND ngsmart/2005/06/ ml ngsmart/2005/06/ ml ngsmart/2005/06/ ml ools/help/ppttips.pdf ools/help/ppttips.pdf ools/help/ppttips.pdf tworkdone/presentations.mspx tworkdone/presentations.mspx tworkdone/presentations.mspx
Thank You! Enjoy the rest of PDC!