DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULE Module No. and Title: Level: ECVET: Content of the Module in Keywords Expected learning outcomes in Keywords Knowledge: Skills: Competences: Subdivision The content of the module is divided into ______ units: (please insert titles) Unit No. 1: Unit No. 2:
UNIT’S DESCRIPTION Please use one Unit’s description for each unit of the Module General Information Unit’s number and title : Content of the unit:For the draft keywords are sufficient Learning methodology – Please describe the way the content is presented A. Introduction, motivating impulse : How can learners be made interested in the topic of the unit? Please describe a short exercise, an ice breaker, a thought-provoking impulse to start with. If appropriate, please insert picture, diagram, statistics, cartoon etc. B. Learning activities and material required : Please describe the proceeding in detail, preferably using the keywords from the Glossary Please describe the required material with special regard to variation of media and interactive/collaborative work.
UNIT’S DESCRIPTION CONTINUED C. Reflection and setting phase – closing of unit, assignment (optional) : This could be short summarising of content; an exercise; a short group work and/or discussion; a self- studying exercise/homework; some questions to be answered; a test etc. D. References and material recommended for further study: Web-links : www … (if possible, give the number of the source from the Reference Material Pool) Literature : Please follow these models of quotation: Surname, name (year of publication): title/subtitle of publication; Edition; Place of publishing: name of Publishing house Surname, name (year of publication): title/subtitle of publication; published in: magazine/anthology etc.; from page x–y; Place of publishing: name of Publishing house Other material (such as films, music etc.) E. Time needed for this unit Please calculate the overall time needed for the student to finish the unit.
CLOSING OF MODULE Overall reflection – closing of module Please describe the way in which the module is closed. Assignment The assignment for the module may - possibly be the sum of assignments of the different units or - a special assignment covering the content of the whole module