CSE Senior Design I Superior Designs, Inc. Spring 2010 Approved Projects (for delivery August 2010) Instructor: Mike O’Dell
1 Apartment Security System Design and develop a system that detects, record and reports unauthorized vehicle entry. Implement camera (or other) detection mechanism to identify vehicle and compare against database of thoise authorized Integrate vision processing and database mechanisms to solve real-world problem. Sponsor: Ms. Judy Astrello, Cooper Hill Apprtments, Bedford, TX
1 Robotic Connect-4 Game Develop a simple robotic device to play connect-4 game. Camera detects board state and s=directs device to select and drop correct chip in correct position on board Integrate camera hardware and vision processing software and AI solution logic to solve the game. Potential Sponsor: CSE Vision Lab (Dr. Athitsos)
1 Generic Autonomous Vehicle Control Module Design and develop a sensing and control system for any hobby remote controlled vehicle that uses a standard RC receiver Control module communicates with vehicle’s actuators/controls using standard (PPM) signal. Integrate embedded computer, PPM module, actuators, GPS, etc. to control generic vehicle Potential: a full blown autonomous UGV with obstacle avoidance in a matter of minutes Potential Sponsor: (Chris McMurrough??)
1 Directional Sound Receiver Design and develop a system consisting of an array of omni-directional microphones. Adjust delays in the audio streams from microphones to reinforce sound/suppress noise. Develop user interface to monitor and control speaker selection. Potential application: speaker selection in a conference room/meeting Sponsor: Umair Sadiq/UTA Lab??
1 Weather Balloon Data Collector Design and develop a system to be attached to a weather balloon to collect environmental data (position, altitude, temperature, pressure, humidity, etc). Module should also be able to detach from the aircraft via remote command, timer, or upon detection of a specified event. Data collector module deploys parachute and detection device to allow recovery. Potential Sponsor: UTA GeoScience Lab??
1 Digital Audio Recorder (DAR) Develop an audio version of a DVR (a.k.a. “Audio Tivo”) for the radio Integrate/implement hardware to store and manipulate digital audio stream for “real-time” playback Implement “rewind”, “fast forward,” “jump to live,” and other functions similar to those found on a DVR Potential Sponsor: Radio Shack, or local technology company