James D. Goltz Ph.D. Earthquake and Tsunami Program Manager California Emergency Management Agency CISN Steering and Advisory Committee Meeting Sacramento, October 13, 2010
Since Last Meeting: Some Changes Cal EMA has now been in existence for nearly two years, new Undersecretary in September Earthquake and Tsunami Program got bigger Have had some major earthquakes this year Have continued to promote use of CISN Display Have worked on Catastrophic Earthquake Response plans Legislation to introduce EEW developed/died
Creation of Cal EMA The California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) was established as part of the Governor’s Office on January 1, 2009 Created by Assembly Bill 38 (Nava), which merged the duties, powers, purposes, and responsibilities of the former Governor’s Office of Emergency Services with those of the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security. Cal EMA is responsible for the coordination of overall state agency response to major disasters in support of local government. The Agency is responsible for assuring the state’s readiness to respond to and recover from all hazards – natural, manmade, war-caused emergencies and disasters – and for assisting local governments in their emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and hazard mitigation efforts.
Organization of Cal EMA
New Undersecretary of Cal EMA Mike Dayton From former OHS Was Cal EMA chief of staff, replaces Frank McCarton Congressional staffer for 13 years Native of California Education: Sacramento State University and Naval Post Graduate School
Earthquake and Tsunami Program of Cal EMA Is part of the Preparedness Division Now has a manager and 5 staff, 3 contract employees Funding for tsunami program is 100% $1 million per year Funding for earthquake program is 75% state general fund and 25% million per year Funding for CISN stable though cuts were imposed in 2008
Earthquakes of 2010
High Level Outreach Opportunities
Promoting Use of CISN Display Through CSTI earthquake classes At tsunami workshops in coastal counties Used in Cal EMA Warning Center and many EOCs In cooperation w/ CISN partner organizations
Some Other Cal EMA Earthquake Initiatives Catastrophic earthquake plans for northern and southern California “My Hazards” web portal Development of 56 ShakeMap/HAZUS scenarios for California ShakeOut Campaign
October 21, 10:21 a.m. 6.8 million registered as of October 13 With your help, this will be the largest earthquake drill in history! 2010 Great California ShakeOut
If inside, stay inside! If outside, stay outside! Drop to the floor -before the earthquake drops you! Take Cover -under a sturdy desk or table -Or get down next to a wall and cover your head with your arms Hold On to it firmly -Be ready to move with it until the shaking stops. Protect Yourself During Earthquakes
Get Ready Before the Next Earthquake! At home, work, and school… Secure Your Space -Strap furniture to walls -Put latches on cabinets -Secure TVs and computers Create or update plans -Communication plan -Where will everyone meet -Learn first aid, etc. Store more water -One gallon per person, per day -For at least 3 days, ideally for 2 weeks Organize food/supplies for 3 days Have a fire extinguisher ?
Assembly Bill 928- Blakeslee Bill would require the California High Speed Rail Authority to develop an earthquake early warning system to protect rail passengers. Current Status: Withdrawn early this year. May reintroduce