#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, OpenADR 2.0 Signaling over Tropos Network Architecture, Communications and Security May Jim Compton AGM/CTO Burbank Water and Power
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, Agenda Overview Architecture Communications Security Q&A
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, Overview Burbank, California –Major C&I customers are Media and Entertainment Industry with studios well known to the audience. Why Demand Response (DR)? –Mothballing two generators that ran fewer than eight (8) days per year –DR to be used to fill the gap Why OpenADR 2.0? –Standard signaling protocol to all loads outside BWP’s cyber security perimeter
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, Architecture
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, Communications Approximately 50,000 smart meters Tropos wireless mesh network with fiber optic backhaul Approximately 400 radios covering 98% of the City Low latency/high bandwidth –Average bandwidth availability: 5-10mbs per radio –Average round trip latency: 2.1ms BWP VTNs will be signaled from the Automated Dispatch System (ADS) over BWPs Enterprise Services Bus (ESB) using IEC /100-based web services OpenADR 2.0a endpoints (VENs) will be signaled via Tropos wireless network Tropos 1410 radios will be integrated into the OpenADR 2.0a VENS
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, ADS – VTN Signaling Source: IEC , Application integration at electric utilities – System interfaces for distribution Management, Edition 1, , Figure 37, p. 60.
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, Security OpenADR 2.0a uses a flexible, state of the art security model based upon: –Authentication – You can verify that the sender is who he claims to be –Integrity – You can verify that the message has not been tampered with. –Non-repudiation – You can prove that the sender did in fact send the message. –Confidentiality – You can ensure that only the intended recipient can read your message (encryption). Core security technologies leverage Secure Socket Layer (SSL) transport, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and device level certificates. Security implementation methods consider customer preferences and their enterprise security infrastructure.
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, VeriSign CA VeriSign DS Issue Certificates Publish Public Information Maintain CRL and Public Certificates DRAS IADS Participant Facility BWP Portal X.509 Certificates Certificates Verify Certificates and Certificate Revocation List
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, Risk Analysis – VTN Use Case 1: Malicious disruption of OADR2 messages leaving the server (VTN) Actor 1, Utility (VTN)Risk Category Message TypeAICN Demand Response Events3311 Price ConveyancePublic Data1111 Price ConveyancePrivate Data2222 Price Conveyance with PRD3322 Feedback (Meter telemetry or other)2222 Energy Transactions3333 [1] [1] There are programs that tie load shed to prices [2] [2] Not substation or state estimation devices, client devices only [3] [3] Buying and selling, with calls to perform Risk Categories 1.Inconvenient but no detrimental effect to either customer or grid 2.Disturbance to utility or customers, but not to grid 3.Grid Instability
#ConnWeekSanta Clara, CA May 22-24, Risk Analysis – VEN Use Case 2: Malicious disruption of OADR2 messages leaving the end node (VEN) Actor 2, End Device (VEN)Risk Category Message TypeAICN Demand Response Events1111 Price ConveyancePublic Data1111 Price ConveyancePrivate Data1111 Price Conveyance with PRD1111 Feedback (Meter telemetry or other)2222 Energy Transactions3333 [1] [1] There are programs that tie load shed to prices [2] [2] Not substation or state estimation devices, client devices only [3] [3] Buying and selling, with calls to perform Risk Categories 1.Inconvenient but no detrimental effect to either customer or grid 2.Disturbance to utility or customers, but not to grid 3.Grid Instability