1 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College What Faculty Need to Know During a Classroom Emergency Office of Emergency Management
3 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management Your Response Matters! Faculty & Staff are the FRONT LINE in Emergency Management The employee is an authoritative figure for the student and can influence how the student responds to an emergency. Students will look to you for guidance in the event of an emergency, so know how to react!
4 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College What do I need to know? Office of Emergency Management
5 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College What You Should Know: The two safest and most direct evacuation routes. The location of campus emergency phones, automated external defibrillators (AED), and fire extinguishers. The location of designated assembly locations outside of the facility. Locations of shelter-in-place for a severe weather event. How to respond to various emergencies --- Read the Emergency Action Plan! Office of Emergency Management
6 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management Types of possible incidents: I.Fire II.Violent Incident III.Suspicious Person/Object IV.Hazardous Material V.Tornado VI.Earthquake VII.Bomb Threat VIII.Power Failure
7 Emergencies Fire or Suspected Fire Bomb Threats (May require shelter in place or evacuation) Loss of Electrical Power? Indoor Hazardous Materials Flooding Active Shooter (Run, Hide, Fight) - see College Police for details Earthquake EvacuateShelter Severe Weather Exterior Hazardous Materials When instructed by Campus Authorities Other: NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management
8 8 Areas in GREEN are designated as assembly areas during evacuations. Areas in RED are potentially dangerous and designated for emergency response only.
9 Emergencies EvacuateShelter NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management
10 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Where to get information? Office of Emergency Management
11 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Where to get information? Office of Emergency Management and Safety (OEMS) Website – NOVA Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Emergency Procedures Postures Office of Emergency Management
12 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College How do I share this with my class? Office of Emergency Management
13 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Emergency Preparation in the Classroom Review assembly and shelter sites, location of resources (extinguishers, AEDs, etc.), and where to find more information. Utilize existing resources, such as: – Student Emergency Procedures PPT – Emergency Preparedness Syllabus Insert – Campus Safety Video – Take 10 on the nvcc.edu/emergency website – Emergency Procedures Posters Encourage students to sign up for NOVA Alerts. Assure that persons with disabilities have the information that they need. You should be familiar with their plan. Assure all students evacuate the building or move to the safe shelter area immediately in the event of an emergency or a drill and that doors are closed as buildings are evacuated. Attempt to account for all students. Office of Emergency Management
14 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management Resources
15 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management Get Info NOVA Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Emergency procedure posters in classrooms and across campus emergency Plaw-5RTKWg
16 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management Get Help Panic buttons on classroom and office phones LiveSafe App
17 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management Extinguishers Interior extinguishers in hallways and some classrooms Exterior water extinguishers by building entrances for small mulch fires
18 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management EMERGENCY!!! Automated External Defibrillators (AED) in every campus building Green severe weather shelter area signs designate safe locations during a shelter-in-place emergency
19 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management Good communications is the key to crisis awareness. Sign up for NOVA Alert at: Get Alerted
20 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Office of Emergency Management Right Now: Add NOVA Police into your cell phone: Next 24 hours: Sign up for NOVA Alerts at Read the Emergency Action Plan found on Homework
21 NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Questions and Thank you!! Thank you for your time. OEM appreciates your effort in making the NOVA Campuses a safe and rewarding place to attend school and work. Should you desire further information on how to be prepared, please contact: – Justin Miller, Emergency Coordinator/Planner – NOVA resources available at – Campus Police at – Additional resources from FEMA at Office of Emergency Management