The Early Republic 5 th Grade Social Studies Chapter 10 Lesson 1 People on the Move
Lesson People on the Move pages Vocabulary pioneer frontier flatboat canal a settler who travels into unknown or unclaimed territory pioneer
Lesson People on the Move pages Vocabulary pioneer frontier flatboat canal large, rectangular boat with a flat bottom flatboat
Lesson People on the Move pages Vocabulary pioneer frontier flatboat canal a waterway made by people for travel & shipping goods canal
Lesson People on the Move pages Vocabulary pioneer frontier flatboat canal an area just beyond or at the edge of a settled area frontier
Lesson People on the Move pages Where is the Cumberland Gap? It is in the Appalachian Mountains in Virginia What did Daniel Boone do? He helped clear a new road, the Wilderness Road, through the Cumberland Gap. Then he led settlers along the road west into Kentucky
Lesson People on the Move pages What did pioneers have in their homes? They might have had a table, a bed, a spinning wheel, and a few dishes Why was frontier life hard? Settlers worked hard to hunt & farm Who was Chief Logan? An American Indian who was friendly to settlers until they killed his family
The Early Republic 5 th Grade Social Studies Chapter 10 Lesson 2 The Nation Grows
Lesson The Nation Grows pages Vocabulary manufacturer corps interpreter source the beginning of a stream or river source
Lesson The Nation Grows pages Vocabulary manufacturer corps interpreter source an organized group of people who do something together corps
Lesson The Nation Grows pages Vocabulary manufacturer corps interpreter source someone who helps people who speak different languages understand each other interpreter
Lesson The Nation Grows pages Vocabulary manufacturer corps interpreter source a person or a company that makes goods to sell manufacturer
Lesson The Nation Grows pages In what ways did Jefferson’s view differ from the first two Presidents? He thought state governments should be stronger than national government. / He wanted to help farmers more than business owners
Lesson The Nation Grows pages Why was the Louisiana Purchase a good business deal for the U.S.? The United States doubled its size. It also now had control of the port in New Orleans. What did Jefferson ask Lewis & Clark to do? To explore the land of the Louisiana Purchase & learn as much as possible about it. Also to look for a water route to the Pacific Ocean
Lesson The Nation Grows pages Why was Sacagawea an important member of the Corps of Discovery? She helped by collecting plants for food & medicine, talking to Indians to show they were peaceful, & by helping trade for horses & supplies What rivers did Zebulon Pike explore? Mississippi River, Arkansas River, Red River
The Early Republic 5 th Grade Social Studies Chapter 10 Lesson 3 The War of 1812
Lesson The War of 1812 p Vocabulary prosperity nationalism foreign policy decisions & principles that guide a government’s actions toward other countries foreign policy
Lesson The War of 1812 p Vocabulary prosperity nationalism foreign policy strong loyalty to one’s own nation nationalism
Lesson The War of 1812 p Vocabulary prosperity nationalism foreign policy a condition of success prosperity
Lesson The War of 1812 p Why did President Madison want the United States to stay neutral? He wanted Americans to be able to trade with both the British & the French What did Britain do at sea that helped lead to the war? British officers raided American ships & forced American sailors to work on their ships
Lesson The War of 1812 p What happened at the Battle of Tippecanoe? William Henry Harrison’s army & Tecumseh’s followers fought at the Tippecanoe settlement What power do the boats on p. 362 use to move? Wind power
Lesson The War of 1812 p Why might these boats be vulnerable to cannon fire? They are in an exposed position out on the water What happened when the United States Army fought near Canada early in the war? The U.S. Army was badly beaten each time it tried to invade Canada
Lesson The War of 1812 p What happened to the White House during the invasion of Washington? The British burned it When & where was the Treaty of Ghent signed? 1814 in Ghent, Belgium
Lesson The War of 1812 p What was the Monroe Doctrine? Official foreign policy issued by President James Monroe. It said that the U.S. might act to keep other countries out of North & South America
The Early Republic 5 th Grade Social Studies Chapter 10 Lesson 4 Age of Jackson
Lesson Age of Jackson p Vocabulary suffrage campaign ruling the right to vote suffrage
Lesson Age of Jackson p Vocabulary suffrage campaign ruling energetic actions or operations taken to accomplish a purpose campaign
Lesson Age of Jackson p Vocabulary suffrage campaign ruling a decision made by a court ruling
Lesson Age of Jackson p In what ways were voters in the U.S. different after the War of 1812? Many were new voters from the new states & the western frontier. Many also had little money or education Who could not vote during the election of 1828? Women & most African Americans What happened to the national bank when Jackson was President? It closed
Lesson Age of Jackson p What was the Indian Removal Act? Forced all Indians East of Mississippi River to move west (Trial of Tears) What peaceful methods did John Ross use to fight injustice? He went to the Supreme Court to get a decision on Indian Removal Who was Chief Osceola? Seminole chief who fought against Indian removal