HPA Training on Travel & PSU Planning a Trip? IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Planning a Trip Airfare Airfare Airfare Car Car Car Hotel Hotel Hotel Registration fees Registration fees Registration fees Registration fees –What is included: such as hotel, meals, etc. Reimbursement rates Reimbursement rates Reimbursement rates Reimbursement rates IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Approved Travel Agencies Penn State Travel Services Penn State Travel Services Penn State Travel Services Penn State Travel Services –On-line Travel Services On-line Travel ServicesOn-line Travel Services or Centre for Travel Inc. Centre for Travel Inc Omega World Travel Omega World Travel IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Airfare Approved travel agencies Approved travel agencies Approved travel agencies Approved travel agencies Self-booking On-line site Self-booking On-line site Self-booking On-line site Self-booking On-line site IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Car rentals Fleet information Fleet information Fleet information Fleet information –Vehicle Reservation On-line Vehicle Reservation On-lineVehicle Reservation On-line National Car Rental Information National Car Rental Information National Car Rental Information National Car Rental Information Mapquest (if you just need mileage) Mapquest (if you just need mileage) Mapquest (if you just need mileage) Mapquest (if you just need mileage) IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Hotel charges Hotel charges are paid with personal credit card Hotel charges are paid with personal credit card –Only exception would be if a registration fee includes the hotel charge (not broken out at all) Obtain a detailed receipt Obtain a detailed receiptdetailed receiptdetailed receipt After trip, you will complete a travel support form for reimbursement or to clear expenses for trip After trip, you will complete a travel support form for reimbursement or to clear expenses for trip IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Registration fees Registration fees may be paid by purchasing card (just the registration fee) Registration fees may be paid by purchasing card (just the registration fee) When there is a list of costs for registration fee, meals, hotel, etc., only the registration fee may be paid with purchasing card. Anything separate from the registration fee must be paid with personal credit card (such as meals, hotels, etc.) When there is a list of costs for registration fee, meals, hotel, etc., only the registration fee may be paid with purchasing card. Anything separate from the registration fee must be paid with personal credit card (such as meals, hotels, etc.) If something is included in the registration fee and there is no possibility of splitting out the cost, then the purchasing card may be used or a SRFC (Special Request for Check) See Lucy, Edie, or Pat for clarification on which should be used If something is included in the registration fee and there is no possibility of splitting out the cost, then the purchasing card may be used or a SRFC (Special Request for Check) See Lucy, Edie, or Pat for clarification on which should be used –If paying registration fee and hotel charges (combined charge no possibility of splitting out the charges, must be paid using an SRFC Obtain a detailed receipt Obtain a detailed receiptdetailed receiptdetailed receipt Required brochure and/or itinerary Required brochure and/or itinerary IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Memberships Memberships may not be paid with a purchasing card Memberships may not be paid with a purchasing card Personal memberships may not be paid by the University if they offer organizational memberships Personal memberships may not be paid by the University if they offer organizational memberships If paying a personal membership (organizational membership not available), must be paid using an SRFC (Special Request for Check…See Lucy, Edie, Pat for clarification) If paying a personal membership (organizational membership not available), must be paid using an SRFC (Special Request for Check…See Lucy, Edie, Pat for clarification) IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Personal travel Must Contact Travel Port to obtain written documentation on pricing for both business and personal (will be required when completing the travel support form for the trip) Must Contact Travel Port to obtain written documentation on pricing for both business and personal (will be required when completing the travel support form for the trip)Travel Port Travel Port –Quote for just business portion of trip –Quote for business & personal portion of trip Personal portion must be directly charged to personal credit card Personal portion must be directly charged to personal credit card IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Unauthorized internet site(s) Must obtain written quote using authorized Travel Port (keep for reconciling trip) Must obtain written quote using authorized Travel Port (keep for reconciling trip)Travel Port Travel Port Must pay using personal credit card Must pay using personal credit card Must obtain written receipts to submit when reconciling trip; along with explanation of not using PSU approved vendor Must obtain written receipts to submit when reconciling trip; along with explanation of not using PSU approved vendor IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Dot.com agencies Traveler must document everything –Print on-line form (copy of web receipt) –Print confirmation/reservation –Obtain receipt when checking in; if not available get a business card of the hotel manager or at least the hotel phone number so the budget assistant may call the hotel and confirm the following information: following informationfollowing information Hotel name, address, and phone number Hotel name, address, and phone number Manager’s name and phone number Manager’s name and phone number Verify days at hotel, price/night, # of guests, name of guest, and anything out of the ordinary Verify days at hotel, price/night, # of guests, name of guest, and anything out of the ordinary –Must include a memo explaining why hotel/airfare receipt was not available on letterhead paper –Must include pricing through Penn State and the outside source used –If using on-line travel arrangements, must also provide copy of credit card statement indicating the actual charge when you submit your travel support form IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Receipts Allowable receipts Allowable receipts –Must have clear description of purchase –Must have actual price of purchase –Must show that item was paid for and how Ex: Paid by visa/$0 balance Ex: Paid by visa/$0 balance IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Travel Tips Plan out funding required prior to trip Plan out funding required prior to trip Obtain detailed receipts Obtain detailed receiptsdetailed receiptsdetailed receipts Keep your passenger receipt for airfare Keep your passenger receipt for airfare Have envelope for trip and label it with trip information Have envelope for trip and label it with trip information –Ex: 10/1/2005 AUPHA Conference in Orlando, FL After trip, fill out travel support form and turn in for reimbursement with envelope of receipts After trip, fill out travel support form and turn in for reimbursement with envelope of receipts Do not use acronyms on any travel forms Do not use acronyms on any travel forms IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Reconciling your trip Please keep trip centralized Please keep trip centralized –If working with a staff member, continue to work with same staff member for entire trip. –Everything must be documented on the travel support form (such as DBAF, VRES, etc.) Fill out travel support form using detailed receipts Fill out travel support form using detailed receiptsdetailed receiptsdetailed receipts If registration fee(s), include brochure and/or itinerary and receipt If registration fee(s), include brochure and/or itinerary and receipt If airfare, include passenger receipts If airfare, include passenger receipts If includes personal travel, document dates of personal travel If includes personal travel, document dates of personal travel –Remember to include all documentation on pricing of personal and business portions of the trip If using an unauthorized vendor, include all documentation on pricing of PSU vendor and receipts from unauthorized vendor If using an unauthorized vendor, include all documentation on pricing of PSU vendor and receipts from unauthorized vendor –Remember to include explanation for using unauthorized vendor IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Travel Forms Penn State Forms Penn State Forms –Travel Support form Travel Support formTravel Support form –Group meal form Group meal formGroup meal form –One day meal form One day meal formOne day meal form –Form search Form searchForm search HPA forms HPA forms –Request for general funds IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Travel Policies Search for a policy Search for a policy Search for a policy Search for a policy TR01: Approval of Travel expenditures and use of travel services TR01: Approval of Travel expenditures and use of travel services TR01: Approval of Travel expenditures and use of travel services TR01: Approval of Travel expenditures and use of travel services TR02: Travel advances and reimbursement of travel expenses TR02: Travel advances and reimbursement of travel expenses TR02: Travel advances and reimbursement of travel expenses TR02: Travel advances and reimbursement of travel expenses TR05: Meals and lodging – conus travel (contiguous 48 united states) TR05: Meals and lodging – conus travel (contiguous 48 united states) TR05: Meals and lodging – conus travel (contiguous 48 united states) TR05: Meals and lodging – conus travel (contiguous 48 united states) TR07: Other travel and related expenses TR07: Other travel and related expenses TR07: Other travel and related expenses TR07: Other travel and related expenses TR09: Extended travel stays outside the continental limits of the United States TR09: Extended travel stays outside the continental limits of the United States TR09: Extended travel stays outside the continental limits of the United States TR09: Extended travel stays outside the continental limits of the United States TR13: International group travel approval policy TR13: International group travel approval policy TR13: International group travel approval policy TR13: International group travel approval policy TR14: Travel Self-booking TR14: Travel Self-booking TR14: Travel Self-booking TR14: Travel Self-booking IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesPersonal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel Forms Travel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesPersonal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel Forms Travel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Visitors All incoming visitors must fill out the V.I.S.I.T. form prior to arrival All incoming visitors must fill out the V.I.S.I.T. form prior to arrival V.I.S.I.T. form V.I.S.I.T. form If visitor is international, must have appropriate documentation, see chart. If visitor is international, must have appropriate documentation, see chart.chart There will not be any arrangements made until the above documents have been provided. There will not be any arrangements made until the above documents have been provided. IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Each person is approved for $750 (associate and full professors) or $1,250 (assistant professors) for each academic year for presentation of a paper or poster at a national meeting which includes: Academy of Management, Academy Health, and American Public Health Association. In addition, for faculty going to the Academy of Management this year, I've increased that amount by $250. Faculty exceeding those amounts and wishing the department to pay, would need my approval for amounts above the approved level. Faculty wishing to use funds to travel to give a presentation at another meeting would need my approval. Faculty wishing to use funds to travel to a meeting where they are not presenting a paper or poster would need my approval. HPA Travel Amounts The following is pre-approved by Dr. Shea: IntroIntro, Planning a Trip, Approved Travel Agencies Airfare, Car rentals, Hotel charges, Registration fees, Memberships, Personal Travel, Unauthorized internet site(s), Dot.com agencies, Receipts, Travel Tips, Reconciling your trip, Travel Forms, Travel Policies, Visitors, HPA Travel Amounts, Index Planning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex IntroPlanning a TripApproved Travel Agencies AirfareCar rentalsHotel chargesRegistration feesMemberships Personal TravelUnauthorized internet site(s)Dot.com agencies ReceiptsTravel TipsReconciling your tripTravel FormsTravel PoliciesVisitorsHPA Travel AmountsIndex
Index Intro Intro Intro Planning a Trip Planning a Trip Planning a Trip Planning a Trip Approved Travel Agencies Airfare Approved Travel Agencies Airfare Approved Travel Agencies Airfare Approved Travel Agencies Airfare Car rentals Car rentals Car rentals Car rentals Hotel charges Hotel charges Hotel charges Hotel charges Registration fees Registration fees Registration fees Registration fees Memberships Memberships Memberships Personal Travel Personal Travel Personal Travel Personal Travel Unauthorized internet site(s) Unauthorized internet site(s) Unauthorized internet site(s) Unauthorized internet site(s) Dot.com agencies Dot.com agencies Dot.com agencies Dot.com agencies Receipts Receipts Receipts Travel Tips Travel Tips Travel Tips Travel Tips Reconciling your trip Reconciling your trip Reconciling your trip Reconciling your trip Travel Forms Travel Forms Travel Forms Travel Forms Travel Policies Travel Policies Travel Policies Travel Policies Visitors Visitors Visitors HPA Travel Amounts HPA Travel Amounts HPA Travel Amounts HPA Travel Amounts Index Index Index