The revenue and expense system for Canadian FIS events is now in its 4 th year and has proved to be a fair and equitable system. This payment system spreads out the travel costs for TDs across the entire Canadian FIS calendar and assures that ROCs equally share in the benefits and risks as a community of ROCs in our FIS system. It also separates the ROC and the specific TD at any venue from the majority of the necessary financial transactions that cover these expenses. This popular payment system is a very important detail for FIS TDs who service FIS events in Canada to appreciate and respect. There are important elements both ROCs and FIS TDs must provide for this to operate as designed, and it is clear some members need to fully understand what is required. The flat-rate system allows the TD Commissioner and the coordinators to make decisions with the assigned TDs of how to effectively best manage TD resources and serve our ROC’s on an aggregated and shared-risk basis. Pre-event coordination with TDs about exact travel cost limits and other aspects of the forecast expenses are individually authorized and agreed. Discussions or objections to travel costs rarely involve the ROC’s. ROCs are made aware that Hotel and Lfts are THEIR only financial TD Expense obligation. Issues are resolved by peer-to-peer discussion. All know in advance what their flat rate and on-site financial obligations are. Canadian Alpine FIS event ROCs pay a fixed flat-rate charge per codex to the Canadian FIS TD Working Group The Canadian FIS TD Working Group reimburses the TD for their expenses ROCs DO NOT pay FIS TD Expenses to the TD. But the ROC IS responsible for proper accommodation during the event, and, if necessary, any overnight accommodation required during travel to/from the event.
BILLING Prior to all CDN FIS events (other than WC), the ROC will be billed by the CDN FIS TD working Group for their event on a per codex basis of: Level I and II $300 Level III and IV $400
WHO PAYS WHAT??? The ROC is responsible for ALL accommodation and lifts for their assigned TD’s The CDN TD Working Group pays all other expenses – per diems, travel (as per 602.5), meals, car rentals, mileage, other necessary incidentals.
TD RESPONSIBILITY Prior to any CDN FIS event (other than WC) the assigned TD will be sent a duplicate copy of the ROC invoice by the eastern and/or western coordinators This invoice is to be handed to the Chief of Race on your arrival
EXPENSE REIUMBURSMENT The expense form for CDN events is on the NAFISTD website The information as to where to submit your invoice is also on this form All expenses MUST have original, scanned receipts – NOT just credit card receipts There should be NO alcohol And NO accommodation included Please only submit receipts for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner
PRE-AUTHORIZED TRAVEL LEVEL I AND II EVENTS For all Level I and II events, your travel allowance is covered under ICR If the travel to your assigned event is in excess of this amount (approx. $700 CDN Or $675 US), you will need prior approval from the Canadian TD Commissioner Ted Savage
PRE-AUTHORIZED TRAVEL LEVEL III AND IV EVENTS For US TD’s doing CDN Level III and IV events, please have your travel pre-approved BEFORE your ticket puchase
PAYMENT OF EXPENSES All CDN TD’s will be paid in Canadian funds, by CDN cheque. All US TD’s will be paid in US funds, via US bank draft. We try to have invoices paid within two weeks
QUESTIONS??? Any anomalies with Respect to expenses Shall be resolved by the Ted Savage, Canadian TD Commissioner in cooperation with the coordinators