W. A D V I K. RU Introduction materials
W. A D V I K. RU Lines of activity General contracting; Telecommunication; Engineering; Security; Construction. 2
W. A D V I K. RU Mission Professionally work, Effectively cooperate, Comfortably Interact. 3
W. A D V I K. RU Services Consulting, Designing, Construction, Equipment delivery and installation, Support of projects, Performance of accompanying works 4
W. A D V I K. RU Management system of quality «ADViK» is sertified under ISO
W. A D V I K. RU Management system of quality «ADViK» implementation of projects under requirements and customer expectations; comfortable communication «ADViK» with customers at all stages of project implementation 6 implementation of projects within budget in compliance with deadlines;
W. A D V I K. RU General contracting Planning; Organization and management of construction and installation works; Execution of works in strict accordance with the documentation; Implementation of projects under quality control 7
W. A D V I K. RU General contracting Enforcing all stages of the project: selection and the distribution of subcontractors; technical providing of implementation of projects; supply of equipment and materials; other work. 8
W. A D V I K. RU General contracting Pre-work: examination of the object and calculation of the budget; preparation and execution of project documentation; supporting work. Commissioning. Preparation and registration of required documentation. 9
W. A D V I K. RU Telecommunication Structured cabling systems (design, installation, testing and certification of networks); Equipment and software delivery; 10 Audit and testing of computer networks; Construction of local area networks and fiber-optic communication lines
W. A D V I K. RU Telecommunication Organization and establishment of wireless networks; Development and implementation of complex telecommunication projects: IP telephony, office-PBX and PBX; Information security. 11
W. A D V I K. RU Engineering Engineering and consulting services; Research, design and calculation and analytical work; Design and installation of engineering systems. 12
W. A D V I K. RU Security Access control systems; Fire safety systems; Alarm system; Video surveillance systems. 13
W. A D V I K. RU Security System protecting information against unauthorized access to local area networks; Anti-virus protection information 14 System protecting information against unauthorized access from the Internet; Tools for analysis of security information systems; Cryptographic protection of information.
W. A D V I K. RU Construction 15 FINISH OF COMMERCIAL ESTATE AND OFFICE INTERIORS PREMIUM CLASS All work carried out in strict accordance with the approved design-project; Execution of works in accordance with the approved budgets and deadlines.
W. A D V I K. RU Construction All work is done by experts «ADViK» independently or with support from partner companies acting as subcontractors. Quality assurance of completed projects is confirmed by system of quality management «ADViK». 16 FINISH OF COMMERCIAL ESTATE AND OFFICE INTERIORS PREMIUM CLASS
W. A D V I K. RU Important projects 17
W. A D V I K. RU Certificates 18
W. A D V I K. RU Certificates 19
W. A D V I K. RU Contacts Tel./fax: +7 (495) Москва, ул. Кусковская, д.20А, офис А305 20