Adjectives - agreement
Starter Can you remember what we learned about the word order of a sentence with an adjective? Answer: adjectives normally come AFTER nouns e.g. un stylo bleu = a pen blue However, “big” and “small” come before the noun e.g. un grand stylo = a big pen
Look at the following sentences. What has happened the adjective? Why? J’ai un stylo vert. J’ai deux stylos verts. J’ai une trousse verte. J’ai deux trousses vertes. Masculine Masculine plural Feminine Feminine plural
Adjectives CHANGE depending on the noun (masculine or feminine Adjectives CHANGE depending on the noun (masculine or feminine? Singular or plural?) Masculine (un) Masculine plural Feminine (une) Feminine plural bleu bleus bleue bleues noir noirs noire noires vert verts verte vertes gris grise grises blanc blancs blanche blanches rouge rouges rose marron orange These three don’t change. Can you see why?