Crisis Action Planning 01 January 2006 CTF Course of Action Development UNCLASSIFIED CTF Training
2 Purpose Teach techniques and procedures for developing Courses of Action Will discuss this as –Part of Commander’s Estimate process –How to stay at the operational-level –To ensure Developed COAs are valid
3 References JP 3-0 Doctrine for Joint Operations JP JTF Planning Guidance & Procedures MNF SOP MULTINATIONAL FORCE STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (MNF SOP) Version 1.6 February 2006
4 Crisis Action Planning Process CRISISCRISIS I Situation Development II Crisis Assessment IV Course of Action Selection V Execution Planning AND/OR III Course of Action Development I Mission Analysis/ Restated Mission III Analysis of Opposing Courses of Action II Course of Action Development Commander’s Estimate Process OPORD Deployment Data Base VI Execution Planning Order Alert Order Warning Order Execute Order IV Comparison of Own Courses of Action V Commander’s Decision
5 Key Planning Concepts To the extent possible, plans should incorporate the following concepts of joint operation planning doctrine –Commander’s strategic intent and operational focus –Orientation on the strategic and operational centers of gravity of the threat –Protection of friendly strategic and operational centers of gravity –Phasing of operations to include the commanders intent for each phase Joint Pub 5-0, II-15
6 Course of Action Development The COA is a broad statement of possible ways the CTF can accomplish its mission – WHO will accomplish essential tasks – WHAT is the type of mission to be conducted – WHEN the operation must begin or must be completed – WHERE the assigned areas of operation (AOs) within the JOA are – WHY or the purpose of the operations – HOW or the method of conducting the operation using major available resources
7 Task Steps Brief COAs to CCTF Develop Initial COAs Initial Test for Validity Determine C2 Means COA Statement & Sketch CCTF Approves COAs Staff Estimates Vertical & Horizontal Planning Course of Action Development
8 Develop Initial COAs Plan to plan – One or more groups? – One big group? – Big brain technique? – Simultaneous or sequential development? Brainstorm – Be bold in concept – Be general by component – Be open to new ideas – Be unconstrained
9 Develop Initial COAs Review mission analysis/CCTF guidance Develop plans to integrate the joint environment Focus on Centers of Gravity and Decisive Points Identify sequencing and phasing for each COA Identify main and supporting efforts Identify component level missions/tasks Develop IO/IW support items Develop initial COA sketches and statements Additional Considerations
10 Develop Initial COAs COA 2 includes all of COA 1 COA 3 includes all of COAs 1 & 2 COA 1 COA 2 COA 3 Nested COAs What to Avoid
11 More Pitfalls PREEMPTING THE COMMANDER’S RESPONSIBILITY IN THE DECISIONMAKING PROCESS... - The Intended COA - The Clone of the Intended COA - The Throw Away
12 Task Steps Brief COAs to CCTF Develop Initial COAs Initial Test for Validity Determine C2 Means COA Statement & Sketch CCTF Approves COAs Staff Estimates Vertical & Horizontal Planning Course of Action Development
13 Test the Validity of Each COA Test for suitability Test for feasibility Test for acceptability Ensure COAs are distinct (variety) Test for completeness
14 Suitable Does it accomplish the mission? Does it meet the Combatant Commander’s and CCTF’s intent? Does it accomplish all the essential tasks? Does it allow the CTF to meet the conditions for the end state? Does it take into consideration the enemy and friendly centers of gravity?
15 Feasible Does the CTF have the required resources to carry out the COA and accomplish the mission? –Will those resources be available in the JOA in time? Forces/Capability Transportation Resupply Facilities Can the COA be carried out within the physical environment’s constraints?
16 Does it contain unacceptable risks? Does it take into account the limitations placed on the CTF? Does it contribute to the higher commander’s strategic objectives? Can it be accomplished within external constraints, particularly ROE? Can it be accomplished against each enemy capability? Acceptable
17 Distinguishable/Variety Are the COAs significantly different... –From CTF Commander’s perspective? –From the Combatant Commander’s perspective? –From the POTUS/SECDEF perspective? COAs can be different when considering... –Focus or direction of main effort –Scheme of maneuver (land, air, maritime, special ops) –Primary mechanism for mission accomplishment –Task Organization –Use of reserves
18 Complete Are the COAs technically complete? Do the COAs adequately answer... –WHO will execute it? –WHAT type of action is contemplated? –WHEN will it begin? –WHERE will it take place? –WHY key actions are required? –HOW will it be accomplished?
19 Task Steps Brief COAs to CCTF Develop Initial COAs Initial Test for Validity Determine C2 Means COA Statement & Sketch CCTF Approves COAs Staff Estimates Vertical & Horizontal Planning Course of Action Development
20 Determine C2 Means Determine command relationships –Operational Control (OPCON) –Tactical Control (TACON) –Support (General, Mutual, Direct, Close) –Others (Administrative control, Coordinating authority, Direct liaison) Organizational options –Service components –Functional components –Subordinate CTFs –Combination of the above Determine control measures
21 CCTF “X” FORCES NATIONAL C2 STRUCTURE Historically, national component structure has been used in coalition operations, and functional component structure in allied operations CTF Organizational Structure Examples CCTF CPOTF CMARFOR CSOTF CNAVFOR FUNCTIONAL C2 STRUCTURE CARFOR CAFFOR “Y” FORCES COALITION – AD HOC COMBINED – ALLIANCE, TREATY OR OTHER FORMAL AGREEMENT
23 Task Steps Brief COAs to CCTF Develop Initial COAs Initial Test for Validity Determine C2 Means COA Statement & Sketch CCTF Approves COAs Staff Estimates Vertical & Horizontal Planning Course of Action Development
24 Prepare COA COA statement answers WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, WHY Develop COA sketch Task organize the force –Initial organization
25 Example Phasing/Task Distribution
26 PHASE I: Deployment (C+0 TO C+7) TASKS CCTF: Initiate IO, RSOI CFLCC (ME): RRF Deploys, est FOB CFACC: Deploy, BPT NEO, Initiate operations to establish Air and Maritime Superiority CFMCC: Deploy, Initiate operations to establish Air and Maritime Superiority, BPT NEO CSOTF: Deploy, Est HQ, SR w/in OA CPOTF: Begin PSYOP CMOTF: Coord w/ NGO/IO/HN, Est CMOC RRF L FOBTROPICALLIGHTNING CVOA 1 FOBISR/AR CSOTFCPOTFCMOTFAEF(-) ARG BLUE RIDGE CCTF CFACC SAG This phase starts with execute orders from Supported Strategic Cdr. The purpose is immediately deploy forces, establish lodgment and gain SA. The main effort is for CFLCC to establish FOB on Guppie. This phase ends when 1 CVBG and 1 AEF(-) are present, and FOBs are established. Example Sketch
27 Example Sketch This phase completes the introduction of combat forces (Phase II) and begins offensive operations to evict all aggressors from the sovereign territory of Blueland. Operations will be conducted along two axes. Phase is complete upon restoration of territorial integrity of Blueland. MARFOR: O/O conduct offensive operations to secure northern approaches to City T ARFOR: Deploy ACR to forward AA. O/O conduct offensive operations to clear central and southern approaches. Air Aslt/Abn Bde est. opnl reserve and rear area defense. AFFOR: Maintain air superiority. Conduct AI and strat atk operations. NAVFOR: No change JSOTF: No change PHASE THREE: Decisive Action C+31 to C+60 City T City G XX X
28 Task Steps Brief COAs to CCTF Develop Initial COAs Initial Test for Validity Determine C2 Means COA Statement & Sketch CCTF Approves COAs Staff Estimates Vertical & Horizontal Planning Course of Action Development
29 (Sample Format) C2 –Updated CIPB – Enemy COAs Most likely Most dangerous CPG –Updated facts and assumptions –Review Higher Mission and Intent –Review CTF Mission and Intent Brief COAs to CCTF
30 Brief COAs to CCTF CPG –COA statements (tasks) and sketches Command and Control recommendations Summary of each COA Rationale for each COA Risks associated with each COA Summarize/emphasize distinction among COAs Others (C1/C4/C6) –Updated facts and assumption, if available CPG –Recommended COAs in priority for wargaming
31 Task Steps Brief COAs to CCTF Develop Initial COAs Initial Test for Validity Determine C2 Means COA Statement & Sketch CCTF Approves COAs Staff Estimates Vertical & Horizontal Planning Course of Action Development
32 CCTF Approves COAs Commander’s options Approve COAs for further analysis Direct revisions to COAs – Combinations of COAs – Additional COAs
33 Task Steps Brief COAs to CCTF Develop Initial COAs Initial Test for Validity Determine C2 Means COA Statement & Sketch CCTF Approves COAs Staff Estimates Vertical & Horizontal Planning Course of Action Development
34 Conduct Initial Staff Estimates Each staff element addresses each COA from its own perspective Staff prepares for COA analysis, COA comparison, and COA recommendation and selection
35 Task Steps Brief COAs to CCTF Develop Initial COAs Initial Test for Validity Determine C2 Means COA Statement & Sketch CCTF Approves COAs Staff Estimates Vertical & Horizontal Planning Course of Action Development
36 Conduct Concurrent Planning Discuss (vertical and horizontal) planning status with counterparts, higher and lower Coordinate planning with staff counterparts from other functional areas Permits adjustments in planning
37 Identify Sequencing Identify Main and Supporting Effort Identify Component Level Mission/Tasks Develop IO/IW Support Simultaneous Sequential Combination Phase Purpose Key supporting/ Supported relationships Determine Operational Phasing Planning Cells Develop Essential Tasks Brainstorm Initial COAs Integrate & Synchronize Essential Tasks Who What When Where How Land Maritime Air Space Special Ops Example: I. Pre-hostilities II. Lodgment III. Decisive combat IV. Follow Through V. Post-Hostilities & Redeploy Focus on COG&decisive points Use joint architecture Maneuver Fires C2 Force protection Support 1. Who will execute (type of forces)? 2. What type of action or major tasks are contemplated? 3. Where will tasks occur? 4. When will tasks begin? 5. How? Don’t usurp CTF/Component prerogative. 6. Why - For what purpose will each force conduct its part of the operation? COA Development Test Validity Suitability Feasibility Acceptability Variety Completeness Determine Command Relationships Refine Battlespace Conduct Lift Analysis Initial COA Sketches COA Analysis
38 Summary of COA Development, Analysis, Comparison & Selection Enter deployment requirements into JOPES database Identify infrastructure Conduct Gross Transportation Feasibility Estimate Sequencing of forces Develop movement C2 architecture COA Deployment Considerations Statements, sketches & task organization Warning Order Evaluation Request Message + Advantages & disadvantages Wargame record Staff estimate updates Determine comparison criteria Construct comparison method Conduct COA comparison Determine recommended COA COA Analysis Gather tools, material, and data List assumptions, critical events, decision points Select wargame method Select technique to record and display wargame results Conduct wargame Updated Staff Estimates ComponentInput COA Development Review tasks, guidance, intent, and mission Brainstorm Test draft COAs Determine C2 Prepare COA statement and sketch Brief HHQ Staff estimates are ongoing Staff Estimates ComponentInput Mission and Tasks Commander’sGuidance COA Comparison Evaluated COAs Evaluated COAs Staff’s / DHHQ/ Recommended COA Staff’s / DHHQ/ Recommended COA Evaluated COAs Evaluated COAs Staff’s / DHHQ/ Recommended COA Staff’s / DHHQ/ Recommended COA Receive deployment estimate Conduct TPFDD refinement COA Deployment Considerations + Commander’s Own Analysis & Comparison Component Parallel ParallelPlanning Review recommendations Review CJCS/NCA guidance Apply own analysis, judgment, and experience Select COA / make appropriate modifications COA Selectio n Commander’s Estimate Commander’s Estimate Warning Order Warning Order Provide Recommended COA Receive deployment estimate Conduct TPFDD refinement {
39 Crisis Action Planning Process CRISISCRISIS I Situation Development II Crisis Assessment IV Course of Action Selection V Execution Planning AND/OR III Course of Action Development I Mission Analysis/ Restated Mission III Analysis of Opposing Courses of Action II Course of Action Development Commander’s Estimate Process OPORD Deployment Data Base VI Execution Planning Order Alert Order Warning Order Execute Order IV Comparison of Own Courses of Action V Commander’s Decision
Questions? CTF Training Enhancing Multinational Operations UNCLASSIFIED