Minnesota Grassland Monitoring Team Pilot Season – 2008
Protocol Clarifications & Recommendations
Plant Groups Foliar (vertically-projected cover) cover used rather than canopy cover to select an initial life-form class (e.g. Herbaceous (100s), Low Shrub (200s), Tall Shrub (300s) or Tall Shrub Only (400s)) Native trees on the invasives list were counted as native in the plot classification scheme (TNC) Others interested in adding dominant natives at the plot level? If so, add as “optional” component of Option B?)
Species Identification More training & resources needed! Over-reporting of Pasque flower (TNC) Milkweed confusion (TNC) Poa pratensis vs. P. compressa (now lumped as POACPX) Dead vegetation (not considered by TNC in presence/absence) Tier 1 only used earlier in field season, Tier 2 as confidence increased
Transect Rejection Some previously-established transects crossed transition zones in 2008, and were not thrown out (TNC) See updated “rejection criteria” in new protocol format
Data Summaries Across Sites
Minnesota Grassland Monitoring Team Native vs. Invasive
Minnesota Grassland Monitoring Team Native vs. Invasive
Minnesota Grassland Monitoring Team Indicator Species Leadplant33.3 Toothed Evening Primrose22.9 Golden Alexanders22.4 Prairie Loosestrife18.1 Purple Prairie Clover13.3 Wood Lily13.0 Silky Aster12.8 White Prairie Clover10.1 White Camas9.6 Tall Cinquefoil8.4 Purple Coneflower6.7 Prairie Phlox6.3 Great Blazing Star6.0 Bird's Foot Coreopsis5.8 Alum Root4.8 Pasque Flower3.6 Northern Plains Blazing Star3.6 Dotted Blazing Star2.7 Sneezeweed2.2 Rough Blazing Star1.0 Prairie Turnip1.0 Smooth Rattlesnakeroot1.0 Heart-leaved Alexanders1.0 Bracted Spiderwort1.0 Ground Plum0.5
Minnesota Grassland Monitoring Team Invasive Species Red/Alsike clovers0.1 Alfalfa0.1 Common Buckthorn0.1 Green Ash0.0 Siberian Elm0.0 Crown-vetch0.0 Bull Thistle0.0 Absinthe Sagewort0.0 Musk Thistle0.0 Cottonwood0.0 Glossy Buckthorn0.0 Kentucky/Canada Bluegrass68.7 Smooth Brome22.3 Redtop16.3 Quack-grass9.6 Sweet Clovers7.9 Canada Thistle4.7 Leafy Spurge3.8 Reed Canary-grass3.0 Sow-thistle2.2 White Clover1.0 Timothy0.7 Plumeless Thistle0.2
Minnesota Grassland Monitoring Team Herbaceous vs. Woody
Minnesota Grassland Monitoring Team Graminoid vs. Forb
Minnesota Grassland Monitoring Team Visual Obstruction
Quality Control (consistency checks)
Welsh Done same date, 1 st by FWS and TNC staff.
Glacial Lake Done different dates by FWS staff (Sara V.) but within a few days of each other. Renavigated to the plots using Trimble.
Welker Done different dates by FWS staff (Sara V.) but within a few days of each other. Renavigated to the plots using Trimble.
Freeman N Done different dates by FWS staff (Sara V.) but within a few days of each other. Renavigated to the plots using Trimble.
Invasives: Plot vs. Transects
TNC 248 of 300 transects * 32% of plots missed at least one species picked up by the transect checklist
Sweet Clover8 Plumeless Thistle4 Red Clover3 Sow Thistle3 Quack Grass3 Buckthorn3 Alfalfa2 Timothy2 Smooth Brome2 Leafy Spurge2 Canada Thistle2 Cottonwood1 Red Top1 Siberian Elm1 Reed Canary-Grass1 Kentucky Bluegrass1
Data Base
Reports Average VOR report needed Transect level data (VOR, system type, indicator species, etc.) not needed on each page of transect report – just transect name and date are fine. Alphabetize invasives within plots on transect reports to make error-checks easier? Indicator species sometimes cut off from transect details reports (if >4 species two far right ones cut off)
Additional Fields Version of monitoring protocol used Treatment groups or dates of treatments Possible to select Option B, but also be able to use *just* Tier 1 species without confusing anyone? “Notes” field was added during 2008 field season, but tied to a transect rather than to a monitoring event.
Organization/Data cleanup? Rearrange order of drop-down boxes so 5 most common weeds at top? What if data missing, especially with litter or VOR? Need to have an N/A? When is it necessary to do set-up?
Database Comments for Group If data for a transect are incomplete, let Sara know it should be excluded from the analysis Data entry tips: – Can start typing instead of drop-downs –Tips for data quality checks