Powerpoint Essay Instructions Brainstorm for at least 15 minutes on paper, focusing on ideas. With the exception of the thesis slide, every slide represents a paragraph in your essay. You must hyperlink every phrase in your essay to the supporting paragraph. Some phrases will have more than one paragraph of support. Title every slide with the main idea/topic of paragraph. Every paragraph must contain 2-8 sentences. No more. Connection between previous idea and this idea, lead to example or examples, explanation/interpretation/extension, and connection to theme. Just copy the slide I have formated for you to carry the format of every body paragraph.
Repetition and Personification in Grass Maria Isabel Nature and War
Poem Text: Insert and Hyperlink support to explanations PILE the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo, Shovel them under and let me work-- I am the grass; I cover all. And pile them high at Gettysburg And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun. Shovel them under and let me work. Two years, ten years, and passengers ask the conductor: What place is this? Where are we now? I am the grass. Let me work.
Hook Although most people believe that the consequences of war will always be present in society, there are few who think it can be completely erased.
Thesis In “Grass,” Carl Sandburg uses repetition and personification to proclaim that the traces of war can be eliminated by nature and time.
Argument 1: Repetition technique Support 1: Repetition at the beggining of sentences Transition/Connection to previous idea: Repetition in poetry is not only used to give certain rythm to the poem, bot also to emphasize and insist in certain ideas. In the poem “Grass,” the author insists on the idea that nature erases war. Example: He uses repetition at the beggining of sentences when he asks to take the bodies “And pile them high at Gettysburg, And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun”. Explanation: This emphasis on the manipulation of cadavers, creates a strong image on the readers’ mind. Connection to theme: It’s purpose is for the audience to feel the strong impact of war, to then show an attitude of hope expressing the way that image can be erased with nature. Return to thesis Continue to next paragraph
Argument 1 continued: Repetition Support 2: Repeating questions Transition: Not only does the author repeat the beggining of sentences, but he also asks two consecutive similar questions. Main idea of paragraph: Sandburg uses one question after another in order to emphasize the confusion created by the grass when it turns a battlefield into a green grassland. Example: Lines 8 and 9 refer to people visiting an old battlefiel and asking “What place is this? Where are we now?”. Explanation/Connection: The questioning of these people supports the idea that after a period of time, battlefields are unrecognizable because the grass covers it all.
Argument 1 continued: Repetition S upport 3: Same phrase at beggining and end of poem Transition/ Topic: Yet there is another repetition that is not consecutive, but happens with a repeated phrase at the beggining and end of the poem in order to make a stronger message. Example: The speaker leaves a message saying “I am the grass” in line 3 and then repeats it before the last line. Explanation/Connection: The repetition of this idea emphasizes that the speaker is the grass and it works in order to remove traces of war.
Argument 2: Personification tecnique Support 1: Grass as a speaker Transition/Connection to previous idea: Another tecnique used by Carl Sandburg is personification of the grass, which is the speaker, in order to make the message stronger. Main idea of paragraph: Since the third line, where the speaker states “I am the grass, I cover all”, it directly shows a personification by making the speaker be an object. This makes a stronger image in the reader by creating a bigger impact being the grass who speaks, and convinces the readers to believe he can “cover it all”.
Conclusion Transition: Although it may have an unusual message, the poem “Grass” uses very good thecniques in order to express the author’s idea. By making a good use of the repetition and personification of the grass, the autor makes it clear he believes that the traces of war can be forgotten when nature takes part in eraing them.
Evaluation. Put x´s on the blanks next to the level you achieved. Score Ideas (Responds to Lit) ELA (10 points) Ideas (Support) ELA (10 points) Ideas (Effect of Techniques) ELA (10 points) Transitions ELA (5points) Organization ELA (10 points) Grammar ELA (5 points) Meets Expectations with Excellence ___I have a clear, insightful thesis that answers the prompt. ___ I clearly, thoroughly, and analytically explain how specific and compelling examples support all my arguments. ___I use well-chosen, compelling, and specific examples to support my thesis. ___ I demonstrate outstanding critical thinking in the explanations of my quotes. ___Accurately identifies the most important techniques that contribute to the theme and examples. ___ Explains the effects of the device(s) on the theme with clear and critical understanding. ___I transition between sentences seamlessly and purposefully. ___ I transition between paragraphs fluidly, showing the correct relationship between ideas. ___ My hook is compelling. ___ I have a logical, strong order of ideas. ___ My paragraphs are skillfully focused appropriately. ___ My conclusion satisfies the reader. ____ My arguments are never repetitive or thin. ___My paper is free of most grammar and convention mistakes. Clearly Meets Expectations X have a clear thesis that demonstrates solid understanding of the text and answers the prompt. ___ I clearly and somewhat thoroughly explain how specific examples support all my arguments. ___I use well-chosen and specific examples to support my thesis. ___ I demonstrate critical thinking in the explanations of my quotes. _X__Accurately identifies the important techniques that contribute to the theme and examples. ___ Explains the effects of the device(s) on the theme with clear understanding. ___ I transition between sentences smoothly. ___ I transition between paragraphs well, showing the correct relationship between ideas. ___ My hook is engaging. ___ Ideas flow well. ___ My paragraphs are focused appropriately. ___ My conclusion is executed well. ____ My arguments are not repetitive. X I made a few common mistakes that never interfere with meaning. Meets Expectations ___I have an adequate thesis statement that demonstrates understanding. I use mostly appropriate examples to support my thesis. ___ I connect my support to my thesis. X I use generally appropriate support. ___ I demonstrate some critical thinking in the explanations of my quotes. _Accurately identifies the techniques that contribute to the theme and examples. ___Explains the effects of the device(s) on the theme with understanding. X I transition between sentences relatively smoothly. ___ I transition between paragraphs moderately well, generally showing the correct relationship between ideas. X My hook is appropriate. ___ Ideas are generally ordered well. ___ My paragraphs are generally focused. ___ My conclusion is reasonably successful. ____ My arguments are rarely repetitive. ___I made some mistakes that occasionally interfere with meaning. Or ___I made frequent mistakes that don´t interfere or distract. Meets expectations at a basic level ___I have thesis statement that demonstrates some understanding. ___ I use some appropriate examples to support my thesis statement. ___ I connect my support to my thesis with some success. ____I use somewhat appropriate support. ___ I explain my quotes at a basic level. ___Accurately identifies one or two techniques and examples. ___Explains the effects of the device(s) on the theme with some understanding. ___ I transitions between sentences with some success. ___ I transition between paragraphs somewhat well, sometimes showing the correct relationship between ideas. ___ My hook is mildly successful. ___Ideas have some coherence. ___ My paragraphs are somewhat focused. ___ My conclusion is somewhat successful. ____ My arguments are sometimes repetitive. ___I made many mistakes that distract the reader from the content. Has not met expectations ___My thesis statement is off topic of demonstrates little understanding. ___ My support is inappropriate or inadequate. ___ The connections between my thesis and support are unclear. ___My paper is largely unsupported generalizations or unrelated support. ____ My quotes are generally unexplained or off topic. ___Misidentifies one or two techniques and examples. ___Explains the effects of the device(s) on the theme with little or no understanding. Unclear. Or ___Omits explanations. ____ My paper makes rough, choppy transitions between sentences. ____ My paper makes rarely, if ever, connects ideas between paragraphs correctly. ___ The main point is unclear. ___The paper is confusing or incoherent. ____ My paper is missing successful hook, thesis, or conclusions. ___ Paragraphs are unfocused or repetitive. ___I made many mistakes that often interfere with meaning. Teacher Grade and Comments