Trafficking in human beings in R. Macedonia Maja Varoslija- Open Gate La Strada Macedonia
Situation In R. Macedonia Until 2005 transit and destination country for women trafficked from Eastern Europe to South Eastern and Western Europe. Increasing cases of internal trafficking/child trafficking Significant number of cases of labour exploitation Trafficking for the purpose of: Sexual exploitation Forced labour in (restaurants, servitude, begging) Forced labour in (restaurants, servitude, begging) Forced marriages
Responses International and national instruments Strategy and National Action Plan for Combating Trafficking and Illegal Migration (including Action Plan for Combating Trafficking in Children) both for and docs. Official coordination bodies for combat trafficking in human beings in R. Macedonia Official coordination bodies for combat trafficking in human beings in R. Macedonia (National Commission, Secretariat of the National Commission, Sub-group against trafficking in children ) Standard Operating Procedures ( SOP) for assistance to victims of trafficking – endorsed in January 2008
Responses National Referral Mechanism for victims of trafficking in human beings coordinated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (NRM office) R. Macedonia – member of the Trans-national Referral Mechanism (TRM) for Trafficked Persons in South- Eastern Europe – ICMPD project Reception Centre for Foreigners (MoI) managed Open Gate’s/La Strada Macedonia shelter for trafficked persons for nationals and minors SOS Line for information and help from trafficking in human beings / Open Gate - La Strada Macedonia
Who we are OPEN GATE- Women’s lobby and action against violence and trafficking in women founded in September 2000 Aim : -to influence the authorities, the media and public opinion to address trafficking as a severe human rights violation -to influence the authorities, the media and public opinion to address trafficking as a severe human rights violation -to develop and offer prevention and protection for trafficked persons -to develop and offer prevention and protection for trafficked persons Open Gate is a member of La Strada European Network Against Trafficking in human beings
What we do Our programs Information and Lobby Prevention and Education Social Assistance
Information and lobby Permanent contacts with media, interviews, drafting publications, articles. Lobbying and monitoring of implementation of international standards and instruments pertaining to human rights. Development, follow up and active participation in the implementation of the Naional Plan of Action for Fighting Human Trafficking and Illegal Migration in Macedonia.
Prevention and education Raising of the level of knowledge and sensitivity among the community at large and among the professionals; Providing information pertaining to the risk of work abroad; Support of women in decision making; Education of professionals for the purpose of procurement of information and assistance (police officers, teachers, social workers, doctors, etc.); Provision of information through the SOS line for help from trafficking in human beings
SOS LINE The SOS free line for national calls is and for callers from national calls and abroad. From October 2002 till September 2010 on the line are registered 3011 calls Working time 24/7
Types of assistance provided by the SOS line Emotional help; Psycho-social help; Information on risk-free departure/travelling and work abroad; Basic legal assistance; Information and assistance to a client in need; Help in establishing contacts with relevant institutions. Contact and facilitation in a process of accommodation in a shelter
Cooperation with Terre des Hommes “Enhancing capacity to address trafficking in especially children from a human rights perspective in Southeast Asia, Southeast Europe and Latin America” March 2007-February 2010 Developed excellent cooperation on regional level
Activities 1. Capacity-building of NGOs and media, services providers and duty bearers; 2. Awareness-raising and empowerment (of communities) at local level; 3. Advocacy at national and regional level; and Establishing networks.
Social assistance In 2005, the Shelter for trafficked persons, was opened as a part of the Social assistance Program. Since opening, 70 clients received accommodation and assistance. Capacity of the shelter Security – external Private Security Agency Confidentiality- Personal information of clients is kept highly confidential. Shelter Team - functions 24 hours per day. Trained professionals are working in shifts.
Social assistance Long-term accommodation Covering basic needs (food, clothes, or hygienic sets); Trafficked persons are provided with adequate psycho-social treatment; Medical care; Basic legal assistance provided by the skilled lawyer;
Social assistance Contact with the family; Help in obtaining personal documents; Inclusion in the educational process and providing vocational courses for further education On-job training and help to the trafficked persons in looking for a job. Contact with foreign non-governmental organizations members of the La Strada network and other (countries of their origin);
Classification of Assisted clients by the age From 12 to From 12 to From 19 to From 19 to Over 28 9 Over 28 9
Classification of assisted clients by education Up to fourth grade 20 Up to fourth grade 20 Primary school 31 Primary school 31 High school 10 High school 10 College degree 2 College degree 2 No education 7 No education 7
Profile of a trafficked person Generally aged between years Often from high risk rural areas & poor families Education - unfinished primary education Family status - dysfunctional families Types - sexual and labour exploitation in restaurants in the west parts of Macedonia. Origin - from the south - east part of Macedonia
Thank you for your attention Open Gate – La Strada Macedonia Tel/Fax: