Materials Needed: Signed Syllabus Who am I –if you didn’t complete in class Pencil Task Sheet Notebook Any shout outs??
Learning Target I will identify and describe the 7 dimensions of wellness and the importance each plays on my health. I will recognize the impact that behaviors and choices have on my health and wellness. Success Criteria 7 Dimension of Health and Wellness notes Name and explain the 7 dimensions Wellness Wheel Exit Slip
7 Dimensions
Write: Healthy OR Not Healthy I am a plumber who lives by himself. Every morning before work, I grab a double Mcgriddle from McDonalds with a 24oz Mocha Frappuccino. I work 12 hour days and meet up with my friends after work. I keep a diary every night before I go to bed.
I am a marathon runner. I try to run 2 marathons a month. I run everyday and nothing but running. I am a vegetarian. I have 3 kids and volunteer at their school. I keep everything, it’s really hard for me to get rid of things. I am considered a hoarder by many. It makes me really upset, but who cares.
I am a 15 year old boy. I love video games, Cheetos and Coca-Cola. I have 3-5 cans a day. I do online school. I am not in sports. I go to church every Sunday. I write blogs on how to keep the environment healthy. Recycling is my jam!
What is Health? Combination of 7 dimensions: Physical Emotiontal Spiritual Social Intellectual Occupational Environmental
What is Wellness? Overall state of well-being “Whole Person” Balance of the 7 dimensions More than just not being sick More then just exercising You control your level of wellness!!!
Note Taking time! Will the person with the pink sticky note please grab the handouts for your table.
Physical Ability to carry out tasks, develop cardio respiratory and muscular fitness, maintain nutrition and body composition, avoid abusing tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. What you put in your body and what you do with your body!
Emotional Ability to control stress and express emotions appropriately Able to recognize and accept their feelings How you feel about yourself
Social Ability to interact successfully with others and build/maintain relationships Positive/respectful relationships with others
Intellectual/ Mental Ability to learn and use information effectively Person strives for continued growth and knowledge
Spiritual Belief in a source that nurtures the self Dimension provides meaning and direction Provides sense of values, morals, and ethics Person is able to stand up for what they believe in!
Environmental Aspects of wellness that improve the life of in the community Ex) Law agencies, things protecting the environment, etc
Occupational Ability to balance work and leisure time Both are important!
Scenario 1: Plumber Scenario 2: Marathon runner Scenario 3: Video Gamer
Exercise regularly Eat nutritiously Avoid tobacco/ alcohol/drugs Wear sun block Wear your seatbelt Get proper amount of sleep Eat breakfast daily Get regular medical check-ups Ways to improve wellness …
Longer life Fewer health problems Positive lifestyle Live life to its’ fullest Benefits of Wellness:
o Listen to each statement; o Fill in the corresponding pie-shaped section of the wheel to the degree you are achieving this; o For example, question #1 is: o “I eat a balanced nutritional diet”; o If you feel you are doing this 100% of the time, color in all of section 1. If you do this 60% of the time, color 60% of the section. o Complete this for all 36 sections of the wheel.