Venezuela Sex Slaves By: Eddy, mick, Andrew
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND In Venezuela there is a common place where sex trafficking is taking place. Of course mostly women in Venezuela are being targeted as commercial sexual exploitation (Vulnerable). As it says in the website, "Victims are recruited through job advertisements in major newspapers" (Vulnerable).
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Venezuela is in the top 10 of the most sex slavery in the world today. Sex trafficking someone is the same as for all sex trafficking. Either they have been kidnapped, forced, or fraud. And in a country like Venezuela things like this can happen. And currently nothing is being done to even stop what's going on.
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Not only are adults in Venezuela are being trafficked but also there are kids that are being trafficked. Venezuela is a place where most sex slaves are being transferred to. As it says on the website there are prostitution trade organizations from places like Colombia and Ecuador.
THE PROBLEM Venezuela is a source of transit, and destination for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Venezuelan women and girls are trafficked within the country for sexual exploitation, lured from the nation's interior to urban and tourist areas. Child prostitution in urban areas and child sex tourism in resort destinations appear to be growing. Venezuelan women and girls are trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation to Western Europe, Mexico, and Caribbean destinations.
THE PROBLEM Women in Venezuela are sex trafficked around and out of the country a lot. Women suffer from rape and prostitution. The reason that Venezuela is a popular place for ex trafficking is that it’s a country of destination for women commercial sexual exploitation. The victims, women, are recruited through job advertisements in big newspapers.
THE PROBLEM When they are gathered, "their passports are taken away and they are prostituted in massage parlors and brothels."Women in Venezuela have "lack of economic, social, cultural and political rights. This confirms women's position is as dependent and vulnerable second-class citizens.
THE PROBLEM " Most women in Venezuela have to raise families and have to employ themselves to be able to feed the family. So, when the false adds in the newspapers and false advertisements for jobs, "they end up being recruited and trafficked into other countries to be sexually exploited as prostitutes."
DATA * 40,000 Venezuelan children aged between 8 and 17 years are affected by prostitution, 22% of these are male. * 40,000 children in Venezuela are affected by prostitution * According to a study conducted by the government in 1996, the average age that children are first exploited through prostitution is 12 years. However, there have been children as young as 7 found in situations of sexual exploitation. * There were reports that women were trafficked to Spain for purposes of prostitution. * Venezuela has a well-documented child sex trade with the thriving sex tourism sector. * Children are being trafficked from Ecuador to Venezuela. The children work in virtual slavery conditions as street vendors, domestic workers and prostitutes. They are abducted, sold by parents or lured by false promises. * Women are trafficked to Spain, where their passports are taken away and they are prostituted in massage parlours and brothels.
DATA This map shows government action to combat human trafficking and modern slavery in 177 countries with Tier 1 ranking as the highest ranking. A Tier 1 indicates that a state government has recognized the problem of human trafficking, has made efforts to address the issue, and meets the Trafficking Victims Protection
DATA Venezuela is a place where most migrating people from neighboring countries. Not only does migrants from other neighboring countries like Colombia and Ecuador, immigrants in foreign continents such as Asia. Not knowing what could happen to them when coming to a place like Venezuela, it is easy for them to become trafficked.
DATA “Venezuelan sex tourism that encourages underage prostitution is a concern. There are reports that in border areas Venezuelans are trafficked to mining camps in Guyana for sexual exploitation and abducted by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to be used as soldiers.”
DATA On This Chart You Can See That Sex Slavery Is The Biggest Type Of Slavery In the World, So It Is A Huge Problem
What being done Now Caracas, Venezuela, May 27, 2005—The Foreign Affairs committee of Venezuela’s National Assembly held a hearing on human trafficking Wednesday, in an attempt to clarify/decide Venezuela’s position on the matter. Venezuela was listed among 9 other countries on “tier 3” which are countries who do not comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and are not making many efforts to do this.
What being done Now Venezuelan government has no anti-trafficking law enforcement and it has no victim protection policy as well as the Venezuelan government doing nothing to solve the problem. Venezuela is expected to request a $250 million loan from the Inter-American Development Bank this year which the US wants to block.
What being done Now While Global Rights recognize that prosecutions are important and necessary, they argue that the legislation should concentrate on funding programs and research directed at prevention. Global Rights expresses preoccupation with the law’s focus on prosecution rather than prevention.
What being done Now “Venezuelan sex tourism that encourages underage prostitution is a concern. There are reports that in border areas Venezuelans are trafficked to mining camps in Guyana for sexual exploitation and abducted by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to be used as soldiers.”
CITATION Slide 1.)"Tis the gift - We live because we want to live: Stop Human Trafficking - Spread the awareness." Tis the gift - We live because we want to live. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011. <>. Slide 2.) Slide 3.)Picture: Text: < Slide 4.) Beech, Alexandra. " Venezuela: Human Trafficking | ." Venezuela - Hugo Chavez - Human Rights - Alek Boyd - Eva Golinger | . N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <>. Slide 5.)Picture: Slide 6.)Text:Trafficking In Persons > Transnational Issues statistics - countries compared - NationMaster."NationMaster - World Statistics, Country Comparisons. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. Picture: Slide 7-8.) Slide 9.)Text Picture Slide 10.) "Worst Form of Child Labour - Venezuela: Global March Against Child Labour." Global March Against Child Labour: From Exploitation to Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. <
CITATION Slide 11.) Text: Picture Slide 12.) "UNHCR | Refworld | Trafficking in Persons Report 2010 - Venezuela." UNHCR Welcome. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. <,USDOS,,VEN,4c1883b73e,0.h Slide 13.) "Venezuela Holds Hearing on Human Trafficking, Calls on US to Lift Sanctions |" | Venezuela News, Views, and Analysis. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. < Slide 14.) Slide 15.) Slide 16-19.) Text: "Venezuela Holds Hearing on Human Trafficking, Calls on US to Lift Sanctions |" | Venezuela News, Views, and Analysis. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. < Picture: