28/03/2017 AIS-AIM SG - #4 Agenda item 1.4 Development implementation of AIS-AIM transition Implementation programmes and updates Paul Bosman Enter here your Presentation Title
Some highlights of ongoing AI related activities in Europe Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Digital NOTAM Aeronautical Information Services Aeronautical Information Systems (incl onboard) Relevant European regulations and standards AIS-AIMSG-#4
Aeronautical Information Exchange Model - I AIXM 5.1 UML model, XML schema released since Feb 2010 Currently in implementation Guidance Business rules Purpose: capture relevant AIXM 5.1 business rules from existing AICM 4.5 rules, ICAO Annexes 10/11/14/15, ICAO PANS-OPS, ARINC 424-19…and standardise their wording & encoding using Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR) and ISO Schematron Maturity: Available for public review – likely to evolve over time to capture the feedback from AIXM stakeholders. See https://extranet.eurocontrol.int/http://prisme-oas.hq.corp.eurocontrol.int/aixmwiki_public/bin/view/Main/AIXM_Business_Rules Temporality Model Purpose: Describe the temporality model implemented in AIXM 5.1 in order to satisfy the AIS temporal requirements – support of digital NOTAM in particular (not possible with AIXM4.5). Maturity: v1.0 released See http://www.aixm.aero/gallery/content/public/AIXM51/AIXM%20Temporality%201.0.pdf GML Profile Purpose: GML is a mature geometrical/geographical data encoding standard and that was the main reason to use it for AIXM. The role of the profile is to guide implementations in the aviation domain. There is nothing that is invented on top of GML, just explanations how it can be used for the encoding of aviation specific data. Maturity: Still in development, no blocking issues so far. Industry involvement mainly through OGC - Aviation Domain Working Group. See http://external.opengeospatial.org/twiki_public/pub/AviationDWG/GMLGuidelinesForAIXM/REF_Use_of_GML_in_aeronautical_data_-_Discussion_Paper_DRAFT_3.pdf AIS-AIMSG-#4
Aeronautical Information Exchange Model - II Use of xlink:href and UUID Purpose: To provide technical details with regard to the use of Universal Unique Identifiers (UUID) for aeronautical features and encoding of associations between features using the xlink standard Maturity: v1.0 released See http://www.aixm.aero/gallery/content/public/AIXM51/AIXM_Feature_Identification_and_Reference-1.0.pdf Meta-data Purpose: Enable the encoding of information related to the quality, traceability, etc. of an aeronautical data set or feature, to detail the user requirements for metadata in the aviation domain (main sources: ICAO, ADQ, INSPIRE) and to provide guidance on how to map these requirements into an ISO 19115 Metadata Profile. Maturity: The metadata profile is available as an official OGC Discussion Paper. With the objective to promote it to OGC Best practice / Guidance Material when mature enough. See http://portal.opengeospatial.org/modules/admin/license_agreement.php?suppressHeaders=0&access_license_id=3&target=http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=41668. CRC Guidance Purpose: Enable the encoding of CRCs Maturity: Initial proposal available, including a CRC schema (extension to AIXM 5.1). Some aspects still being investigated (e.g. which attributes are subject to CRC wrapping, all or selected ones?) See: Keep an eye on www.aixm.aero , available on request. AIS-AIMSG-#4
Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Sesar developments Purpose: Within a SESAR context to deliver validated data models for the Aeronautical Information domain by representing all possible Aeronautical Information constructs, including information for military purposes, which may be exchanged between ATM stakeholders. Facilitate the development of systems that need to ingest, use, and/or deliver Aeronautical Information. Output: AIXM 5 served as Initial load to the ATM Information Reference Model; Looking into Terrain data models; Looking at additional requirements for aerodrome mapping data modelling as identified by EUROCAE WG44/RTCA217 deliverables; Additional validation of selected AIXM 5.1 constructs (e.g. procedures model). Modeling of Post-Flight Information Report (=> AIS Manual §8.8) No significant changes to AIXM5.1 identified so far AIS-AIMSG-#4
Some highlights of ongoing AI related activities in Europe Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Digital NOTAM Aeronautical Information Services Aeronautical Information Systems (incl onboard) Relevant European regulations and standards AIS-AIMSG-#4
Digital NOTAM Event Specification Content Introduction General requirements AIXM Event Schema Event Scenarios Data encoding rules Digital NOTAM Services Annex 1 - EBNF sources Annex 2 - XML Examples Version 1.0 To be released end May 2011 Baseline for the EAD implementation in 2012 Developed by Focus Group NOTAM operators NOTAM users (airlines, ATC, service provider, etc.) Eurocontrol & FAA Keep an eye on: http://www.aixm.aero/public/standard_page/digital_notam_main.html AIS-AIMSG-#4
Digital NOTAM Event Specification - Purpose 28/03/2017 Digital NOTAM Event Specification - Purpose Event data Target: application developers ! Restricted area North of Sjaellands Odde TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA IS ESTABLISHED daily from 08:00-17:00 between 07 NOV and 17 NOV AS FOLLOWS NORTH OF SJAELLANDS ODDE: 560028N 0111656E - 560643N 0111026E - 561500N 0112400E - 561500N 0113600E -560112N 0114736E - 555730N 0113830E - 560028N 0111656E. between SFC and 60000 FT AMSL RELEVANT ATS UNITS REF. AIP DENMARK ENR 5.1 ITEM 3: AARHUS APP/TWR, ACC KOEBENHAVN Rules Rules Rules Data encoding rules Data validation rules NOTAM production rules Digital NOTAM AIXM 5.1 encoded data output Text NOTAM ICAO Format (Snnnn/yy NOTAMN Q) EKDK/QRRCA/IV/BO /W /000/600/5606N01130E012 A) EKDK B) 0711010800 C) 0711011100 E) TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA ESTABLISHED AS FOLLOWS (NORTH OF SJAELLANDS ODDE): 560028N 0111656E - 560643N 0111026E - 561500N 0112400E - 561500N 0113600E -560112N 0114736E - 555730N 0113830E - 560028N 0111656E. RELEVANT ATS UNITS REF. AIP DENMARK ENR 5.1 ITEM 3: AARHUS APP/TWR, ACC KOEBENHAVN. DANGER AREA WITHIN THE PORTION OF AIRSPACE OVER THE HIGH SEA. F) SFC G) 60000FT AMSL) AIS-AIMSG-#4 Enter here your Presentation Title
Digital NOTAM - Scope of Increment 1 Airspace activation / reservations / warning areas / CTR (that are not H24) Justification: up-to-date “airspace activity” charts for VFR community, graphical enhancements to PIB, visualisation for ATC/APP, information provided to the pilot by ATC on request; Route closures (CDR1, CDR 2, other routes) Justification: up-to-date airspace/route availability data for flight planning applications; Navaid events (all, including ILS) Justification: critical data for Airline Operational Centres; Airport/Runway closures Justification: critical data for Airline Operational Centres, graphical enhancements to PIB; Taxiway closures / work areas Justification: graphical enhancements to PIB (identified difficulty – requires static data for Taxiway elements geometry); Obstacles SNOWTAM All other NOTAM as Text NOTAM associated with the feature Justification: completeness of the solution, to avoid digital data users having to also consult text NOTAM from another source. AIS-AIMSG-#4
SNOWTAM Trial 2009-2012+ Mid 2011 WFS: digital SNOWTAM data available for client applications! AIS-AIMSG-#4
Digital NOTAM – Data Origination Project Objective Demonstrate concept of input forms for Digital NOTAM origination Strongly requested by Stakeholders Scope Limited to one scenario (out of 50+) Ad-hoc Special Use Airspace Average difficulty Output: Standard Input forms Results by 2011, all available as open source AIS-AIMSG-#4
Some highlights of ongoing AI related activities in Europe Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Digital NOTAM Aeronautical Information Services Aeronautical Information Systems (incl onboard) Relevant European regulations and standards AIS-AIMSG-#4
Aeronautical Information Services Purpose Identify, define and develop Aeronautical and Meteorological Information Services based upon Service Oriented Architecture principles and current & foreseen ATM business needs How Analyze the requirements of existing & potential new users of Aeronautical Information Services Propose new services that could be provided on top of what is currently defined by ICAO, considering ICAO AIS to AIM Study Group and CANSO AIM WG inputs Progress to date, first services relate to: Aerodrome Mapping Information Service Taxiway Status Information Service Volcanic Ash Information Service In the pipeline Winds Aloft Information Service Special Use Airspace Information Service Output: Standardised Service Models which will be provided to implementers as Service Contracts Part of an ATM Information Service Reference Model (ISRM) AIS-AIMSG-#4
SWIM Example – “connecting the ATM world” 28/03/2017 SWIM Example – “connecting the ATM world” Example: Business need “Common Situational Awareness” Satisfied: SWIM enabled Application consuming TWY Status and Airport Map Information Services. Situational Awareness APP Service Consumers SWIM Middleware Information Service Information Service AirportMap InfoService TWY InfoService AIS-AIMSG-#4 Service Providers Enter here your Presentation Title
Some highlights of ongoing AI related activities in Europe Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Digital NOTAM Aeronautical Information Services Aeronautical Information Systems (incl onboard) Relevant European regulations and standards AIS-AIMSG-#4
Aeronautical Information Systems EAD Implementation 28/03/2017 Aeronautical Information Systems EAD Implementation Mar 2011 New obstacle model based on AIXM 5.1 (on test) Nov 2011 Download Minimum Static Data in AIXM 5.1 Minimum data set (the static data entities required for NOTAM validation and PIB generation required for NOTAM validation and PIB generation) will be available for download in AIXM 5.1 2012 - 2014 Full AIXM 5.1 operations (incremental) First two series of Digital NOTAM events (airspace closure and route closures) will be supported by EAD in Release 7 (mid 2012). This will also come with the possibility to upload an initial set of static data entities in AIXM 5.1 format. Rest of the AIXM 5.1 implementation will be done progressively in EAD, until 2014 incl Digital NOTAM Increment 1. AIS-AIMSG-#4 Enter here your Presentation Title
Aeronautical Information Systems - Sesar developments Digital NOTAM - Application Main input -> Digital NOTAM Event Specification User requirements for Digital NOTAM encoding applications Output (Mid 2012) – validated prototypes for RWY/Airport Closure &Temporary obstacles Integrated Digital Briefing Collection of user requirements from pre-SESAR projects ICAO SARPS Eurocontrol Integrated Briefing EAD Specifications Digital NOTAM Business Case FAA studies Etc. Pre-Flight briefings today cumbersome to build too much information sometimes irrelevant presented in a format difficult to read by the pilot Expectations Graphical capabilities and better filtering based on Digital NOTAM messages will address these shortcomings AIM Workflow – Relooking at the AIRAC Cycle ? AIS-AIMSG-#4
Aeronautical Information Systems Onboard Aeronautical Databases 28/03/2017 Aeronautical Information Systems Onboard Aeronautical Databases Scope & Objectives: Evolutions of the structure & content of on-board Navigation, Airport, Terrain & Obstacle DB Evolutions of the database production chain (data protection, integrity…) Output: 2011/2012 Validated prototypes Definition of Global Database Management Process - Consider the regulatory framework - Identify the most effective means to ensure data integrity - Recommendations for DB packing, verification, certification Define a set of mapping rules for conversion of ground sources (AIXM 5.1) into Arinc424A data (2011) Practically – validation of NavDB chain End User validation FMS Simulation ARINC 424A UML/XML/BXML AIS-AIMSG-#4 Enter here your Presentation Title
Some highlights of ongoing AI related activities in Europe Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Digital NOTAM Aeronautical Information Services Aeronautical Information Systems (incl onboard) Relevant European regulations and standards AIS-AIMSG-#4
Aeronautical Data Quality (ADQ) COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 73/2010 “laying down requirements on the quality of aeronautical data and aeronautical information for the single European sky” Basically; Turning Annex 15 into European Law Compliance dates: 2013-2017 Means of Compliance Electronic AIP (eAIP) Published 100% Aligned with Doc8126 eAIP material Data Quality Requirements (DQR) Under development Data Assurance Levels (DAL) Under development Aeronautical Information Exchange (AIX) Under development Data Origination (DO) Under development Once matured certainly some material to be re-used for ICAO Guidance material AIS-AIMSG-#4
Aeronautical Data Quality (ADQ) Objective: develop a draft SES interoperability implementing rule to achieve aeronautical information of sufficient quality in the aeronautical data chain from post-publication by the AIS provider to the end-user. Purpose: Provide the data quality required to enable current and future concepts such as Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Apply common quality measures throughout the data supply chain Output: Proposals are currently being drafted. AIS-AIMSG-#4
Recommendation The group is invited to: Note the presented material Discuss the potential impact of the AI services (modelling) on Annex 15 More information ? EUROCONTROL AIM www.eurocontrol.int/aim & www.eurocontrol.int/ead & www.eurocontrol.int/adq AIXM 5.1 www.aixm.aero & AIXM public wiki (https://extranet.eurocontrol.int/http://prisme-oas.hq.corp.eurocontrol.int/aixmwiki_public/bin/view/Main/ ) OGC Aviation DWG on OGC Web site (http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/groups/aviationdwg) Aviation DWG public wiki (http://external.opengeospatial.org/twiki_public/AviationDWG/WebHome) SESAR www.sesarsju/eu Drop me an email ;-) paul.bosman@eurocontrol.int AIS-AIMSG-#4