Amendment A-2-1 (Long and Scott) Compliance Agreement and Ordinance Approving Remedial Language June 21, 2011
Overview of Amendment Non-Compliance Determination Compliance Agreement Ordinance Actions Requested Presentation Outline
Overview of Amendment Non-Compliance Determination Compliance Agreement Ordinance Actions Requested Presentation Outline
Overview of Amendment Original request: Approval of a Growth Center with – 2.8 million square feet industrial 750,000 square feet airport-related uses 50,000 square feet commercial 150,000 square feet office
Overview of Amendment BCC Adoption Public Hearing – June 22, 2010 DCA issued Statement of Intent – August 20, 2010
Overview of Amendment Non-Compliance Determination Compliance Agreement Ordinance Actions Requested Presentation Outline
Compliance issues Expansion of urban development into a predominately rural area Availability of urban services, and service provider Scale of potential entitlements Impact to adjoining county Non-Compliance Determination
Overview of Amendment Non-Compliance Determination Compliance Agreement Ordinance Actions Requested Presentation Outline
Policy revisions clarify the role of Growth Centers Policy additions create the Aviation Growth Center (AGC) and link most Long & Scott development entitlements to: Establishment of a general aviation facility within the West Orange Aviation Authority district; County approval and incorporation of the West Orange Aviation Authority Airport Master Plan into the Comprehensive Plan; and Executed agreements with service providers other than Orange County. Compliance Agreement
Overview of Amendment Non-Compliance Determination Compliance Agreement Ordinance Actions Requested Presentation Outline
Ordinance Adopts the remedial plan amendments
Overview of Amendment Non-Compliance Determination Compliance Agreement Ordinance Actions Requested Presentation Outline
Compliance Agreement Approval of Compliance Agreement in the case styled Department of Community Affairs vs. Orange County, DOAH Case No GM, for Comprehensive Plan Amendment A-2-1 (Long and Scott). Actions Requested
Remedial Ordinance Adoption of Ordinance approving remedial actions set forth in the Compliance Agreement Actions Requested
Amendment A-2-1 (Long and Scott) Compliance Agreement and Ordinance Approving Remedial Language June 21, 2011