Which of the following is a cause of the American Revolution? 1.Financial costs of French and Indian War 2.Stamp Act 3.Intolerable Acts 4.All of the above
The fact the England only cared about the American colonies as a way to provide for raw materials and markets for their goods was referred to as the ……policy. 1.Merchant 2.Meridian 3.Mercantile
The Navigation Acts could be described by which of the following 1.Colonists had to export certain goods only to the British Empire 2.All goods headed to American had to pass through Britain for a tax (duty) 3.All goods coming to or going from the colonies had to be carried on British ships 4.All of the above
The Navigation Acts are an example of “Economic Protectionism”. Which of the following seems like the best definition of this idea. 1.The British passed these Acts to protect their own economic interests in the colonies 2.The British passed these Acts to help protect the economic interests of the colonists 3.The British passed these Acts to help protect the colonists from French and Indian troops
II. Summarize how the colonists were governed: Governor appointed by King Governor appoints judges and others Elected Assembly (male property owners/ tax payers)
Many of the problems for the colonial assemblies centered on money and taxes…much the way Parliament struggled with the Kings during and after the English Revolution 1.True 2.False
II. A. What became a main point of conflict between the colonial assemblies and the English Parliament ? The colonists right to approve taxes from the King, Parliament, or Governors
Which of the following best describes the French and Indian War? 1.French troops and colonists fought against British troops and colonists over land claims 2.Certain Native Indian tribes fought with either the French or the British 3.French troops fought against Indian troops to control N. American land claims 4.Both 1 and 2 5.Both 2 and 3
III. Results of the French and Indian War A- Boundaries - Great Britain takes French land in N. America (including Canada and lands west of the Appalachians B- British Economy Hurt economy and cost to defend new land would be too much
What was the answer to problems mentioned above? A- Boundaries- No colonists were allowed to settle west of the Appalachians B- British Economy- Insist colonists pay for their own defense Enforce Navigation Acts Practice of Quartering
C- What was the legal reason for protesting the Stamp Act Direct tax paid to the government No Taxation without Representation
D. What was the cause of the Boston Tea Party? Tax on tea Larger idea…….who controls the colonies???
E. What were the results for the colonists? Punished Intolerable Acts Closed Boston Harbor Quartering troops Reduced self government (ex – town hall meetings limited
IV. First Continental Congress A- This signified the first – First meeting of colonial leaders face to face First show of unity and resistance
What ideas did it set forth? Colonies have the exclusive right and power to make laws in colonies Boycott British goods Intention of the Boycotts?
Even after the Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, First Continental Congress and the events at Lexington and Concord; there were many that were not sure of the decision to declare war and independence 1.True 2.False
If the King and Parliament had treated the colonists as British citizens and granted them the same rights, the colonists would never have declared independence. 1.Strongly agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly disagree 5.Not sure
21.4 Identify examples of Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire’s ideas that are present during and after the American Revolution
Montesquieu 3 Branches of Govt.US Constitution Checks and Balances
Rousseau Sovereignty in hands of people Remove chains of oppression Social Contract Forming a Republic Declaration of Independence American Revolution
Voltaire Freedom of Speech Freedom of Religion Bill of Rights
Locke Natural Rights Social Contract Bill of Rights Declaration of Indepence Constitution