FRS Technology Assessment Step 2 – Common Traffic Scenarios Phil Platt, Nikos Fistas AGCFG 3/WGC September 2006, Brussels European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
Content Communication requirements Need for common set of scenarios Definition of test volumes Characteristics of the scenarios Application of the scenarios Next steps
Communication Requirements The communication requirements are defined by 4 basic characteristics coverage area numbers of aircraft communication traffic (ATS and AOC) The COCR provides information on requirements using service volumes which are based on sectors Phase 1 - size as today Phase times sector size of today
Common scenarios for technology assessment The coverage volume of specific technologies is dependent on their characteristics frequency band modulation data rate transmitter power/receiver sensitivity ….. The requirements has to be defined in such a way that the technology can be assessed a set of scenarios are being developed for use in the technology assessment they can be used in the most relevant way for each technology Aimed at meeting Phase 2 requirements
Basic Test Volumes Initial set are based on 3 basic geometrical test volumes have been defined from the COCR for high density worse case situation in Phase FL245 – FL45055NM x 55NM3D rectangleENR ft – FL24549NM x 49NM3D rectangleTMA 260 – 5000ft10NM diameterCylinderAirport Volume (nm 3 )Height RangeDimensionsShapeService Volume
Additional Test Volumes The COCR service volumes are based on operational sectors variety of shapes and densities not necessarily matched to technology capability The need to evaluate how a technology would be implemented in larger volumes as these affect infrastructure choices and/or spectrum needs Therefore additional test volumes are being created for Larger TMA type test volumes Larger ENR type test volumes Whole of ECAC - based on likely terrestrial coverage
Sets of test volumes 5000ft Ground TV2.1 TV2.2 Ground 5000ft FL245 49NM 75NM 10NM Airport TMA FL245 FL450 TV3.1TV3.2 TV3.3 55NM 100NM 200NM Ground ENR
ECAC test volume
The ECAC test volume has been defined as the sectors likely to be in coverage of a terrestrial system en route sectors TMA sectors Total PIAC derived from SAAM
Air/Air Test Volume COCR defines 3 ranges for a/a broadcast - 5NM, 60NM and 200NM
Traffic Scenarios For each test volume, a traffic scenario is being developed giving: Number of aircraft in the test volume (derived from SAAM data) Capacity requirements Uplink and downlink ATS and AOC capacity requirements per aircraft in respect of: Air-Ground addressed transactions Air-Air addressed transactions Air-Ground broadcast transactions Air-Air broadcast transactions COCR does not identify requirements for a/a addressed or a/g broadcast
Sharing of Traffic Scenarios An Excel file is being created containing the key parameters that will define the set of scenarios The file format is being defined but will include aircraft numbers communication requirements - a/g, a/a - addressed and broadcast - in the test volumes The file will be made available to support assessment of technologies
Next steps Completion of the parameters for the set of test volumes calculation of communications requirements in large volumes Distribution of the file for technology assessment file planned to be completed by early-October