2011: AMENDMENT OF THE ILLINOIS HOSPITAL LICENSING ACT, “Safe patient handling policy” (210 ILCS 85/6.25), Public Act , effective Overall policy: Patient safety, dignity, choice Patients know best what works for them Fewer injuries to patients as well as hospital workers Maintenance of patient dignity and comfort
-- Requirement of safe lifting team Expertise in both manual and mechanical lifting and moving Patient and caregiver injury prevention Enhanced staff productivity High patient and staff satisfaction
-- A policy of advising patients of a range of transfer and lift options, including adjustable equipment, mechanical lifts, and a safe lifting team -- The right of a competent patient/guardian to choose among the range of transfer and lift options
-- Documentation of an assessment and plan for the patient’s lifting and movement upon admission and as status changes; including choices of patient/guardian among range of transfer and lift options.
-- Training of nurses and other direct patient care providers on safe lifting policies and techniques and current lifting equipment Best practice: annual refresher training for all health care workers.
-- Incorporation of such safe lifting procedures, techniques, and equipment as are consistent with applicable federal law. WATCH FOR: The DOJ/HHS guidelines on access for people with mobility disabilities; U.S. Access Board’s standards for accessible medical diagnostic equipment.
2012: AMENDMENT OF THE ILLINOIS NURSING HOME CARE ACT, “Safe resident handling policy” (210 ILCS 45/ ), Public Act , effective Same terms as hospital bill but with more detail in Definition of adjustable equipment Training of safe lifting teams
Adjustable equipment: Includes, but is not limited to, Wheelchairs Commode chairs, shower benches and gurneys Weight scales Adjustable beds Call buttons and bed controls Physical therapy platform tables, exercise machines
Training of safe lifting teams Equipment Types Operation Selection Safe use Location Condition Manual lifting and moving Risk assessment Advising residents Documenting
Some data on benefits of safe lifting teams Federal AHRQ (Agency for Health Care Research and Quality), recent findings from Miami Valley Hospital (Dayton, OH) safe lifting team program, : Staff back and shoulder injuries reduced by 70% and no injuries to trained lifting team More than 2000 hours of nursing staff time freed up annually High nurse, family, and patient satisfaction