Community Development Department Green Development Incentive Program Ordinance November 12, 2013
Community Development Department Where Business Grows! Planning for Sustainability Green Resolution –Lead by Example 2035 Comprehensive Plan – : Encourage Mixed-use developments within Northwest Corridor Overlay Area to obtain green certifications and incorporate green practice standards –3.3.3: Promote Energy Efficient Homes –5.1.4: Water Conservation –6.1.16: Sustainability through government operations Prosperity 2021 –“Comprehensive Incentive Program” Strategic Action Plan –Objective 4.1: To develop programs to enhance our water conservation strategies –Objective 4.3: Evaluate current “Green” initiatives and targeted projects are sustainable
Community Development Department Encourage ‘Green’ Development The Ordinance enhances City commitment to sustainable operations and provides framework for volunteer-based Green Development Incentive Program. Goal: Recruit participation with attractive incentives and ultimately change the culture of the development industry.
Community Development Department Existing Green Development Incentive Program Program participation is volunteer and incentive-based. Open to new and existing residential, commercial/non-residential, and land development activities. Program utilizes established ‘Green’ standards to measure compliance. Florida Water Star added to standards in 2011 amendment to Ordinance. City continually monitors ‘Green’ standards to identify any conflicts with laws, practices or technologies.
Community Development Department Incentives for All Participants Applicants participating in Program receive priority over projects that are not ‘Green’ development projects. Provide recognition on City website or by other means that project is dedicated to sustainable practices. Monetary incentives through the building permit process for new and existing structures.
Community Development Department Promoting the Program City website enhancements and speaking engagements Incorporation of informational comments on staff development permit reviews Setting the framework for future projects 1.Airport Area Economic Development Incentive Area 2.South Old Kings Road Planning Area 3.Old Brick Township Development of Regional Impact (DRI) 4.Neoga Lakes DRI 5.Ryan’s Landing Master Plan Development (MPD) 6.Cobblestone Village Phase II MPD 7.Seminole Pointe MPD
Community Development Department Green Certification Activity Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) – Ten new residential buildings Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) – Kohls Recognizing businesses for sustainable initiatives through the “Go Green” award. Home Care Pharmacy Hilton Garden Inn Florida Water Star – Five 25 Emerald Lake Court 76 Eric Drive 101 Eric Drive 7 Edgemont Place 62 Sloganeer Trail
Community Development Department What Have We Learned??? Standard promotion of the program does not ensure success Staff should reevaluate industry behaviors Interest in Green Building appears diminished Monitoring and consideration of enhancements to the Florida Building Code remains necessary Streamline process and promotion of Florida Water Star Utility Impact Fee Program and Green Development Incentive Program (GDIP) Evaluate the sustainability of funding sources for GDIP
Community Development Department What is Changing? Reimbursement of Permit Fee shall be: Residential: $ and Commercial: $1, Program budget shall not exceed $10, Fee schedule will be revaluated during budget process. City staff will continue with one (1) no-cost third party certification at “Building Final” inspection for new construction.
Community Development Department Land Development A net reduction of project costs shall be a minimum of $2, for Master Planned Developments that include the following. ( Fast-tracking, Project Recognition, Special Designation, Fee Reduction, No-cost FGBC certification) Total Savings: $2,900 Single-family (3) and Commercial (2)
Community Development Department Staff recommended changes Remove Ordinance Sunset date Adopt Resolution: Creates a cap to program funding of $10, Outlines reimbursement amounts for: Residential construction = $ Commercial construction = $1, Revisit Green Development Incentive Program Promotion Strategy and Funding Sources