Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR presentation Bernard MEURICHE THALES Communications September 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR presentation Bernard MEURICHE THALES Communications September 2006

2 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR: project introduction STAR S: S ecure T: A T M A: CDM A Software Defined R: R adio STAR is a EC-FP Aero-1 STREP

3 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department Background EUROCONTROL / AGILENT WCDMA experiments EUROCONTROL Project UK test area (C band) + Azores flight (VHF band) tests

4 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department Civilian Aircraft Products Background for civilian aircrafts THALES solutions in line with avionics standards TWG 760 Gate link TLS 755 MMR AHV 560 Radio Altimètre EVR 750 VDR VHF Data Link

5 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department ICAO : UMTS Proposal

6 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR Objectives The STAR project will study and validate a secure, scalable, Wideband UMTS/3GPP communication system including the avionics modem and necessary ground communication infrastructure for a future air traffic communication system (part of ATM) with provision for future extension through SDR reconfigurability at avionics level. In order to limit the impact of yet another system to be rolled out in aircrafts, the STAR consortium will investigate the usability of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) approach (both for radio and modem parts). The Software Defined Radio (SDR) concept, which has not been applied to avionics equipments yet in Europe, is an innovative technological breakthrough that will for the first time allow to provide backward compatibility with legacy systems but also forward compatibility with future ones. Within the frame of STAR project, this concept will be implemented on two very different waveforms : WCDMA, UMTS stack based, transmitting in RF frequency (new mode) VHF legacy audio transmission (SDR to legacy)

7 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR Objectives Development of a secure, scalable, wideband ATM/ATC radio system Safety is provided by the security of the communication system which features are : Privacy : only authorised parties can get the data (cyphering, coding) Authentication : UMTS provides for mutual mean to prove the identity of the message originator Data integrity : data cannot be altered without detection Non-repudiation : it can undeniably be proven that a message was sent and availability brought by the scalable high capacity provided by UMTS Development of a representative trial network permitting the set-up of an air-ground link by airborne equipment in Wideband communications mode For the wideband communications ground infrastructure of the STAR system it is planned to modify the 3G UMTS/FDD base station hardware as a basis.

8 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR Objectives Research and development of a prototype multi-mode (SDR) avionics RF + baseband platform able to support both wideband communications and the existing legacy formats. Software Defined Radio (RF + modem) : STAR is aiming at proving the advantages of a SDR concept for avionics ATM purposes regarding: 1.Modulations (legacy analogue voice and digital wideband 3GPP) 2.Frequencies (at VHF for voice and at RF frequency for Wideband CDMA) showing the backward compatibility of this concept with legacy and forward compatibility with other standards.

9 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR Objectives Estimation of the capacity and QoS improvements offered by a wideband communications system with regards to 8.33 kHz and VDL-Mode2 systems. Capacity : UMTS (3GPP) is able of the highest capacity ever achieved in cellular networks QoS: UMTS protocols are able to handle in real time both voice and data services with a high and defined Quality of Service (QoS = availability, high rate, security, robustness..) Validation and verification of a secure wideband communications system by 2008 in lab and flight trials. The validation of the ATM SDR concept will be done: In lab trials emulating the complete system (airborne and ground equipment), using channel simulators, traffic load generation and jamming, at VHF for legacy analogue voice and digital wideband modulation and at RF frequency for CDMA waveforms Through flight trials in order to confirm the lab tests results, at VHF for legacy analogue voice and at RF frequency for CDMA waveforms.

10 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR Objectives Preparatory standardisation & regulatory activities required for an effective wideband based ATM system deployment. Standardisation : Preparation of the necessary inputs for ICAO Regulation : preparation of the necessary inputs for the EUROCONTROL spectrum management group and ETSI with regard to spectrum allocation activities at WRC2007 Promotion of the system and dissemination towards the relevant stakeholders ICAO regulatory bodies such as ACP Airline Electronic Engineering Committee (ARINC) Civil aviation companies : through our partner IATA ANSP – activities happening through DFS and NATS

11 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR : Project Scope ATM WWW? Node B RNC Node B RNC RF BB Node B RFBB RF BB RF BB RF BB PS Ap p PS Ap p W- CDMA RTOS/OS

12 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR : tailored capacity example 384Kbps, small cells 128Kbps, medium cells 64Kbps, large cells 19.2Kbps, very large cells

13 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR SDR approach Software Defined Radio Wideband RF processing Either directly or in IF the SDR concept allows to cover wide spectrums through simple re-configuration Wide dynamic range AD conversion and processing Antenna processing capability (SDMA) RF/IF re-configurability Ability to adapt to various waveforms Re-configurable RF level architectures Frequency agility in Tx and Rx modes

14 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR SDR approach RF TECHNICAL ISSUES SWR ARCHITECTURE RF reconfiguraility Rx anti - jamming and high dynamic range in several modes and frequency bands using reconfigurable filtering chains Tx spurious rejection in several modes and frequency bands using reconfigurable filtering chains BUS Baseband Functions IF/RF Function Versatile V/UHF Rx/Tx Communication Module RF PA + RF FILTER

15 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR: LAB Trial set-up Application Server RNCNode B Commercial Channel Simulator RF Front-end BB Modem Application Server Aircraft equipmentGround infrastructure

16 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR WBS

17 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR Schedule Overall duration 30 months

18 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR consortium COMMUNICATIONS ATM Project leader Partners

19 Date and references Business line or Division or Corporate Department STAR : Contacts THANK YOU Agilent Technologies Michael Dieudonné Thales Communications Bernard Meuriche COMMUNICATIONS