Amber (fossilized pine resin)
William Gilbert William Gilbert gave us the word electricity. It came from ‘elektron’ the Greek word for amber.
Benjamin Franklin’s kite experiment showed lightning was electricity.
Atoms are the tiniest particles of any element
Nucleus (positive charge) Electrons (negative charge) Electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom
Each orbit can hold a specific number of electrons Atoms prefer filled orbits to balanced charges So… Rubbing different materials together helps electrons move from one material to the other, which puts a positive charge on one and a negative charge on the other.
Unlike charges attract each other Like charges repel each other
Van de Graff generator & discharge ball
Van de Graff generator & flourescent bulb
Van de Graff generator & dancing ball
Van de Graff generator & volta’s hailstorm
Van de Graff generator & ribbon plume
Van de Graff generator & electric whirl
Van de Graff generator & volunteer hair