I can use correct grammar by determining when to use dashes and parentheses. I can analyze a text according to the Hero’s Journey. I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can use before, during, and after reading strategies.
1.Come to class prepared with pencil and notebook/binder. 2.RESPECT all classmates. 3.Observe the 15/15 rule. 4.You must sign out to leave the classroom. Only ask to leave if it is an emergency. 5.When absent make sure to fill out the yellow missing work slip AND check the webpage. 6.Schedule Change: 3 rd block is now from 11:49-1:49 4 th block is from 1:55-3:30 Lunches 1.11:49-12: :19-12: :49-1:14 4.1:19-1:49 7. KHEAA is offering $500 scholarship for a “Promote Your School” essay. They have different topics to choose from and the essay should be no longer than 200 words. If you are interested, let me know!!!
Think of a goal you have for this class or the remainder of the school year. Take a party hat and write your name on one side and your goal on the other! Decorate your party hat. We will hang these up as a reminder of our goals.
Most parenthetical elements are set off by commas or by parentheses. Sometimes, though, such elements call for a sharper separation from the rest of the sentence. Rule 1: Use the dash to indicate an abrupt break in thought or speech or an unfinished statement or question. Example: The results-I am happy to say- are favorable. Rule 2: Use a dash to mean namely, that is, in other words, and similar expressions that come before an explanation. Example: I speak two languages-French and Spanish. (namely) The weather was cool-in the seventies- for the first time in weeks. (that is) Rule 3: Use parentheses to enclose material of minor importance in a sentence. Example: The child’s question (“Why is the sky blue?) stumped his parents. Our neighbors’ three year old daughter (she loves the water) swims in the pool with her parents. I can use correct grammar by determining when to use dashes and parentheses.
Directions: Show where dashes and parentheses are needed by writing the word before, the enclosed material, and the word after each set of marks. 1.Jerome agreed to listen to an opera what a shock if his parents would listen to his rap music. 2. Shirley is worried that her grade point average it’s 3.6 is not high enough for her to win a scholarship to the Navel Academy. 3. To assemble this machine the instructions are included takes only an hour. 4. They celebrate April First April Fool’s Day with great enthusiasm. I can use correct grammar by determining when to use dashes and parentheses.
1. opera-what a shock-if Jerome agreed to listen to an opera- what a shock- if his parents would listen to his rap music. 2. average-it’s 3.6- Shirley is worried that her grade point average- it’s 3.6 -is not high enough for her to win a scholarship to the Navel Academy. 3.machine-the instructions- are To assemble this machine -the instructions are included- takes only an hour. 4. celebrate (April First) April They celebrate (April First) April Fool’s Day with great enthusiasm. I can use correct grammar by determining when to use dashes and parentheses.
ignoble confronted oath tumultuous realm coronation inscription wrath sovereign adversary champion obliged fidelity Diverted I can use before, during, and after reading strategies.
Vocabulary: Write the vocabulary word that properly fills in the blank. Vocabulary Words: Ignoble, confronted, oath, tumultuous, realm, coronation, inscription, wrath, sovereign, adversary, champion, obliged, fidelity, diverted 1.A knight is ______________ to act with honor. 2.A ____________ has power because the citizens accept him or her as ruler. 3.Sir Launcelot could not be ___________ from the fight. 4.A thief stealing my belongings may make me feel __________. 5.The knight showed ______________ to his king by faithfully fighting for the cause. 6.King Arthur was a _______________ for chivalry. 7.Sir Launcelot became an _______________ of King Arthur after his infidelity with Guinevere. 8.Everyone who lived in the evil King’s _____feared him. 9.The haughty countess ignored the _____commoners who worked in the kitchen. 10.The knights swore an _____of loyalty to one another. 11.A gala ball was held at the palace following the queen’s _____. 12.The boy bravely _____ his fear of the bucking horse and leapt onto its back. 13.The _____ on the base of the statue revealed the hero’s name and accomplishments. 14.The quiet stream became a _____ torrent after the rains. I can use before, during, and after reading strategies.
Vocabulary: Write the vocabulary word that properly fills in the blank. Vocabulary Words: Ignoble, confronted, oath, tumultuous, realm, coronation, inscription, wrath, sovereign, adversary, champion, obliged, fidelity, diverted 1.A knight is obliged to act with honor. 2.A sovereign has power because the citizens accept him or her as ruler. 3.Sir Launcelot could not be diverted from the fight. 4.A thief stealing my belongings may make me feel wrath. 5.The knight showed fidelity to his king by faithfully fighting for the cause. 6.King Arthur was a champion for chivalry. 7.Sir Launcelot became an adversary of King Arthur after his infidelity with Guinevere. 8.Everyone who lived in the evil King’s realm feared him. 9.The haughty countess ignored the ignoble commoners who worked in the kitchen. 10.The knights swore an oath of loyalty to one another. 11.A gala ball was held at the palace following the queen’s coronation. 12.The boy bravely confronted his fear of the bucking horse and leapt onto its back. 13.The inscription on the base of the statue revealed the hero’s name and accomplishments. 14.The quiet stream became a tumultuous torrent after the rains.
Arthurian Legend: A legend is a story about extraordinary deeds that has been told and retold for generations among a group of people. Legends, which are often about a particular person, are thought to have a historical basis but may also contain some elements of magic and myth. I can explain how characters function as archetypes.
The King Arthur legends are probably based on a fifth-or sixth-century Celtic chieftain, or warlord, who lived in Wales and led his people to victory against Saxon invaders from northern Germany. The chieftain was said to have been fatally wounded in battle and buried in the abbey of Glastonbury, where a gravestone can still be seen bearing his name. Arthurian legend as we know it today emerged gradually over centuries as storytellers told and retold popular tales about a great chief who mysteriously disappeared but promised to return when his people needed him. When Sir Thomas Malory wrote Le Morte d’Arthur, toward the end of the fifteenth century, the days of knights were over. Nonetheless, something in Malory’s portrayal of those days seems to have answered a longing in his audience for the more orderly time of knights and lords and castles-a time when “might fought for right.” I can explain how characters function as archetypes.
Task One: Read “The Sword in the Stone” and answer questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 on page 759. I can explain how characters function as archetypes.
Discuss Questions I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according to the Hero’s Journey.
Sir Lancelot (or Launcelot) was one of the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend. He was the most trusted of King Arthur’s knights and played a part in many of Arthur's victories. Lancelot is best known for his love affair with Arthur's wife Guinevere and the role he played in the search for the Holy Grail. He is also known as the most loyal friend of Arthur's nephew, Sir Gawaine. Lancelot's life and adventures have been featured in several medieval romances, often with conflicting back-stories and chains of events. I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according to the Hero’s Journey.
While reading the story, “The Tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake” on pages , think about the archetypal hero and the traits of the hero’s journey. How does Launcelot follow these traits? Is he an archetypal hero? I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according to the Hero’s Journey.