The noun: The word that is receiving the adjectives. NOUN A purpose adjective describes what something is used for. These adjectives often end with "-ing". Examples: sleeping (as in "sleeping bag") Purpose A material adjective describes what something is made from. Examples: wooden, metal, cotton, paper Material An origin adjective describes where something comes from. Examples: French, lunar, American, eastern, Greek Origin A colour adjective, of course, describes the colour of something. Examples: blue, pink, reddish, grey Colour A shape adjective describes the shape of something. Examples: square, round, flat, rectangular Shape An age adjective tells you how young or old something or someone is. Examples: ancient, new, young, old Age A size adjective, of course, tells you how big or small something is. Examples: large, tiny, enormous, little Size An opinion adjective explains what you think about something (other people may not agree with you). Examples: silly, beautiful, horrible, difficult Opinion The determiner: to inform if the adjective is singular or plural, definite or indefinite, next or far. Examples: a car, an apple, the book, the flowers, this man, that woman, these computers, those teachers. Determiner All you need to know about THE ADJECTIVE ORDER
O OPINION Beautiful Handsome Disgusting Cute
S SIZE Short Tall
A AGE Old Young Middle- aged 30 year-old
S Shape Fat Slim Stout Plump
C COLOR White Black Brunette Blond Tanned
O Origin Mexican American British Indian Peruvian
ONLY THINGS M MATERIAL Stone Leather Fabric Wool Silk
More examples of adjective order bagsleepingyellowsmalla bowlmetalroundhugea manBrazilianyounghandsomea NOUN PurposeMaterialOriginColourShapeAgeSizeOpinion Determiner EXTRA TASK: Work in pairs and describe some celebrities without mentioning their names. e.g. He's a fantastic young Scottish tennis player (Andy Murray) AIM: to guess the name of the person you are describing.