Word Recognition in Reading Sara Sereno
...in collaboration with...reflecting the input & hard work of Graham ScottChristopher Hand Dr. Sébastien Miellet (ESRC 1+3) Prof. Paddy O’Donnell ESRC grant (Sereno & O’Donnell)
Measurement EMs = best on-line measure of visual word recognition in the context of normal reading ERPs = best real-time measure of brain activity associated with the perceptual and cognitive processing of words
(Sereno & Rayner, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2003)
Word frequency & lexical access The sore on Tam-Tam’s was swollen. (HF) back (LF) rump Word frequency effect (HF < LF) Differential response to more common, high-frequency (HF) words vs. less common, low-frequency (LF) words. E.g., Used as index of successful lexical access (word recognition). Best estimate of lexical access: ms (N1).
(Sereno & Rayner, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2003) Sereno, Rayner, & Posner (NeuroReport, 1998). Sereno, Brewer, O’Donnell (Psych Sci, 2003).
Factors affecting word recognition Words in isolation Words in context Words across languages
Factors affecting word recognition Words in isolation Words in context Words across languages
Word variables VariableExampleRT Effect lengthduke - fishermanshort < long frequencystudent - stewardHF < LF spelling-soundfear - bear (HF)HF Reg = HF Exc regularityhint - pint (LF)LF Reg < LF Exc AoArabbit - pepperearly < late concretenessinsect - heavenconcrete < abstract emotionlove - hate - farmPos ? Neg ? Neu
HAPPY HALLOWEEN? Also, in collaboration with Dr. Hartmut Leuthold
Emotion words Arousal HighLow Valence Positivecash (peace) Negativepain (bored) Neutral (noisy) rock
Emotion X Frequency interaction
Emotion words in reading Her husband became because he drank too much. aroused violent delayed Positive vs. Negative vs. Neutral X Frequency target word effects post-target effects
Factors affecting word recognition Words in isolation Words in context Words across languages
Frequency X Contextual Predictability Gillian was on the last mile of the women’s marathon. She grabbed a bottle of water from a spectator and drank it. Although a rugby player, Clive struggled through the crowd at the bar carrying glasses of lager and bags of crisps. HF-Pred LF-Pred
Factors affecting word recognition Words in isolation Words in context Words across languages
Head-Modifier StructureHeadModifier Verb phrase verbobject Noun phrasenounadjective nounrelative clause prepositionalprepositionobject of prep. phrase
Nouns & Adjectives in French & English Comme prévu, le cycliste amateur a perdu la course. As expected, the amateur cyclist has lost the race.
Nouns & Adjectives in French & English Robert remarqua la neige jaune près de l’arbre. Robert noticed the yellow snow next to the tree. Vary word frequencies of N-A / A-N: Hi-Hi, Hi-Lo, Lo-Hi, Lo-Lo Vary plausibiltiy:
Emotion X Frequency interaction
Also, in collaboration with Dr. Hartmut Leuthold