BAGS ADJECTIVES In French, adjectives are placed in front of the noun, except for the BAGS adjectives If the noun is masculine, the adjective will be in masculine form If the noun is feminine, the adjective will usually take an -e or will change into the feminine form If the noun is plural, the adjective will take an –s Some adjectives have third forms that will be used if the noun is masculine and starts with a vowel or an -h
WHAT DOES BAGS STAND FOR? eauty ge oodness ize
BEAUTY beau/bel/belle Beautiful joli/jolie Pretty vilain/vilaine Ugly
AGE jeune/jeune Young vieux/vieil/vieille Old nouveau/nouvel/nouvelle New
GOODNESS bon/bonne Good mauvais/mauvaise Bad gentil/gentille Kind
SIZE grand/grande Tall petit/petite Small