International Civil Aviation Organization INFORMATION PAPER ACP-WGM16/IP-xx 17 - 19 May 2010 AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (ACP) 16th MEETING OF WORKING GROUP M Paris, France 17 – 19 May 2010 Agenda Item: 1x Data Communications Program Status (Presented by: Andy Colon, FAA) SUMMARY This information paper is intended to provide status of on going activities within the FAA for the implementation of the Data Communications Program.
Agenda Data Comm Objectives Segment 1 and Segment 2 Services (Summary) FAA Acquisition Lifecycle Milestones & Activities (Leading to FID) Program Outreach DCNSD Acquisition Status Notional Architecture 2
Data Comm Objectives Efficiency – enhance productivity of controllers and pilots Examples services include: Revised Departure Clearances, Optimized Descents, Transfer of Communications Capacity – enable advanced operations to reduce resource needs Examples services include: Initial Trajectory Based Operations, Conformance Management Safety – reduce communications errors related to voice Examples services include: Addressed Clearances
Segment 1 Services - Tower Planning acceleration of Revised Departure Clearances (DCL) in response to RTCA NextGen Task Force recommendations (S1P1) Enables full route clearances and revisions Exploits Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS) avionics found in newer aircraft Will not impact existing services Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS) up-links of airport weather, hazards, and restrictions to the aircraft (S1P2) Requires Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) avionics DCL – Departure Clearance including revisions transmitted to the aircraft on the ground Planning milestone for IOC 2014. Have developed plan to accelerate by one year. Currently reviewing safety requirements and vetting with FAA mgt. (Steve, too many unknowns to commit to 2013 date. Once we have more info on safety analyses and JRC approval in May we will be in better position to commit. We are currently working towards 2013 IOC for FANS 1/A+ over Mode 2 for DCL. Have made no mention of alternative strategy to Industry community. No DATIS until Phase 2.) Phase 1 (2014 planning milestone): DCL with FANS 1/!+ over Mode 2 only Phase 2 (2016 planning milestone): Phase 1 + DCL with ATN SC-214, also DATIS Note: Reason for 2016 is interdependency with ERAM development of ATN logon and protocol gateway. D-ATIS Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS) up-links of airport weather, hazards, and restrictions to the aircraft. 4
Segment 1 Services - En Route Data link logon (DLL) service to provide a unique digital identification of every aircraft (S1P1) Initial use of Trajectory Clearances for continuous descent approaches (S1P2) Automatic ATC “hand-off” (ACM) data transmitted to aircraft identifying the radio frequency in use by the next air traffic control sector (S1P2) Data Link Logon (DLL) 4D TRAJ – 4D Trajectory in Performance Based Airspace, providing conflict-free flight with stable aircraft routing ACM – ATC Communications Management data transmitted to aircraft identifying the radio frequency in use by the next air traffic control sector AMC – ATC Microphone Check 5
Segment 2 Services Continue Segment 1 services in Tower and En Route Extend Segment 1 services to TRACON Plus additional services: Trajectory Based Operations in Performance Based Airspace, providing conflict-free flight with stable aircraft routing Conformance Management to ensure aircraft compliance with trajectory Optimized Profile Descents and time-based metering NAS Airport status, delays and constraints, hazardous weather uplinked to the aircrew Taxi-in / Taxi-out service provides taxi routes for aircraft to follow from the gate to the runway D-TAXI – Data Link TAXI service provides taxi routes for aircraft to follow from the gate to the runway 4D TRAJ – 4D Trajectory in Performance Based Airspace, providing conflict-free flight with stable aircraft routing FLIPINT – Flight Plan Intent ITP – In-Trail Procedures M&S – Merging and Spacing C&P – Crossing and Passing PAIRAPP – Paired Approaches D-OTIS – Data Link Operational Terminal Information Service D-HIWAS – Data Link Hazardous Weather Service RVR – Data Link Runway Visual Range Service D-FLUP – Data Link Flight Update Information sent to aircraft on known flight delays/constraints, using the Data Link Flight Update Service. April 28, 2010 6
Timeline – Segment 1 Final Investment Decision Air Ground Network & Tower Automation (2011) Initial Investment Decision (2008) Screening Information Request (2010) Investment Analysis Readiness Decision (2006) Final Investment Decision for En Route (2012) Tower Initial Site (2014) En Route Initial Site (2016) Many of you are probably familiar with the FAA’s Acquisition Management System represented by this graphic. Data Comm received approval to enter Investment Analysis in 2006, and successfully completed the first phase in 2008. The program is now in Final Investment Analysis and the focus is to finalize the requirements and the business case for the components required to deliver Segment One services. The Final Investment Decision for the Data Communications Network and Tower services is scheduled for 2011. Towards this end we will be releasing a Request for Proposal for the Data Communications Network Service in 2010. The Final Investment Decision for En Route Services is planned for 2012. Tower service is scheduled to begin in 2014 with Departure Clearances. We are assessing how to accelerate the development and implementation. En Route services are currently planned to begin in 2016. They include automating routine clearances, transfer of communications to the next sector, and the ability to provide better routes around weather. The program cost and schedule profiles for Segment One services will be baselined at Final Investment Decision.
Timeline – Segment 2 Segment 2 En Route and Approach Control Implementation (2018-20) Final Investment Decision Segment 2 En Route and Approach Control (2015) Initial Investment Decision (2008) Investment Analysis Readiness Decision (2006) Segment Two services will include introducing data messages for non time critical communications in the Approach Control environment, as well as implementing trajectory based flight in designated airspace. The Final Investment Decision for these capabilities is currently scheduled in 2015. The planning milestone for initial Approach Control services is 2018 and we are in the process of refining our planning date for En Route Services. The date is anticipated in the 2018 – 2020 range.
FY09 – FY12 Activities 1QTR 2QTR 3QTR 4QTR FY 2009 1QTR 2QTR 3QTR 4QTR FY 2010 1QTR 2QTR 3QTR 4QTR FY 2011 1QTR 2QTR 3QTR 4QTR FY 2012 Milestone P Develop Initial Equipage Strategy Release Data Communications Network Service (DCNS) RFC Develop System Performance & Loading Analysis Documents Conduct Human-in-the-Loop Simulations Release Draft DCNS Screening Information Request (SIR) Draft Avionics Standards SC-214 Work Package 2 Finalize Communication System Specifications Release DCNS Screening Information Request (SIR) DCNS Proposal Evaluation Final Investment Decision 1A DCNS En Route Specifications En Route Automation Program Proposal Review Final Investment Decision 1B En Route Automation Enhancements TDLS Critical Design Review TDLS Development Testing SEP 2008 P DEC FEB APR AUG P SEP P MAR MAY JUL JUL SEP DCNS Acquisition requires Avionics Standards for both Segments 1 and 2 Extensible service – long term contract increases vendor interest Jointly developing standards with Europe Standards are gating item to commercial development of avionics ERAM Acquisition systems performance details required from Avionics Standards development Safety-critical service requirements Alignment of resources with overall ERAM program development Draft avionics standards for SC-214 Work Package 2 completed in Dec per the internal team challenge schedule. OCT JUN DEC MAR JUN SEP 9
Program Outreach – Avionics Signed Agreements with Rockwell and Honeywell to spur early development of prototype SC-214 avionics Manufacturers also providing fleet and market data Participating in Boeing-NextGen agreement
Airspace User Outreach Follow-up to RTCA NextGen Task Force 5 with interested airlines Open one-on-one dialogue and create environment for two way communications Airline benefits and business case Service for equipage opportunities: Review operational scenarios where Data Comm can improve the efficiency of airline operation operations Stand up Data Link Users Forum (DLUF) Ad Hoc Committee Start to address technical and integration issues for initial services American Continental United FedEx Delta/Northwest Interested airlines include: Continental (initial meeting in Dec 2009) United (initial meeting in February 2010) American (initial meeting in February 2010) Delta/Northwest (initial meeting in February 2010) FedEx (initial meeting in March 2010) - By ATCA, team will have already meet with Continental, United, American, Delta, and FedEx. Southwest (initial meeting to be scheduled) - Team contacted Southwest (Perry Clausen) several times. He did not appear interested in doing the follow through to actually set up the requested Data Comm/Southwest meeting, so team moved on. Will invite Southwest to participate in ad hoc DLUF meeting. Should Southwest show interest, happy to schedule meeting as we have with airlines above. 11
DCNSD Acquisition Status Data Communication Network Service (DCNS) to be procured through competitive service based acquisition Released Draft Screening Information Request (SIR) 30 Sep 09 Received vendor responses 4 Nov Prospective vendor one-on-one meetings Releasing follow-on draft SIR 3Q FY10 Provide offerors greater detail on avionics and incentivization approach SIR release expected FY 10 Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) and FAA Chief Financial Officer (CFO) review to complete prior to release 12
Overview: Notional Architecture